lockedata / starters

R Package 📦 for initializing projects for various R activities :nut_and_bolt:
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add docker #126

Open moldach opened 5 years ago

moldach commented 5 years ago

The benmarwick/rrtools package has a function (rrtools::use_dockerfile) which creates a dockerfile along with a project template. I'm wondering if a similar function for starters would be desired as a function argument (e.g. docker = FALSE)?

If so, I'd like to take a crack at it

stephlocke commented 5 years ago

That sounds great! I think you could initially do a very simple template with rocker/r-base as a starter Dockerfile. Bonus points if you use the whoami integration to write the maintainer info into the file.

maelle commented 5 years ago

:wave: @moldach! Still interested in a PR? :-)

moldach commented 5 years ago

👋 @moldach! Still interested in a PR? :-)

Hi @maelle I actually just started looking into this last night and had a few questions before I descend too far into the Rabbit hole.

My thinking is that this feature should be added to external_setup.R (between lines 47-71) as an option for the setup_repo function (i,e, ci_activation = c( "travis", "travis-with-docker")).

The second question is:

Bonus points if you use the whoami integration to write the maintainer info into the file.

I know the containerit package was designed to automagically generate a suitable Dockerfile; if we are not too worried about including another dependency I could integrate this. Alternatively, what about a system call to docker pull r-base and then some string manipulation to edit maintainer info with gh::gh_whoami?

maelle commented 5 years ago

I'd actually view this as an alternative packagedeps option?

Yes starters could use containerit, starters is not meant to be light weight. A system call sounds a bit fragile. Do you know how containerit finds info about the maintainer?

moldach commented 5 years ago

Okay I spent quite a bit of time learning about Docker/Rocker the past few days; making docker image and creating containers and looking into containerit. containerit finds out info about the maintainer via Sys.info()[["user"]]. I believe starters is using whoami::username() which calls Sys.getenv()[["USERNAME"]] - they look the same to me. If not we can change the maintainer with an arugment to dockerfile(): i.e. labeled_dockerfile <- dockerfile(from = clean_session(), maintainer = whoami::username()`

Concerning the creation of the Dockerfile, containerit::dockerfile() uses sessionInfo() to create a dockerfile_object that can be used to build a Docker image. I ran through the steps for createPackageProject and, after git_add_infrastructure(), ran containerit::dockerfile() and this is what the dockerfile would look like:

An object of class "Dockerfile"
Slot "image":
An object of class "From"
Slot "image":
[1] "rocker/r-ver"

Slot "postfix":
An object of class "Tag"
[1] "3.5.3"

Slot "maintainer":
An object of class "Label"
Slot "data":
[1] "Matthew"

Slot "multi_line":

Slot "instructions":
An object of class "Run_shell"
Slot "commands":
[1] "export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive; apt-get -y update"                       
[2] "apt-get install -y git-core \\\n\tlibcurl4-openssl-dev \\\n\tlibssl-dev \\\n\tmake"

An object of class "Run"
Slot "exec":
[1] "install2.r"

Slot "params":
 [1] "assertthat"     "backports"      "callr"          "cli"            "crayon"         "curl"           "desc"           "devtools"      
 [9] "digest"         "formatR"        "fs"             "futile.logger"  "futile.options" "glue"           "lambda.r"       "magrittr"      
[17] "packrat"        "pkgbuild"       "pkgload"        "prettyunits"    "processx"       "ps"             "R6"             "Rcpp"          
[25] "remotes"        "rlang"          "rprojroot"      "rstudioapi"     "semver"         "sessioninfo"    "stevedore"      "stringi"       
[33] "stringr"        "testthat"       "usethis"        "withr"         

An object of class "Run"
Slot "exec":
[1] "installGithub.r"

Slot "params":
[1] "hadley/memoise@1650ad7f9c27d2e0a932e50b16eedb574e8050df"

An object of class "Workdir"
Slot "path":
[1] "/payload/"

Slot "entrypoint":

Slot "cmd":
An object of class "Cmd"
Slot "exec":
[1] "R"

Slot "params":
[1] NA

Slot "form":
[1] "exec"

Excuse my ignorance about alternative packagedeps - I googled a bit but couldn't find out much. I think the build_vignettes paramater from devtools::install_github("auth/repo", build_vignettes=TRUE) is a sort of conditional installation but I'm not having much look figuring out how that's done. I would appreciate it if you could you point me to any literature on the matter?

maelle commented 5 years ago

I believe starters is using whoami::username() which calls Sys.getenv()[["USERNAME"]] - they look the same to me. If not we can change the maintainer with an argument to dockerfile()

They give the same output for me too but I wonder whether one of them is more robust? I'll try to get some information about that.

I do not understand your question about alternative packagedeps?

moldach commented 5 years ago

I do not understand your question about alternative packagedeps?

When you say alternative package dependencies I thought you meant an install command which would include containerit as a dependency if TRUE or not be included as a dependency if set to FALSE (much like vignettes are either included (or withheld) from install_github()). Perhaps you mean something else?

maelle commented 5 years ago

cc @stephlocke