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R Package 📦 for initializing projects for various R activities :nut_and_bolt:
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Add open = FALSE argument #127

Closed moldach closed 5 years ago

moldach commented 5 years ago

Added the open = FALSE argument to the four functions

maelle commented 5 years ago

Thanks @moldach! A few comments to make this ready for merging

Then run devtools::document().

By the way ICYMI to have devtools/usethis functions always available in your R session, which is useful for developing packages, I've recently discovered you can run usethis::use_devtools() to add loading devtools to your .Rprofile.

moldach commented 5 years ago
* Please document the new argument,

* Add `rstudioapi` to the list of required packages by running `usethis::use_package("rstudioapi")`,

Then run devtools::document().

Okay so I guess I forgot to document one function createAnalysisProject so I've now done that and added rstudioapi (thanks for tip about .Rprofile). The travis CI build still seems to fail so I'm wondering what else needs to be done on my end.


maelle commented 5 years ago

:wave: @moldach! I cloned your branch because I was surprised at a failing test (it didn't fail any more :woman_shrugging: ) and took it as an opportunity to fix the PR. What was missing was the documentation of the parameter inside parameters list (in createBasicProject.R and createPackageProject.R, for createTrainingProject and createAnalysisProject we use roxygen2's inherits tags to limit duplication cf https://blog.rstudio.com/2017/02/01/roxygen2-6-0-0/#improved-inheritance). Thanks a lot for your contribution!

maelle commented 5 years ago

Note for your next PR, it's better to make PR from a branch in your fork, e.g. you'd

This way it's easier for you to keep master of your fork up-to-date. When I forget to branch out before a PR, next time I use my fork, to update it I tend to delete and re-fork :see_no_evil: but I'm sure there are better ways.

maelle commented 5 years ago

Cf https://happygitwithr.com/fork-and-clone.html#dont-touch-master :smile_cat: