locomotivecms / engine

A platform to create, publish and edit sites
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Installation issue on:bundle exec rails g locomotive:install #754

Closed stiganmedia closed 9 years ago

stiganmedia commented 11 years ago

i get this when i run $bundle exec rails g locomotive:install

Usage: rails new APP_PATH [options]

Options: -r, [--ruby=PATH] # Path to the Ruby binary of your choice

Default: /Users/nicolasvarnus/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p448/bin/ruby

-b, [--builder=BUILDER] # Path to a application builder (can be a filesystem path or URL) -m, [--template=TEMPLATE] # Path to an application template (can be a filesystem path or URL) [--skip-gemfile] # Don't create a Gemfile [--skip-bundle] # Don't run bundle install -G, [--skip-git] # Skip Git ignores and keeps -O, [--skip-active-record] # Skip Active Record files -S, [--skip-sprockets] # Skip Sprockets files -d, [--database=DATABASE] # Preconfigure for selected database (options: mysql/oracle/postgresql/sqlite3/frontbase/ibm_db/sqlserver/jdbcmysql/jdbcsqlite3/jdbcpostgresql/jdbc)

Default: sqlite3

-j, [--javascript=JAVASCRIPT] # Preconfigure for selected JavaScript library

Default: jquery

-J, [--skip-javascript] # Skip JavaScript files [--dev] # Setup the application with Gemfile pointing to your Rails checkout [--edge] # Setup the application with Gemfile pointing to Rails repository -T, [--skip-test-unit] # Skip Test::Unit files [--old-style-hash] # Force using old style hash (:foo => 'bar') on Ruby >= 1.9

Runtime options: -f, [--force] # Overwrite files that already exist -p, [--pretend] # Run but do not make any changes -q, [--quiet] # Suppress status output -s, [--skip] # Skip files that already exist

Rails options: -h, [--help] # Show this help message and quit -v, [--version] # Show Rails version number and quit

Description: The 'rails new' command creates a new Rails application with a default directory structure and configuration at the path you specify.

You can specify extra command-line arguments to be used every time
'rails new' runs in the .railsrc configuration file in your home directory.

Note that the arguments specified in the .railsrc file don't affect the
defaults values shown above in this help message.

Example: rails new ~/Code/Ruby/weblog

This generates a skeletal Rails installation in ~/Code/Ruby/weblog.
See the README in the newly created application to get going.

over and over again

please help! thank you!

manuchap commented 11 years ago

$bundle exec rails g locomotive:install

Are you typing the $ sign with the command? If yes, that's the error. The $ sign is just an indicator that you're in a bash console and $ is your default prompt. YKWIS? (you know what I'm saying?)

stiganmedia commented 11 years ago

Yes i know that.... Thats a bit insulting and unhelpful...

Sent from my iPhone

On 2013-07-21, at 6:13 AM, Manu notifications@github.com wrote:

$bundle exec rails g locomotive:install

Are you typing the $ sign with the command? If yes, that's the error. The $ sign is just an indicator that you're in a bash console and $ is your default prompt. YKWIS? (you know what I'm saying?)

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

manuchap commented 11 years ago

Wasn't to me once. Won't do it again, promise.

did commented 11 years ago

hi @stiganmedia ! Are you sure you ran the command within your application root folder (you should see app/, config/, ...etc) ? Hmm, wait, what's your version of Rails ?

btw, @manu is a nice guy, he tried to help you without knowing exactly what kind of knowledge you have in Rails / Unix.

onnimonni commented 10 years ago

I'm having this exact same problem using os x maverick with ruby 2.0.0 and rails 3.2.15

did commented 10 years ago

hi @onnimonni! in your unix console, what does

gem list | grep rails


onnimonni commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the help! Installing again using the version number with rails command solved the problem for me

rails _3.2.16_ new myapp --skip-active-record --skip-test-unit --skip-javascript --skip-bundle
codepedia commented 10 years ago

yes, specifying the version of rails matters :+1:

zeyad@zeyad-SVE1411EGXB:~/code$ mkdir brand zeyad@zeyad-SVE1411EGXB:~/code$ cd brand/ zeyad@zeyad-SVE1411EGXB:~/code/brand$ ls zeyad@zeyad-SVE1411EGXB:~/code/brand$ rails 3.2.17 new active --skip-active-record --skip-test-unit --skip-javascript --skip-bundle create
create README.rdoc create Rakefile create config.ru create .gitignore create Gemfile create app create app/assets/images/rails.png create app/assets/javascripts/application.js create app/assets/stylesheets/application.css create app/controllers/application_controller.rb create app/helpers/application_helper.rb create app/mailers create app/models create app/views/layouts/application.html.erb create app/mailers/.gitkeep create app/models/.gitkeep create config create config/routes.rb create config/application.rb create config/environment.rb create config/environments create config/environments/development.rb create config/environments/production.rb create config/environments/test.rb create config/initializers create config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb create config/initializers/inflections.rb create config/initializers/mime_types.rb create config/initializers/secret_token.rb create config/initializers/session_store.rb create config/initializers/wrap_parameters.rb create config/locales create config/locales/en.yml create config/boot.rb create db create db/seeds.rb create doc create doc/README_FOR_APP create lib create lib/tasks create lib/tasks/.gitkeep create lib/assets create lib/assets/.gitkeep create log create log/.gitkeep create public create public/404.html create public/422.html create public/500.html create public/favicon.ico create public/index.html create public/robots.txt create script create script/rails create tmp/cache create tmp/cache/assets create vendor/assets/javascripts create vendor/assets/javascripts/.gitkeep create vendor/assets/stylesheets create vendor/assets/stylesheets/.gitkeep create vendor/plugins create vendor/plugins/.gitkeep zeyad@zeyad-SVE1411EGXB:~/code/brand$ ls active zeyad@zeyad-SVE1411EGXB:~/code/brand$ cd active/ zeyad@zeyad-SVE1411EGXB:~/code/brand/active$ subl Gemfile zeyad@zeyad-SVE1411EGXB:~/code/brand/active$ bundle install Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/........ Fetching additional metadata from https://rubygems.org/.. Resolving dependencies... Using rake 10.0.4 Using RedCloth 4.2.9 Using i18n 0.6.9 Using multi_json 1.7.9 Using activesupport 3.2.17 Using builder 3.0.4 Using activemodel 3.2.17 Using erubis 2.7.0 Using journey 1.0.4 Using rack 1.4.5 Using rack-cache 1.2 Using rack-test 0.6.2 Using hike 1.2.3 Using tilt 1.4.1 Using sprockets 2.2.2 Using actionpack 3.2.17 Using mime-types 1.25.1 Using polyglot 0.3.5 Using treetop 1.4.15 Using mail 2.5.4 Using actionmailer 3.2.17 Using arel 3.0.3 Using tzinfo 0.3.39 Using activerecord 3.2.17 Using activeresource 3.2.17 Using bundler 1.6.2 Using rack-ssl 1.3.4 Using json 1.8.1 Using rdoc 3.12.2 Using thor 0.19.1 Using railties 3.2.17 Using rails 3.2.17 Using actionmailer-with-request 0.4.0 Using bcrypt 3.1.7 Using bcrypt-ruby 3.1.5 Using cancan 1.6.7 Using carrierwave 0.9.0 Using moped 1.5.2 Using origin 1.1.0 Using mongoid 3.1.6 Using mongoid-grid_fs 1.9.2 Using carrierwave-mongoid 0.6.3 Using cells 3.8.8 Using chunky_png 1.3.1 Using codemirror-rails 3.24 Using coffee-script-source 1.7.0 Using execjs 2.1.0 Using coffee-script 2.2.0 Using coffee-rails 3.2.2 Using fssm 0.2.10 Using sass 3.2.19 Using compass 0.12.6 Using compass-rails 1.1.7 Using money 5.1.1 Using custom_fields 2.3.1 Using orm_adapter 0.5.0 Using warden 1.2.3 Using devise 2.2.7 Using devise-encryptable 0.1.2 Using dragonfly 0.9.15 Using ejs 1.0.0 Using excon 0.23.0 Using flash_cookie_session 1.1.6 Using formatador 0.2.5 Using net-ssh 2.9.1 Using net-scp 1.2.1 Using nokogiri 1.5.11 Using ruby-hmac 0.4.0 Using fog 1.12.1 Using formtastic 2.2.1 Using haml 4.0.5 Using highline 1.6.21 Using multi_xml 0.5.5 Using httparty 0.11.0 Using jquery-rails 2.1.4 Using kaminari 0.14.1 Using kgio 2.9.2 Using libv8 Using locomotive-aloha-rails Using locomotive-tinymce-rails Using locomotive_liquid 2.4.2 Using locomotivecms_solid 0.2.2 Using mimetype-fu 0.1.2 Using mongo_session_store-rails3 4.1.1 Using mongoid-tree 1.0.4 Using mongoid_migration 0.0.8 Using rails-backbone 0.7.2 Using redcarpet 3.0.0 Using responders 0.9.3 Using sanitize 2.0.3 Using stringex 2.0.11 Using locomotive_cms 2.4.1 Using raindrops 0.13.0 Using ref 1.0.5 Using sass-rails 3.2.6 Using therubyracer 0.12.1 Using uglifier 2.5.0 Using unicorn 4.8.3 Your bundle is complete! Use bundle show [gemname] to see where a bundled gem is installed. zeyad@zeyad-SVE1411EGXB:~/code/brand/active$ bundle exec rails g locomotive:install Digest::Digest is deprecated; use Digest [deprecated] I18n.enforce_available_locales will default to true in the future. If you really want to skip validation of your locale you can set I18n.enforce_available_locales = false to avoid this message. WARNING: unable to load the content types, Problem: No configuration could be found for a session named 'default'. Summary: When attempting to create the new session, Mongoid could not find a session configuration for the name: 'default'. This is necessary in order to know the host, port, and options needed to connect. Resolution: Double check your mongoid.yml to make sure under the sessions key that a configuration exists for 'default'. If you have set the configuration programatically, ensure that 'default' exists in the configuration hash. create config/initializers/locomotive.rb create config/initializers/carrierwave.rb create config/initializers/dragonfly.rb create config/mongoid.yml route
mount Locomotive::Engine => '/locomotive', as: 'locomotive' # you can change the value of the path, by default set to "/locomotive"

  remove  public/index.html

The Locomotive Engine has been correctly installed in your Rails application.

  1. Edit the main config files:
    • config/initializers/locomotive.rb
    • config/initializers/carrierwave.rb
    • config/initializers/dragonfly.rb
    • config/mongoid.yml
    • config/devise.yml
    • config/routes.rb
  2. Launch the server

    bundle exec unicorn_rails

  3. Open your browser

    open localhost:8080

  4. Follow the installation wizard steps
  5. Enjoy !



source 'https://rubygems.org'

gem 'locomotive_cms', '~> 2.4.1', :require => 'locomotive/engine' gem 'rails', '3.2.17'

Bundle edge Rails instead:

gem 'rails', :git => 'git://github.com/rails/rails.git'

Gems used only for assets and not required

in production environments by default.

group :assets do gem 'sass-rails', '~> 3.2.3' gem 'coffee-rails', '~> 3.2.1' gem 'compass-rails', '~> 1.1.3'

See https://github.com/sstephenson/execjs#readme for more supported runtimes

gem 'therubyracer', :platforms => :ruby

gem 'uglifier', '>= 1.0.3' end

To use ActiveModel has_secure_password

gem 'bcrypt-ruby', '~> 3.0.0'

To use Jbuilder templates for JSON

gem 'jbuilder'

Use unicorn as the app server

gem 'unicorn'

Deploy with Capistrano

gem 'capistrano'

To use debugger

gem 'debugger'

glamouracademy commented 9 years ago

having the same issue and even when I run:

rails _3.2.16_ new myapp --skip-active-record --skip-test-unit --skip-javascript --skip-bundle

(specifying the rails version), I get the a gemload error:

to_specs': Could not find 'railties' (= 3.2.16) - did find: [railties-4.1.8,railties-3.2.21,railties-3.2.19] (Gem::LoadError)

I'm running ruby 2.1.3.

Any suggestions?

lorentzimys commented 9 years ago

Here is the solution that helped me to manage with this issue: Stackoverflow link

wbotelhos commented 9 years ago

@glamouracademy , you need to install the rails, then railties will be in your path:

gem install rails 3.2.16 # or the version you want