locomotivecms / steam

The rendering stack used by both Wagon and Station (new name of the engine). It includes the rack stack and the liquid drops/filters/tags.
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{{ page.slug }} removes "s" if present from end of content entry slug #205

Open greyskin opened 2 years ago

greyskin commented 2 years ago

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a content_type (we will call it members) for testing purposes, requires only the _slug and name settings
  2. Under pages, create a members folder (/pages/members/)
  3. Inside the members folder, create a _content_typetemplate.liquid file (set the content_type setting to "members")
  4. On the content_type_template page, add {{ page.slug }}
  5. Create a members entry called "Charles" (_slug: charles, name: Charles)
  6. deploy to engine or wagon serve
  7. Navigate to [sitedomain]/members/charles
  8. Observe: {{ page.slug }} renders "charle"