locomotivecms / steam

The rendering stack used by both Wagon and Station (new name of the engine). It includes the rack stack and the liquid drops/filters/tags.
MIT License
38 stars 59 forks source link

dragonfly convert (filter) fails after dragonfly upgrade #238

Open psal0 opened 1 month ago

psal0 commented 1 month ago

I have a site where I am this in one of my templates:

<img src="{{ company.image.url | resize: '600x500', filters: ' -gravity center -extent 800x -bordercolor white -border 30' }}" alt="{{ company.name }}" data-no-retina="">

I have been using that template since many years with older versions of locomotivecms successfully.

Now, after the update to the latest version, the template shows broken images, although the image url rendered in the template looks correct. The same site synced and run locally shows an error:

DRAGONFLY: caught error - The convert processor is deprecated for better security - use Dragonfly::ImageMagick::Commands.convert(content, args, opts) instead.
DRAGONFLY: GET /steam/dynamic/W1siZmYiLCIvVXNlcnMvc2Fsb21vbi9NaW5kc2NhcGVWZW50dXJlc0Nsb3VkL1dlYkRldmVsb3BtZW50L2xvY29tb3RpdmVjbXNfc2l0ZXMvazRzb2NhbC9wdWJsaWMvc2FtcGxlcy9fcHJvZHVjdGlvbi9jb250ZW50X2VudHJpZXMvbG9nby1yaXNpbmctd2luZXMtY29sbGVjdGl2ZS1zdGFja2VkLnBuZyJdLFsicCIsInRodW1iIiwiNjAweDUwMCJdLFsicCIsImNvbnZlcnQiLCIgLWdyYXZpdHkgY2VudGVyIC1leHRlbnQgODAweCAtYm9yZGVyY29sb3Igd2hpdGUgLWJvcmRlciAzMCJdXQ/2ad7ca522bdcad6f/logo-rising-wines-collective-stacked.png 500
psal0 commented 1 month ago

Its dragonfly version 1.4.0: https://github.com/markevans/dragonfly/blob/master/History.md