locomotivemtl / locomotive-scroll

🛤 Detection of elements in viewport & smooth scrolling with parallax.
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Locomotive Scroll v5 + Nuxt 3 Config? #560

Open kieranmansfield opened 3 weeks ago

kieranmansfield commented 3 weeks ago

Hey, What's the best way of implementing Locomotive scroll in Nuxt 3?

The general consensus is to add it as a plugin. I've tried to get it working it want to play nice with Locomotive Scroll.

Does anyone have an examples of how to get this working?


import LocomotiveScroll from 'locomotive-scroll'

const locomotiveScroll = new LocomotiveScroll()

function raf(time) {


export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp) => {
  nuxtApp.provide('locomotiveScroll', locomotiveScroll)
pieterjanmaes commented 3 weeks ago


I replied a few day's ago on an other related issue, this is how I use Locomotive scroll in Nuxt 3 => https://github.com/locomotivemtl/locomotive-scroll/issues/502#issuecomment-2136681236

Not sure if this is the 'correct' way to implement, ...

kieranmansfield commented 3 weeks ago

I tried this the other day and it didn't work for me, however I've just had another go and it worked like a treat. No idea why it was playing up before. Thank you!

kieranmansfield commented 3 weeks ago

@pieterjanmaes How do I actually implement something like Scroll to top?

<script setup>
const { $lenis } = useNuxtApp()

function scrollToTop() {

      <Button @click="scrollToTop()">Back To Top</Button>

I've added Locomotive Scroll to useNuxtApp(), it doesn't seem to do anything.

  return {
    provide: {
      locomotiveScroll: locomotiveScroll,

Where am I going wrong with this?

pieterjanmaes commented 2 weeks ago

@kieranmansfield, i would do it like this:


Add an id to the top of your page:

<button  data-scroll-to data-scroll-to-href="#top" data-scroll-to-offset="10">
   {{ buttonText }}

Or you could create a hook in the plugin:

nuxtApp.hook('locomotive:scrolltotop', () => {
    // locomotive logic

And then do something like this:

const nuxtApp = useNuxtApp();

I didn't test the code, just some suggestions :-)