When I used the optnet to run all the three experiments, I got the following error:
RuntimeError: invalid argument 3: dimensions of A and b must be equal at /pytorch/torch/lib/TH/generic/THTensorLapack.c:1036
355 h = (invQ_rx.unsqueeze(1).bmm(G.transpose(1, 2)) + rs / d - rz).squeeze(1)
--> 357 w = -(h.btrisolve(*S_LU))
359 g1 = -rx - w[:, neq:].unsqueeze(1).bmm(G)
Did I miss something or do something wrong with the qpth or other environment?
I can run the fc and lenet network in the classification experiment.
Since I don't have a CUDA, I uncomment all the “.cuda()” in the models.py
When I used the optnet to run all the three experiments, I got the following error:
` RuntimeError: invalid argument 3: dimensions of A and b must be equal at /pytorch/torch/lib/TH/generic/THTensorLapack.c:1036
Did I miss something or do something wrong with the qpth or other environment? I can run the fc and lenet network in the classification experiment. Since I don't have a CUDA, I uncomment all the “.cuda()” in the models.py