locustio / locust

Write scalable load tests in plain Python 🚗💨
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Locus process never exits #414

Closed djonsson closed 4 years ago

djonsson commented 8 years ago

We are using Locust in a continuous integration environment, spawning load tests through jenkins, and we have noticed that on occasion the running thread never stops even though number of requests should be fulfilled.

The machine that runs the test is stuck in an output loop, printing the last line of the log over and over again indefinitely (no increased network traffic or CPU usage is seen on the machine), and never reaching the summary of the test.

We have built a lot of customization around Locust, but if I remember correctly this behavior is found in 'vanilla locust' as well.

Is anyone else experiencing these issues with Locust or is it just us?

srm4 commented 8 years ago

I found that specifying the number of requests using -n <number> does seem to work. But what I don't find is a direct way of setting a timeout on the main locust thread. I only want to run my locusts for a 2 or 3 hour period and then all the locusts to be killed and the thread to stop, but there doesn't seem to be a way of doing this. The stop_timeout attribute of HttpLocust just sets a lifetime for individual locusts, not the main thread.

Is there a way of doing this?

srm4 commented 8 years ago

Your locust's attributes are accessible in your task sets via the TaskSet.locust attribute. A possible solution is to add a max_session_time and start_time attributes in your Locust and add code in your task method that checks to see if the time difference between current and start times exceeds max_session_time and if so exits.

I've tried this in my locust file and it works.

Anup-Deo21 commented 8 years ago

Can you please share the code for the same

sverhagen commented 8 years ago
locust -H <my_url> -f <my_locust_file> -c 120 -n 10000  --no-web --only-summary

With this command line I'm seeing what sounds a bit like the original question in this issue. The process never ends, and also never shows the final results, until I hit Ctrl+C (which obviously is not at my disposal when running in Docker or otherwise in CI). I'm happy to open a new issue, but this seemed similar enough.

Alex-Bogdanov commented 8 years ago

@sverhagen, when extending Locust class, override _stoptimeout attr (it's in secs) or set in command line --num-request option

nrbalajimca commented 7 years ago

I have used the -n in command line. The locust is stopped when it reaches the no.of request but the issue is when i download the CSV file am seeing all the values are 0. Also, it is started running again after a mins locust is not completely stopped.

dmakhno commented 7 years ago

I saw this issue in master-slave mode v0.7.5. And to cope with it is using

def _counter():
    total_reqs = 0
    total_failures = 0

    stats = runners.locust_runner.request_stats
    for key in sorted(stats.iterkeys()):
        r = stats[key]
        total_reqs += r.num_requests
        total_failures += r.num_failures
    return total_reqs, total_failures

def die_on_stat_analysis(client_id, data):
    Only master handles this.
    Currently each slave runs max_request independently.
    total_reqs, total_failures = _counter()

    max_requests = LocustEx.max_requests
    if max_requests is not None:
        if total_failures + total_reqs >= max_requests:
            msg = 'Stopping on max_requests={}/{} reached'.format(total_failures + total_reqs, max_requests)

events.slave_report += die_on_stat_analysis

web_base = 'http://localhost:8089'

def poison_pill(msg=''):
        console_logger.warn("Taking poison pill, due to {}".format(msg))
        gevent.sleep(10)  # let reports complete its job'/shutdown', data=msg)
    except Exception as e:
        console_logger.error("Pill caused {}-burp".format(e))
        raise e"/shutdown", methods=["POST"])
def shutdown():
    Extremely rude way to stop itself
    from locust.web import logger
    logger.warn('Shutting down all')

    # custom code here for collecting stats

    if LocustEx.is_master:

        # stopping flask's 'serve_forever'
        raise ShutDownException('Shutdown is requested')
        # Hackery:
        # To return control, need to kill the rest greenlets (shrug).
        import gc
        gevent.killall([obj for obj in gc.get_objects() if isinstance(obj, greenlet)])

very rude, but very robust

GrimSmiler commented 6 years ago

Hi all!

Any update on the issue? I can reproduce this, master and slave nodes are not quitting on reaching max number of requests.


#partailly created from christianbladescb/locustio
FROM python:3

RUN pip install locustio pyzmq && \
    mkdir /locust

WORKDIR /locust

ONBUILD ADD . /locust
ONBUILD RUN test -f requirements.txt && pip install -r requirements.txt; exit 0

EXPOSE 8089 5557 5558




version: '3'
    build: &common-image
      context: .
    hostname: locust-master
    env_file: &common-env
      - locust.env
    volumes: &common-volumes
      - ./:/locust
      - 8089:8089 
      - 5557:5557 
      - 5558:5558
      - locust
      - -c 10
      - -r 10
      - -n 5
      - --no-web
      - --expect-slaves=1
      - --master 
      - --csv=requests

      context: .
      - locust.env
      - ./:/locust
      - locust
      - --slave 
      - --master-host=locust-master 
      - --master-port=5557

execute with docker-compose.exe -f .\docker-compose.locust.yml -p locust up --force-recreate

cyberw commented 5 years ago

Hi @djonsson (Hej Daniel! :) ) As the support for -n has been removed I think this is no longer an issue. But I'm hoping we will reintroduce -n ( so I'm leaving the ticket open in case we do that and want to look at this then.

djonsson commented 5 years ago

@cyberw Hey (Lars!), thanks for looking into this :)

cyberw commented 4 years ago

I'm going to go ahead and close this. I'm less convinced that we'll put the -n flag back in (as it was before anyway), so keeping this open doesnt make much sense.