lofar-astron / RMextract

extract TEC, vTEC, Earthmagnetic field and Rotation Measures from GPS and WMM data for radio interferometry observations
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Gettinf IONEX files with the new 'Long Product Filenames specification #42

Open twillis449 opened 1 year ago

twillis449 commented 1 year ago

Hi Maaijke

I hope that things are going well with you in NL.

I assume that you are aware that as of the beginning of this year, the CODE website is using the Long Product Filenames specification for ionex files? Ionex file names are now ~ 20 characters long. Sigh. Something similar to the enormous length of RINEX 3 files vs RINEX2. If you don't have a copy of the document describing the changes you can get it here: http://acc.igs.org/repro3/Long_Product_Filenames_v1.0.pdf Cheers Tony

bennahugo commented 1 year ago

Thanks for propagating the ALBUS issue here @twillis449. I will have a quick look to see if I can kludge this on a fork for the sake of comparison. RMextract fails with the recent MeerKAT databases taken January 2023.

PS:. It appears AIPS "vlatecr" TECOR autodownloader is not affected by this... Possibly it is specific to the JPL databases not conforming to the new standard.

maaijke commented 1 year ago

It seems the document is not really up to date, I cannot find the filenames according to this specification. I'll work on it

maaijke commented 1 year ago

for now you can change to some other server/prefix combination. Until the different data providers have worked out their differences I cannot really make a general code.

server = "ftp://gssc.esa.int/gnss/products/ionex/" prefix='UQRG'

This combination of server prefix has given the best results in our tests. I will update the default path in getIonex

shiningsurya commented 10 months ago

hi, thanks for this software suite.

This set of server/prefix is not working for me. Can you please check if it works for you?

Sorry for the trouble and thanks for your time.

The error:

    assert (ionexf!=-1),"error getting ionex data"
AssertionError: error getting ionex data
twillis449 commented 10 months ago

@maaijke Updated long product information is given at the web page https://igs.org/news/updated-guidelines-on-long-product-filenames-in-the-igs However that ESA FTP site clearly shows that the UQRG group still seems to be providing only old-style names

maaijke commented 10 months ago

I will have another look then. If the updated long product information is consistent I can adjust the code such that it accepts both the old (esa ftp) and new format.