lofidewanto / webcomponents-gwt-simple-examples

Web Components Simple Example with GWT
Apache License 2.0
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Unable to build / Outdated dependencies? #1

Open schube opened 1 year ago

schube commented 1 year ago


Thank you for your sample project! I just tried to compile it (for example the my-button-j2cl-es6-example with mvn j2cl:build), but I get:

Downloading from sonatype-snapshots: https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/com/github/gwtboot/gwt-boot-starter-parent/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml
Downloading from vertispan-snapshots: https://repo.vertispan.com/j2cl/com/github/gwtboot/gwt-boot-starter-parent/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml
Downloading from sonatype-snapshots: https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/com/github/gwtboot/gwt-boot-starter-parent/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/gwt-boot-starter-parent-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.pom
Downloading from vertispan-snapshots: https://repo.vertispan.com/j2cl/com/github/gwtboot/gwt-boot-starter-parent/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/gwt-boot-starter-parent-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.pom
[ERROR] [ERROR] Some problems were encountered while processing the POMs:
[FATAL] Non-resolvable parent POM for com.github.gwt.webcomponents.example:my-button-j2cl-es6-example:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact com.github.gwtboot:gwt-boot-starter-parent:pom:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT in sonatype-snapshots (https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots) and 'parent.relativePath' points at no local POM @ line 3, column 10
[ERROR] The build could not read 1 project -> [Help 1]

Are the dependencies not up to date?

I tried to find gwt-boot-starter-parent on https://mvnrepository.com but there is no such project. Although the other dependencies are there, like gwt-boot-starter

PS: Danke für Deine Beispiele und Artikel auf Medium!

Thank you!

lofidewanto commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your info.

Yes, I needed to update some dependencies. I committed some changes.

Example 1 and 2 are working again. Example 2 is weird that I need to use the J2CL Maven plugin with the older version 0.17-SNAPSHOT.

Example 3 is not working because I get following error in Chrome:

2my-button-j2cl-es6-example.js:20 Uncaught TypeError: Failed to construct 'HTMLElement': Please use the 'new' operator, this DOM object constructor cannot be called as a function. at new V (my-button-j2cl-es6-example.js:20:401)

I'll ask this in Gitter...

P.S.: Hoffentlich hilft dir die Artikelsammlung in Padlet über GWT 😉 https://padlet.com/lofidewanto/gwtintro

niloc132 commented 1 year ago

I tried this out and replied in gitter - I cannot confirm your issue @lofidewanto, it works in 0.20 and 0.21-SNAPSHOT as far as I can see.

@schube in order to build this, you need com.github.gwtboot:gwt-boot-starter-parent:pom:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT, which means you must check out gwt-boot and build it by hand as of the 1.0.0 version. Please note that latest HEAD is 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT, so you need to go back a ways.