loft-sh / vcluster-dd-extension

This provides an extension integration with Docker Desktop to allow managing vclusters quickly and easily through the Docker Desktop interface.
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Support working with any kubernetes cluster from Docker #22

Open jorgemoralespou opened 1 year ago

jorgemoralespou commented 1 year ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? I have a cluster running in Docker Desktop through the Tanzu Community Edition extension, and I can't use the vcluster extension as the cluster won't be detected. It seems only built in Kubernetes cluster by Docker Desktop are supported (, which limits a lot the ability to use the extension.

Which solution do you suggest? Support detection of your kube context and if there's a cluster try to use it (prompt the user that it might not work if not the default/expected type of cluster)

Which alternative solutions exist? None

Additional context Vclusters are awesome but Docker Desktop users not always use Docker Desktop's provided Kubernetes cluster.

/kind feature

jorgemoralespou commented 1 year ago

Some more info:

Looking at the sources, it seems that the kubecontext name that it selects is docker-desktop so, changing my cluster's context name to that it should connect. Nevertheless, as the connection happens from within the extension's container, and my cluster's IP/port is this port doesn't not seem to be accessible from within the extension's container (it is though accessible from within the tanzu-community-edition extension's container). My guess is that the extension might require a compose file to define that it can run on host networking (e.g. With this change it should work.

Will try to build the extension myself with this change to see if the assumption is correct.

jorgemoralespou commented 1 year ago

Can't make it work, so probably you will need to get some more info from Docker team.

jorgemoralespou commented 1 year ago

Inspecting both extension containers, vcluster and tce, vcluster has a dedicated network and tce uses host, hence it can access any cluster.

vcluster extension container

            "Networks": {
                "loftsh_vcluster-dd-extension-desktop-extension_default": {

tce extension container

        "Networks": {
                "host": {
FabianKramm commented 1 year ago

@jorgemoralespou thanks for creating this issue! Yes we could add a selector to select the kube context to manage your vclusters.

FabianKramm commented 1 year ago

Right now the problem is that we cannot automatically identify the tanzu cluster to be running on docker-desktop and on which port we can access it. For docker-desktop this only works because we know that a node-port service is automatically also exposed on the host and we don't require any separate port-forwarding for it. For other clusters this assumption is usually not true. We have a hardcoded list of clusters currently supported (kind, k3d, minikube) and those clusters require a separate docker container that acts as a proxy between the host and the vcluster. We can work on a more generic way to do this within vcluster, but until then the connect button in the docker extension would be very limited.

mahendrabagul commented 1 year ago

This issue has been fixed in The requested functionality will be available in v0.0.8