loftyshaky / clear-new-tab

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Here is the translation for Chinese translation for Chrome Web Store description #1

Closed JonathanSum closed 2 years ago

JonathanSum commented 4 years ago

This is the traditional Chinese translation. Remove the most visited and other Google stuff from new tab without removing theme background. 在單獨留下新分頁的背景圖片下,移除新分頁中的用戶訪問最多頁面和其他新分頁谷歌的東西。 ☄ Features: 功能: Hides the most visited and other Google elements from new tab. 在新分頁中隱藏訪問次數最多的网站顯示和其他新分頁中的Google服務。

Doesn't removes theme image. 不刪除主題背景圖片。

If theme image is too big or too small you can fix it (set "Image size" to "Cover the screen"). 如果主題背景圖片太大或太小,您可以自定義設置來令背景圖滿足你的需要(如修改圖像大小或設置為覆蓋屏幕)。

Lets you set your own image as a background in new tab. 令你去設置你自己的圖片為新分頁的背景圖。

Permissions: Read and change your data on and Allows extension to dowload a theme crx package which contains theme image and other data about theme (image repeat, background color etc). 權限需求: 閱讀和更改您在 和 的數據 允許擴展程序下載主題包 crx,這個主題包是包括主題圖片和主題資料(圖像重複顯示,背景顏色等)。

JonathanSum commented 4 years ago

This is a Simple Chinese translation.

Remove the most visited and other Google stuff from new tab without removing theme background. 在单独留下新分页的背景图片下,移除新分页中的用户访问最多页面和其他新分页谷歌的东西。

☄ Features: 功能:

Hides the most visited and other Google elements from new tab. 在新分页中隐藏访问次数最多的网站显示和其他新分页中的谷歌服务。

Doesn't removes theme image. 不删除主题背景图片。

If theme image is too big or too small you can fix it (set "Image size" to "Cover the screen"). 如果主题背景图片太大或太小,您可以自定义设置来令背景图满足你的需要(如修改图像大小或设置为覆盖屏幕)。

Lets you set your own image as a background in new tab. 令你去设置你自己的图片为新分页的背景图。

Permissions: Read and change your data on and Allows extension to dowload a theme crx package which contains theme image and other data about theme (image repeat, background color etc). 權限需求: 閱讀和更改您在 和 的數據 允許擴展程序下載主題包 crx,這個主題包是包括主題圖片和主題資料(圖像重複顯示,背景顏色等)。

JonathanSum commented 4 years ago

I will translate the app in the JSON during the weekend in Chinese. If you read this, please feel free to close it.