loftyshaky / clear-new-tab

MIT License
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Background bug after the last update. #12

Closed HarutoSama closed 2 years ago

HarutoSama commented 2 years ago

a issue where each tap that is opened overwrites the background in other windows.

loftyshaky commented 2 years ago

If you use slideshow 1 millisecond options it's intended behavior.

HarutoSama commented 2 years ago

no I don't use it. I am using Multiple backgrounds and Shuffle. what I mean is, every newly loaded background overwrites the one in open windows, which is a problem if you have multiple screens. I'm not saying it's not a great feature to have the same backround loaded on all monitors though. but I liked it the way it was before.

loftyshaky commented 2 years ago

I managed to reproduce this bug once and only in one tab. But other tabs worked as expected (background should update in tabs only if slideshow is on). I will debug it when I find free time.

HarutoSama commented 2 years ago

I found an older version of your extension, which solved my problem. I'll check out your updates, but for now I'm happy :)