log10-io / log10

Python client library for improving your LLM app accuracy
MIT License
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Stricter linting and CI/CD #35

Open edmondop opened 1 year ago

edmondop commented 1 year ago

At the moment we do have only a release pipeline, but it would be worth to have at least a linting pipeline to verify the code is somehow correct. Such a pipeline would run an opinionated linter, such as wemake-python-styleguide and encourage better practices.

For example, this code

def camel_agent(
    user_role: str,
    assistant_role: str,
    task_prompt: str,
    max_turns: int,
    user_prompt: str = None,
    assistant_prompt: str = None,
    summary_model: str = None,
    llm: LLM = None,

presents a couple of problems. First of all, given the large number of arguments that have the same type, it's easy to make mistakes in inverting the error, and for those scenarios Python introduced keyword-only named arguments

def camel_agent(
    * ,
    user_role: str,
    assistant_role: str,
    task_prompt: str,
    max_turns: int,
    user_prompt: str = None,
    assistant_prompt: str = None,
    summary_model: str = None,
    llm: LLM = None,

which would force client code to invoke it like so:


Also, the code would not pass mypy, because None are not valid types for str. It should rather be Optional[str] like so:

def camel_agent(
    * ,
    user_role: str,
    assistant_role: str,
    task_prompt: str,
    max_turns: int,
    user_prompt: Optional[str] = None,
    assistant_prompt: Optional[str] = None,
    summary_model: Optional[str] = None,
    llm: LLM = None,
nqn commented 11 months ago

Excellent - thanks for reporting this, @edmondop !

Would love this as a contribution, if you are game for it. Otherwise, just let us know and we'll push to get the linter step turned on.

Here is a draft PR, if you wanted to work off that https://github.com/log10-io/log10/pull/38/files if you'd prefer to start from scratch, that's great, too

edmondop commented 11 months ago

Thanks @nqn if you are ok, I will proceed using wemake-python-styleguide. I have an "industrial" setup that I use and I am pretty happy for it, it's pretty strict. Are you ok with it?

nqn commented 11 months ago

That sounds great!

edmondop commented 10 months ago
./setup.py:0:1: WPS453 Found executable mismatch: shebang is present but the file is not executable
./setup.py:4:1: F811 redefinition of unused 'setup' from line 3
./setup.py:4:1: I001 isort found an import in the wrong position
./setup.py:4:1: WPS440 Found block variables overlap: setup
./setup.py:5:1: I003 isort expected 1 blank line in imports, found 0
./setup.py:5:1: I005 isort found an unexpected missing import
./setup.py:7:10: Q000 Double quotes found but single quotes preferred
./setup.py:8:13: Q000 Double quotes found but single quotes preferred
./setup.py:9:17: Q000 Double quotes found but single quotes preferred
./setup.py:10:12: Q000 Double quotes found but single quotes preferred
./setup.py:11:18: Q000 Double quotes found but single quotes preferred
./setup.py:12:9: Q000 Double quotes found but single quotes preferred
./setup.py:15:9: Q000 Double quotes found but single quotes preferred
./setup.py:16:9: Q000 Double quotes found but single quotes preferred
./setup.py:19:9: Q000 Double quotes found but single quotes preferred
./setup.py:19:22: Q000 Double quotes found but single quotes preferred
./setup.py:20:9: Q000 Double quotes found but single quotes preferred
./setup.py:20:17: Q000 Double quotes found but single quotes preferred
./examples/evals/fuzzy.py:1:1: F401 'os' imported but unused
./examples/evals/fuzzy.py:19:10: C812 missing trailing comma
./examples/evals/fuzzy.py:27:10: C812 missing trailing comma
./examples/evals/fuzzy.py:30:5: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/evals/fuzzy.py:31:101: C813 missing trailing comma in Python 3
./examples/evals/fuzzy.py:47:121: E501 line too long (133 > 120 characters)
./examples/evals/fuzzy.py:52:1: WPS421 Found wrong function call: eval
./examples/evals/basic_eval.py:1:1: F401 'os' imported but unused
./examples/evals/basic_eval.py:21:10: C812 missing trailing comma
./examples/evals/basic_eval.py:29:10: C812 missing trailing comma
./examples/evals/basic_eval.py:32:5: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/evals/basic_eval.py:33:101: C813 missing trailing comma in Python 3
./examples/evals/basic_eval.py:49:121: E501 line too long (121 > 120 characters)
./examples/evals/basic_eval.py:54:1: WPS421 Found wrong function call: eval
./examples/evals/compile.py:4:1: F401 'log10.load.log10' imported but unused
./examples/evals/compile.py:10:1: E800 Found commented out code
./examples/evals/compile.py:37:1: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/evals/compile.py:41:1: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/evals/compile.py:44:1: WPS110 Found wrong variable name: result
./examples/evals/compile.py:44:10: WPS421 Found wrong function call: compile
./examples/evals/compile.py:46:5: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/evals/compile.py:48:5: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/evals/compile.py:49:5: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/agents/biochemist.py:20:5: WPS433 Found nested import
./examples/agents/biochemist.py:28:5: WPS433 Found nested import
./examples/agents/biochemist.py:37:121: E501 line too long (331 > 120 characters)
./examples/agents/coder.py:20:5: WPS433 Found nested import
./examples/agents/coder.py:28:5: WPS433 Found nested import
./examples/agents/scrape_summarizer.py:14:5: WPS433 Found nested import
./examples/agents/scrape_summarizer.py:20:5: WPS433 Found nested import
./examples/agents/scrape_summarizer.py:25:1: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/agents/email_generator.py:20:5: WPS433 Found nested import
./examples/agents/email_generator.py:28:5: WPS433 Found nested import
./examples/agents/translator.py:21:5: WPS433 Found nested import
./examples/agents/translator.py:29:5: WPS433 Found nested import
./examples/agents/code_optimizer.py:19:5: WPS433 Found nested import
./examples/agents/code_optimizer.py:29:5: WPS433 Found nested import
./examples/agents/code_optimizer.py:40:17: WPS323 Found `%` string formatting
./examples/agents/code_optimizer.py:40:17: WPS342 Found implicit raw string: 'Correct the following code.\n\n#include <stdio.h>\n#include <string.h>\n\nint main() {\n    char password[8];\n    int granted = 0;\n\n    printf("Enter password: ");\n    scanf("%s", password);\n\n    if (strcmp(password, "password") == 0) {\n        granted = 1;\n    }\n\n    if (granted) {\n        printf("Access granted.\\n");\n    } else {\n        printf("Access denied.\\n");\n    }\n\n    return 0;\n}'
./examples/agents/code_optimizer.py:40:121: E501 line too long (430 > 120 characters)
./examples/agents/code_optimizer.py:50:1: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/agents/code_optimizer.py:53:1: WPS110 Found wrong variable name: result
./examples/agents/code_optimizer.py:53:10: WPS421 Found wrong function call: compile
./examples/agents/code_optimizer.py:55:5: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/agents/code_optimizer.py:57:5: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/agents/code_optimizer.py:58:5: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/agents/cybersecurity_expert.py:20:5: WPS433 Found nested import
./examples/agents/cybersecurity_expert.py:28:5: WPS433 Found nested import
./examples/agents/cybersecurity_expert.py:37:17: WPS323 Found `%` string formatting
./examples/agents/cybersecurity_expert.py:37:17: WPS342 Found implicit raw string: 'Correct the following code.\n\n#include <stdio.h>\n#include <string.h>\n\nint main() {\n    char password[8];\n    int granted = 0;\n\n    printf("Enter password: ");\n    scanf("%s", password);\n\n    if (strcmp(password, "password") == 0) {\n        granted = 1;\n    }\n\n    if (granted) {\n        printf("Access granted.\\n");\n    } else {\n        printf("Access denied.\\n");\n    }\n\n    return 0;\n}'
./examples/agents/cybersecurity_expert.py:37:121: E501 line too long (430 > 120 characters)
./examples/logging/langchain_model_logger_url.py:1:1: F401 'langchain.OpenAI' imported but unused
./examples/logging/langchain_model_logger_url.py:2:1: F401 'langchain.chat_models.ChatAnthropic' imported but unused
./examples/logging/langchain_model_logger_url.py:16:7: WPS317 Found incorrect multi-line parameters
./examples/logging/langchain_model_logger_url.py:17:18: WPS318 Found extra indentation
./examples/logging/langchain_model_logger_url.py:17:76: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./examples/logging/langchain_model_logger_url.py:19:1: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/logging/langchain_model_logger_url.py:21:1: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/logging/langchain_model_logger_url.py:23:7: WPS317 Found incorrect multi-line parameters
./examples/logging/langchain_model_logger_url.py:24:18: WPS318 Found extra indentation
./examples/logging/langchain_model_logger_url.py:24:76: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./examples/logging/langchain_model_logger_url.py:27:1: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/logging/langchain_model_logger_url.py:29:1: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/logging/anthropic_completion.py:8:2: N816 variable 'anthropicClient' in global scope should not be mixedCase
./examples/logging/anthropic_completion.py:12:121: E501 line too long (150 > 120 characters)
./examples/logging/anthropic_completion.py:16:12: C812 missing trailing comma
./examples/logging/anthropic_completion.py:19:1: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/logging/completion_ada.py:18:23: C812 missing trailing comma
./examples/logging/completion_ada.py:21:1: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/logging/completion.py:18:23: C812 missing trailing comma
./examples/logging/completion.py:21:1: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/logging/langchain_multiple_tools.py:4:1: F401 'wikipedia' imported but unused
./examples/logging/langchain_multiple_tools.py:14:1: WPS407 Found mutable module constant
./examples/logging/langchain_multiple_tools.py:17:7: WPS317 Found incorrect multi-line parameters
./examples/logging/langchain_multiple_tools.py:18:14: WPS318 Found extra indentation
./examples/logging/langchain_multiple_tools.py:18:35: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./examples/logging/langchain_multiple_tools.py:23:66: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./examples/logging/langchain_multiple_tools.py:26:1: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/logging/langchain_sqlagent.py:0:1: WPS201 Found module with too many imports: 15 > 12
./examples/logging/langchain_sqlagent.py:5:1: F401 'faker' imported but unused
./examples/logging/langchain_sqlagent.py:7:1: F401 'sqlalchemy' imported but unused
./examples/logging/langchain_sqlagent.py:8:1: WPS458 Found imports collision: faker
./examples/logging/langchain_sqlagent.py:13:1: WPS458 Found imports collision: sqlalchemy
./examples/logging/langchain_sqlagent.py:13:1: WPS458 Found imports collision: sqlalchemy
./examples/logging/langchain_sqlagent.py:13:1: WPS458 Found imports collision: sqlalchemy
./examples/logging/langchain_sqlagent.py:13:1: WPS458 Found imports collision: sqlalchemy
./examples/logging/langchain_sqlagent.py:13:1: WPS458 Found imports collision: sqlalchemy
./examples/logging/langchain_sqlagent.py:44:9: WPS221 Found line with high Jones Complexity: 31 > 14
./examples/logging/langchain_sqlagent.py:44:121: E501 line too long (196 > 120 characters)
./examples/logging/langchain_sqlagent.py:54:1: S311 Standard pseudo-random generators are not suitable for security/cryptographic purposes.
./examples/logging/langchain_sqlagent.py:54:26: WPS432 Found magic number: 18
./examples/logging/langchain_sqlagent.py:66:5: B007 Loop control variable 'n_users' not used within the loop body. If this is intended, start the name with an underscore.
./examples/logging/langchain_sqlagent.py:74:1: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/logging/langchain_sqlagent.py:88:17: C812 missing trailing comma
./examples/logging/langchain_sqlagent.py:91:1: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/logging/chatcompletion.py:15:103: C812 missing trailing comma
./examples/logging/chatcompletion.py:16:6: C812 missing trailing comma
./examples/logging/chatcompletion.py:19:1: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/logging/chatcompletion_async_vs_sync.py:0:1: WPS226 Found string literal over-use: role > 3
./examples/logging/chatcompletion_async_vs_sync.py:0:1: WPS226 Found string literal over-use: content > 3
./examples/logging/chatcompletion_async_vs_sync.py:0:1: WPS400 Found wrong magic comment: noqa
./examples/logging/chatcompletion_async_vs_sync.py:3:22: WPS421 Found wrong function call: globals
./examples/logging/chatcompletion_async_vs_sync.py:5:9: WPS111 Found too short name: m < 2
./examples/logging/chatcompletion_async_vs_sync.py:6:21: F821 undefined name 'init_modules'
./examples/logging/chatcompletion_async_vs_sync.py:7:13: WPS420 Found wrong keyword: del
./examples/logging/chatcompletion_async_vs_sync.py:27:107: C812 missing trailing comma
./examples/logging/chatcompletion_async_vs_sync.py:28:10: C812 missing trailing comma
./examples/logging/chatcompletion_async_vs_sync.py:30:5: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/logging/chatcompletion_async_vs_sync.py:33:22: WPS421 Found wrong function call: globals
./examples/logging/chatcompletion_async_vs_sync.py:35:5: WPS440 Found block variables overlap: m
./examples/logging/chatcompletion_async_vs_sync.py:35:9: WPS111 Found too short name: m < 2
./examples/logging/chatcompletion_async_vs_sync.py:37:13: WPS420 Found wrong keyword: del
./examples/logging/chatcompletion_async_vs_sync.py:53:107: C812 missing trailing comma
./examples/logging/chatcompletion_async_vs_sync.py:54:10: C812 missing trailing comma
./examples/logging/chatcompletion_async_vs_sync.py:56:5: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/logging/langchain_simple_sequential.py:15:26: WPS432 Found magic number: 0.9
./examples/logging/langchain_simple_sequential.py:33:1: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/logging/tags_openai.py:0:1: WPS226 Found string literal over-use: text-ada-001 > 3
./examples/logging/tags_openai.py:21:1: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/logging/tags_openai.py:33:5: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/logging/tags_openai.py:45:5: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/logging/tags_openai.py:56:1: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/logging/multiple_sessions.py:15:26: WPS432 Found magic number: 0.9
./examples/logging/multiple_sessions.py:29:48: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./examples/logging/multiple_sessions.py:32:5: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/logging/multiple_sessions.py:49:55: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./examples/logging/multiple_sessions.py:53:5: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:0:1: WPS201 Found module with too many imports: 17 > 12
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:0:1: WPS226 Found string literal over-use: objective > 3
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:0:1: WPS226 Found string literal over-use: task_name > 3
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:0:1: WPS226 Found string literal over-use: task_id > 3
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:0:1: WPS226 Found string literal over-use:  > 3
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:1:1: F401 'os' imported but unused
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:7:1: F401 'langchain.OpenAI' imported but unused
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:19:1: F811 redefinition of unused 'log10' from line 18
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:19:1: WPS440 Found block variables overlap: log10
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:30:15: WPS317 Found incorrect multi-line parameters
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:31:21: WPS318 Found extra indentation
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:31:52: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:40:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - llm
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:40:1: DAR201 Missing "Returns" in Docstring: - return
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:40:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - verbose
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:42:13: WPS326 Found implicit string concatenation
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:43:13: WPS326 Found implicit string concatenation
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:44:13: WPS326 Found implicit string concatenation
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:45:13: WPS326 Found implicit string concatenation
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:46:13: WPS326 Found implicit string concatenation
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:47:13: WPS326 Found implicit string concatenation
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:48:13: WPS326 Found implicit string concatenation
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:52:29: WPS317 Found incorrect multi-line parameters
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:53:30: WPS318 Found extra indentation
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:53:61: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:64:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - llm
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:64:1: DAR201 Missing "Returns" in Docstring: - return
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:64:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - verbose
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:66:13: WPS326 Found implicit string concatenation
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:67:13: WPS326 Found implicit string concatenation
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:68:13: WPS326 Found implicit string concatenation
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:69:13: WPS326 Found implicit string concatenation
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:70:13: WPS326 Found implicit string concatenation
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:71:13: WPS326 Found implicit string concatenation
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:81:121: E501 line too long (151 > 120 characters)
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:81:151: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:88:88: C812 missing trailing comma
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:93:121: E501 line too long (205 > 120 characters)
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:93:206: C812 missing trailing comma
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:94:6: C812 missing trailing comma
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:98:10: WPS322 Found incorrect multi-line string
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:98:121: E501 line too long (160 > 120 characters)
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:105:73: C812 missing trailing comma
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:109:19: WPS221 Found line with high Jones Complexity: 15 > 14
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:109:50: WPS110 Found wrong variable name: result
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:109:121: E501 line too long (138 > 120 characters)
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:110:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - objective
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:110:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - result
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:110:1: DAR201 Missing "Returns" in Docstring: - return
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:110:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - task_creation_chain
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:110:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - task_description
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:110:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - task_list
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:113:113: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:118:1: WPS210 Found too many local variables: 9 > 5
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:118:121: E501 line too long (130 > 120 characters)
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:119:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - objective
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:119:1: DAR201 Missing "Returns" in Docstring: - return
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:119:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - task_list
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:119:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - task_prioritization_chain
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:119:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - this_task_id
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:120:38: WPS111 Found too short name: t < 2
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:123:78: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:134:61: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:138:20: WPS442 Found outer scope names shadowing: vectorstore
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:138:45: WPS111 Found too short name: k < 2
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:139:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - k
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:139:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - query
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:139:1: DAR201 Missing "Returns" in Docstring: - return
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:139:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - vectorstore
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:140:5: WPS110 Found wrong variable name: results
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:143:5: WPS221 Found line with high Jones Complexity: 18 > 14
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:143:57: WPS111 Found too short name: x < 2
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:144:44: WPS110 Found wrong variable name: item
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:147:18: WPS442 Found outer scope names shadowing: vectorstore
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:147:85: WPS111 Found too short name: k < 2
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:148:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - execution_chain
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:148:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - k
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:148:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - objective
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:148:1: DAR201 Missing "Returns" in Docstring: - return
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:148:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - task
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:148:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - vectorstore
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:153:1: WPS338 Found incorrect order of methods in a class
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:153:1: WPS214 Found too many methods: 8 > 7
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:164:5: WPS306 Found class without a base class: Config
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:164:5: WPS431 Found nested class: Config
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:165:1: D204 1 blank line required after class docstring
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:172:9: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:172:15: WPS336 Found explicit string concatenation
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:172:63: WPS336 Found explicit string concatenation
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:173:13: WPS111 Found too short name: t < 2
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:174:13: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:174:39: WPS336 Found explicit string concatenation
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:177:9: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:177:15: WPS336 Found explicit string concatenation
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:177:63: WPS336 Found explicit string concatenation
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:178:9: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:178:38: WPS336 Found explicit string concatenation
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:180:33: WPS110 Found wrong variable name: result
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:181:9: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:181:33: W504 line break after binary operator
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:182:15: WPS318 Found extra indentation
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:182:61: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:183:9: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:193:5: WPS210 Found too many local variables: 9 > 5
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:194:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - inputs
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:194:1: DAR201 Missing "Returns" in Docstring: - return
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:208:17: WPS110 Found wrong variable name: result
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:209:89: C812 missing trailing comma
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:223:29: WPS317 Found incorrect multi-line parameters
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:225:44: WPS111 Found too short name: t < 2
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:225:63: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:225:75: C812 missing trailing comma
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:228:21: WPS601 Found shadowed class attribute: task_id_counter
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:231:17: WPS601 Found shadowed class attribute: task_list
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:232:21: WPS317 Found incorrect multi-line parameters
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:234:43: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:234:55: C812 missing trailing comma
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:235:22: C812 missing trailing comma
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:239:17: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:239:41: W504 line break after binary operator
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:240:23: WPS318 Found extra indentation
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:240:69: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:245:5: WPS210 Found too many local variables: 6 > 5
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:248:9: WPS442 Found outer scope names shadowing: vectorstore
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:250:17: C816 missing trailing comma in Python 3.6+
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:251:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - **kwargs
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:251:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - llm
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:251:1: DAR201 Missing "Returns" in Docstring: - return
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:251:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - vectorstore
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:251:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - verbose
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:254:33: C812 missing trailing comma
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:257:33: C812 missing trailing comma
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:263:51: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:269:21: C815 missing trailing comma in Python 3.5+
./examples/logging/langchain_babyagi.py:285:34: C812 missing trailing comma
./examples/logging/tags_mixed.py:1:1: F401 'os' imported but unused
./examples/logging/tags_mixed.py:20:5: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/logging/tags_mixed.py:24:5: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/logging/get_url.py:0:1: WPS226 Found string literal over-use: text-ada-001 > 3
./examples/logging/get_url.py:4:1: F401 'langchain.chains.LLMChain' imported but unused
./examples/logging/get_url.py:4:1: F401 'langchain.chains.SimpleSequentialChain' imported but unused
./examples/logging/get_url.py:6:1: F401 'langchain.prompts.PromptTemplate' imported but unused
./examples/logging/get_url.py:14:26: WPS432 Found magic number: 0.9
./examples/logging/get_url.py:17:5: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/logging/get_url.py:29:5: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/logging/get_url.py:41:5: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/logging/get_url.py:43:1: WPS440 Found block variables overlap: session
./examples/logging/get_url.py:44:5: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/logging/get_url.py:56:5: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/logging/get_url.py:68:5: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/logging/langchain_model_logger.py:16:7: WPS317 Found incorrect multi-line parameters
./examples/logging/langchain_model_logger.py:17:18: WPS318 Found extra indentation
./examples/logging/langchain_model_logger.py:17:76: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./examples/logging/langchain_model_logger.py:19:1: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/logging/langchain_model_logger.py:22:63: WPS432 Found magic number: 0.7
./examples/logging/langchain_model_logger.py:22:80: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./examples/logging/langchain_model_logger.py:24:1: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/logging/langchain_model_logger.py:26:7: WPS317 Found incorrect multi-line parameters
./examples/logging/langchain_model_logger.py:27:14: WPS318 Found extra indentation
./examples/logging/langchain_model_logger.py:27:57: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./examples/logging/langchain_model_logger.py:29:1: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/logging/langchain_qa.py:18:121: E501 line too long (140 > 120 characters)
./examples/logging/langchain_qa.py:29:74: C812 missing trailing comma
./examples/logging/langchain_qa.py:34:1: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./examples/logging/langchain_qa.py:35:46: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./examples/logging/langchain_qa.py:35:47: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./examples/logging/langchain_qa.py:35:48: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./log10/tools.py:7:14: N803 argument name 'URL' should be lowercase
./log10/tools.py:8:1: D205 1 blank line required between summary line and description
./log10/tools.py:8:1: D401 First line should be in imperative mood
./log10/tools.py:8:1: D403 First word of the first line should be properly capitalized
./log10/tools.py:8:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - URL
./log10/tools.py:8:1: DAR201 Missing "Returns" in Docstring: - return
./log10/tools.py:13:1: E800 Found commented out code
./log10/tools.py:14:1: E800 Found commented out code
./log10/tools.py:18:1: E800 Found commented out code
./log10/tools.py:20:1: E800 Found commented out code
./log10/tools.py:23:1: E800 Found commented out code
./log10/tools.py:25:1: E800 Found commented out code
./log10/tools.py:26:1: E800 Found commented out code
./log10/tools.py:28:1: E800 Found commented out code
./log10/tools.py:30:1: E800 Found commented out code
./log10/tools.py:33:1: E800 Found commented out code
./log10/tools.py:34:1: E800 Found commented out code
./log10/tools.py:37:1: E800 Found commented out code
./log10/tools.py:38:1: E800 Found commented out code
./log10/tools.py:40:1: E800 Found commented out code
./log10/tools.py:43:5: WPS110 Found wrong variable name: data
./log10/tools.py:48:1: E800 Found commented out code
./log10/tools.py:49:1: E800 Found commented out code
./log10/tools.py:54:1: D400 First line should end with a period
./log10/tools.py:54:1: D401 First line should be in imperative mood
./log10/tools.py:54:1: D403 First word of the first line should be properly capitalized
./log10/tools.py:54:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - extraction_model
./log10/tools.py:54:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - full_response
./log10/tools.py:54:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - language
./log10/tools.py:54:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - llm
./log10/tools.py:54:1: DAR201 Missing "Returns" in Docstring: - return
./log10/tools.py:58:121: E501 line too long (234 > 120 characters)
./log10/tools.py:60:38: WPS336 Found explicit string concatenation
./log10/tools.py:63:66: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./log10/bigquery.py:0:1: WPS232 Found module cognitive complexity that is too high: 9.7 > 8
./log10/bigquery.py:10:1: WPS210 Found too many local variables: 14 > 5
./log10/bigquery.py:10:1: WPS231 Found function with too much cognitive complexity: 24 > 12
./log10/bigquery.py:19:5: WPS430 Found nested function: dataset_exists
./log10/bigquery.py:19:24: WPS442 Found outer scope names shadowing: dataset_id
./log10/bigquery.py:20:9: WPS229 Found too long ``try`` body length: 2 > 1
./log10/bigquery.py:26:5: WPS430 Found nested function: table_exists
./log10/bigquery.py:26:22: WPS442 Found outer scope names shadowing: dataset_id
./log10/bigquery.py:26:34: WPS442 Found outer scope names shadowing: completions_table_id
./log10/bigquery.py:27:9: WPS229 Found too long ``try`` body length: 3 > 1
./log10/bigquery.py:37:13: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./log10/bigquery.py:40:13: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./log10/bigquery.py:49:13: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./log10/bigquery.py:56:13: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./log10/bigquery.py:57:80: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./log10/bigquery.py:60:13: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./log10/bigquery.py:61:100: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./log10/bigquery.py:71:13: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./log10/evals.py:0:1: WPS226 Found string literal over-use: ideal > 3
./log10/evals.py:3:1: F401 'logging' imported but unused
./log10/evals.py:5:1: S404 Consider possible security implications associated with the subprocess module.
./log10/evals.py:12:1: WPS231 Found function with too much cognitive complexity: 22 > 12
./log10/evals.py:20:121: E501 line too long (128 > 120 characters)
./log10/evals.py:30:46: WPS110 Found wrong variable name: file
./log10/evals.py:35:1: WPS210 Found too many local variables: 12 > 5
./log10/evals.py:35:1: WPS125 Found builtin shadowing: eval
./log10/evals.py:42:22: WPS110 Found wrong variable name: value
./log10/evals.py:48:22: WPS318 Found extra indentation
./log10/evals.py:48:68: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./log10/evals.py:48:69: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./log10/evals.py:49:9: WPS440 Found block variables overlap: example
./log10/evals.py:54:67: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./log10/evals.py:57:17: WPS317 Found incorrect multi-line parameters
./log10/evals.py:58:53: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./log10/evals.py:60:13: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./log10/evals.py:61:89: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./log10/evals.py:62:13: WPS421 Found wrong function call: print
./log10/evals.py:63:5: WPS324 Found inconsistent `return` statement
./log10/evals.py:66:1: WPS125 Found builtin shadowing: compile
./log10/evals.py:70:1: S607 Starting a process with a partial executable path
./log10/evals.py:70:1: S603 subprocess call - check for execution of untrusted input.
./log10/evals.py:71:79: C812 missing trailing comma
./log10/evals.py:77:13: WPS503 Found useless returning `else` statement
./log10/llm.py:0:1: WPS202 Found too many module members: 9 > 7
./log10/llm.py:0:1: WPS226 Found string literal over-use: POST > 3
./log10/llm.py:0:1: WPS226 Found string literal over-use: Not implemented > 3
./log10/llm.py:4:1: F401 'sys' imported but unused
./log10/llm.py:6:1: F401 'abc.abstractmethod' imported but unused
./log10/llm.py:17:1: WPS306 Found class without a base class: Log10Config
./log10/llm.py:18:5: WPS211 Found too many arguments: 6 > 5
./log10/llm.py:24:10: N803 argument name 'DEBUG' should be lowercase
./log10/llm.py:42:27: WPS110 Found wrong variable name: content
./log10/llm.py:42:41: WPS125 Found builtin shadowing: id
./log10/llm.py:42:79: C812 missing trailing comma
./log10/llm.py:46:9: WPS110 Found wrong variable name: content
./log10/llm.py:55:20: N805 first argument of a method should be named 'self'
./log10/llm.py:65:20: N805 first argument of a method should be named 'self'
./log10/llm.py:70:5: WPS420 Found wrong keyword: pass
./log10/llm.py:70:5: WPS604 Found incorrect node inside `class` body
./log10/llm.py:75:26: WPS110 Found wrong variable name: content
./log10/llm.py:75:88: C812 missing trailing comma
./log10/llm.py:78:9: WPS110 Found wrong variable name: content
./log10/llm.py:102:1: WPS214 Found too many methods: 9 > 7
./log10/llm.py:111:51: WPS336 Found explicit string concatenation
./log10/llm.py:112:13: WPS229 Found too long ``try`` body length: 3 > 1
./log10/llm.py:124:13: WPS111 Found too short name: e < 2
./log10/llm.py:126:21: WPS237 Found a too complex `f` string
./log10/llm.py:126:121: E501 line too long (130 > 120 characters)
./log10/llm.py:126:131: C812 missing trailing comma
./log10/llm.py:134:9: WPS221 Found line with high Jones Complexity: 18 > 14
./log10/llm.py:134:40: WPS336 Found explicit string concatenation
./log10/llm.py:134:102: WPS336 Found explicit string concatenation
./log10/llm.py:134:121: E501 line too long (164 > 120 characters)
./log10/llm.py:137:9: WPS454 Found wrong `raise` exception type: Exception
./log10/llm.py:140:9: WPS454 Found wrong `raise` exception type: Exception
./log10/llm.py:143:9: WPS454 Found wrong `raise` exception type: Exception
./log10/llm.py:146:9: WPS454 Found wrong `raise` exception type: Exception
./log10/llm.py:151:13: WPS237 Found a too complex `f` string
./log10/llm.py:166:60: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./log10/llm.py:166:61: C812 missing trailing comma
./log10/llm.py:168:9: WPS601 Found shadowed class attribute: last_completion_response
./log10/llm.py:199:5: WPS324 Found inconsistent `return` statement
./log10/llm.py:228:9: WPS420 Found wrong keyword: pass
./log10/llm.py:231:22: WPS336 Found explicit string concatenation
./log10/llm.py:235:22: WPS336 Found explicit string concatenation
./log10/llm.py:242:9: WPS528 Found implicit `.items()` usage
./log10/openai.py:1:1: F401 'logging' imported but unused
./log10/openai.py:2:1: F401 'time' imported but unused
./log10/openai.py:15:5: WPS612 Found useless overwritten method: __init__
./log10/openai.py:21:51: C815 missing trailing comma in Python 3.5+
./log10/openai.py:33:13: WPS528 Found implicit `.items()` usage
./log10/openai.py:50:13: WPS528 Found implicit `.items()` usage
./log10/openai.py:53:9: WPS331 Found variables that are only used for `return`: output
./log10/utils.py:0:1: WPS100 Found wrong module name
./log10/utils.py:5:1: F401 'anthropic.AI_PROMPT' imported but unused
./log10/utils.py:5:1: F401 'anthropic.HUMAN_PROMPT' imported but unused
./log10/utils.py:10:15: WPS111 Found too short name: s < 2
./log10/utils.py:11:1: DAR201 Missing "Returns" in Docstring: - return
./log10/utils.py:11:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - s
./log10/utils.py:12:5: WPS111 Found too short name: s < 2
./log10/utils.py:14:5: WPS111 Found too short name: s < 2
./log10/utils.py:15:5: WPS111 Found too short name: s < 2
./log10/utils.py:16:5: WPS111 Found too short name: s < 2
./log10/utils.py:17:5: WPS331 Found variables that are only used for `return`: s
./log10/utils.py:30:17: WPS110 Found wrong variable name: value
./log10/utils.py:31:5: WPS229 Found too long ``try`` body length: 2 > 1
./log10/utils.py:37:13: WPS503 Found useless returning `else` statement
./log10/anthropic.py:0:1: WPS226 Found string literal over-use: stop > 3
./log10/anthropic.py:0:1: WPS226 Found string literal over-use: prompt > 3
./log10/anthropic.py:2:1: F401 'os' imported but unused
./log10/anthropic.py:8:1: WPS458 Found imports collision: anthropic
./log10/anthropic.py:8:1: WPS458 Found imports collision: anthropic
./log10/anthropic.py:13:1: WPS214 Found too many methods: 8 > 7
./log10/anthropic.py:15:89: C812 missing trailing comma
./log10/anthropic.py:26:5: WPS210 Found too many local variables: 6 > 5
./log10/anthropic.py:29:27: C815 missing trailing comma in Python 3.5+
./log10/anthropic.py:31:9: WPS110 Found wrong variable name: content
./log10/anthropic.py:40:44: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./log10/anthropic.py:52:18: C812 missing trailing comma
./log10/anthropic.py:54:34: C812 missing trailing comma
./log10/anthropic.py:62:13: WPS528 Found implicit `.items()` usage
./log10/anthropic.py:70:5: WPS210 Found too many local variables: 6 > 5
./log10/anthropic.py:73:27: C815 missing trailing comma in Python 3.5+
./log10/anthropic.py:97:18: C812 missing trailing comma
./log10/anthropic.py:99:34: C812 missing trailing comma
./log10/anthropic.py:107:13: WPS528 Found implicit `.items()` usage
./log10/anthropic.py:110:47: WPS336 Found explicit string concatenation
./log10/anthropic.py:115:36: N805 first argument of a method should be named 'self'
./log10/anthropic.py:119:16: WPS514 Found implicit `in` condition
./log10/anthropic.py:123:21: WPS336 Found explicit string concatenation
./log10/anthropic.py:127:37: N805 first argument of a method should be named 'self'
./log10/anthropic.py:128:9: WPS420 Found wrong keyword: pass
./log10/anthropic.py:139:41: C812 missing trailing comma
./log10/langchain.py:0:1: WPS226 Found string literal over-use: max_tokens > 3
./log10/langchain.py:0:1: WPS226 Found string literal over-use:  

 rest:  > 3
./log10/langchain.py:0:1: WPS226 Found string literal over-use: model > 3
./log10/langchain.py:0:1: WPS226 Found string literal over-use: kind > 3
./log10/langchain.py:0:1: WPS226 Found string literal over-use: Do nothing. > 3
./log10/langchain.py:3:1: WPS458 Found imports collision: uuid
./log10/langchain.py:6:1: WPS462 Wrong multiline string usage
./log10/langchain.py:7:1: WPS428 Found statement that has no effect
./log10/langchain.py:7:1: WPS322 Found incorrect multi-line string
./log10/langchain.py:21:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - kwargs
./log10/langchain.py:21:1: DAR201 Missing "Returns" in Docstring: - return
./log10/langchain.py:24:34: WPS529 Found implicit `.get()` dict usage
./log10/langchain.py:26:28: WPS529 Found implicit `.get()` dict usage
./log10/langchain.py:28:28: WPS529 Found implicit `.get()` dict usage
./log10/langchain.py:30:33: WPS529 Found implicit `.get()` dict usage
./log10/langchain.py:32:33: WPS529 Found implicit `.get()` dict usage
./log10/langchain.py:34:40: WPS529 Found implicit `.get()` dict usage
./log10/langchain.py:36:39: WPS529 Found implicit `.get()` dict usage
./log10/langchain.py:40:1: WPS214 Found too many methods: 15 > 7
./log10/langchain.py:44:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - log10_config
./log10/langchain.py:53:5: WPS211 Found too many arguments: 7 > 5
./log10/langchain.py:57:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - **kwargs
./log10/langchain.py:57:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - parent_run_id
./log10/langchain.py:57:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - prompts
./log10/langchain.py:57:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - run_id
./log10/langchain.py:57:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - serialized
./log10/langchain.py:57:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - tags
./log10/langchain.py:57:1: DAR401 Missing exception(s) in Raises section: -r BaseException
./log10/langchain.py:65:116: C812 missing trailing comma
./log10/langchain.py:74:13: WPS454 Found wrong `raise` exception type: BaseException
./log10/langchain.py:77:13: WPS454 Found wrong `raise` exception type: BaseException
./log10/langchain.py:92:5: WPS211 Found too many arguments: 7 > 5
./log10/langchain.py:92:5: WPS210 Found too many local variables: 7 > 5
./log10/langchain.py:92:5: WPS231 Found function with too much cognitive complexity: 19 > 12
./log10/langchain.py:103:121: E501 line too long (137 > 120 characters)
./log10/langchain.py:103:138: C812 missing trailing comma
./log10/langchain.py:106:9: WPS464 Found empty comment
./log10/langchain.py:114:13: WPS454 Found wrong `raise` exception type: BaseException
./log10/langchain.py:122:13: WPS454 Found wrong `raise` exception type: BaseException
./log10/langchain.py:130:66: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./log10/langchain.py:133:71: C812 missing trailing comma
./log10/langchain.py:137:68: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./log10/langchain.py:139:17: WPS454 Found wrong `raise` exception type: BaseException
./log10/langchain.py:139:37: WPS237 Found a too complex `f` string
./log10/langchain.py:142:26: WPS441 Found control variable used after block: message
./log10/langchain.py:162:5: WPS238 Found too many raises in a function: 4 > 3
./log10/langchain.py:162:5: WPS231 Found function with too much cognitive complexity: 15 > 12
./log10/langchain.py:165:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - **kwargs
./log10/langchain.py:165:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - parent_run_id
./log10/langchain.py:165:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - response
./log10/langchain.py:165:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - run_id
./log10/langchain.py:165:1: DAR401 Missing exception(s) in Raises section: -r BaseException
./log10/langchain.py:174:13: WPS454 Found wrong `raise` exception type: BaseException
./log10/langchain.py:176:12: WPS514 Found implicit `in` condition
./log10/langchain.py:177:13: WPS454 Found wrong `raise` exception type: BaseException
./log10/langchain.py:183:13: WPS454 Found wrong `raise` exception type: BaseException
./log10/langchain.py:185:13: WPS454 Found wrong `raise` exception type: BaseException
./log10/langchain.py:187:9: WPS110 Found wrong variable name: content
./log10/langchain.py:200:22: C812 missing trailing comma
./log10/langchain.py:214:22: C812 missing trailing comma
./log10/langchain.py:227:89: C812 missing trailing comma
./log10/langchain.py:232:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - **kwargs
./log10/langchain.py:232:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - token
./log10/langchain.py:236:72: C816 missing trailing comma in Python 3.6+
./log10/langchain.py:237:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - **kwargs
./log10/langchain.py:237:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - error
./log10/langchain.py:242:9: WPS221 Found line with high Jones Complexity: 15 > 14
./log10/langchain.py:242:80: C816 missing trailing comma in Python 3.6+
./log10/langchain.py:243:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - **kwargs
./log10/langchain.py:243:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - inputs
./log10/langchain.py:243:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - serialized
./log10/langchain.py:245:9: WPS420 Found wrong keyword: pass
./log10/langchain.py:248:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - **kwargs
./log10/langchain.py:248:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - outputs
./log10/langchain.py:249:9: WPS420 Found wrong keyword: pass
./log10/langchain.py:252:72: C816 missing trailing comma in Python 3.6+
./log10/langchain.py:253:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - **kwargs
./log10/langchain.py:253:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - error
./log10/langchain.py:255:9: WPS420 Found wrong keyword: pass
./log10/langchain.py:261:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - **kwargs
./log10/langchain.py:261:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - input_str
./log10/langchain.py:261:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - serialized
./log10/langchain.py:264:9: WPS420 Found wrong keyword: pass
./log10/langchain.py:267:78: C816 missing trailing comma in Python 3.6+
./log10/langchain.py:268:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - **kwargs
./log10/langchain.py:268:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - action
./log10/langchain.py:268:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - color
./log10/langchain.py:270:9: WPS420 Found wrong keyword: pass
./log10/langchain.py:272:5: WPS211 Found too many arguments: 6 > 5
./log10/langchain.py:278:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - **kwargs
./log10/langchain.py:278:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - color
./log10/langchain.py:278:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - llm_prefix
./log10/langchain.py:278:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - observation_prefix
./log10/langchain.py:278:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - output
./log10/langchain.py:281:9: WPS420 Found wrong keyword: pass
./log10/langchain.py:284:72: C816 missing trailing comma in Python 3.6+
./log10/langchain.py:285:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - **kwargs
./log10/langchain.py:285:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - error
./log10/langchain.py:287:9: WPS420 Found wrong keyword: pass
./log10/langchain.py:294:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - **kwargs
./log10/langchain.py:294:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - color
./log10/langchain.py:294:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - end
./log10/langchain.py:294:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - text
./log10/langchain.py:297:9: WPS420 Found wrong keyword: pass
./log10/langchain.py:300:78: C816 missing trailing comma in Python 3.6+
./log10/langchain.py:301:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - **kwargs
./log10/langchain.py:301:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - color
./log10/langchain.py:301:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - finish
./log10/langchain.py:303:9: WPS420 Found wrong keyword: pass
./log10/load.py:0:1: WPS232 Found module cognitive complexity that is too high: 14.9 > 8
./log10/load.py:0:1: WPS201 Found module with too many imports: 20 > 12
./log10/load.py:0:1: WPS202 Found too many module members: 11 > 7
./log10/load.py:0:1: WPS226 Found string literal over-use: log10 > 3
./log10/load.py:0:1: WPS226 Found string literal over-use: bigquery > 3
./log10/load.py:0:1: WPS226 Found string literal over-use: POST > 3
./log10/load.py:0:1: WPS226 Found string literal over-use: x-log10-token > 3
./log10/load.py:0:1: WPS226 Found string literal over-use: Content-Type > 3
./log10/load.py:0:1: WPS226 Found string literal over-use: application/json > 3
./log10/load.py:0:1: WPS226 Found string literal over-use: organization_id > 3
./log10/load.py:0:1: WPS226 Found string literal over-use: status > 3
./log10/load.py:0:1: WPS226 Found string literal over-use: completion > 3
./log10/load.py:30:5: WPS433 Found nested import
./log10/load.py:32:5: WPS433 Found nested import
./log10/load.py:33:5: WPS433 Found nested import
./log10/load.py:47:5: WPS229 Found too long ``try`` body length: 3 > 1
./log10/load.py:48:29: WPS336 Found explicit string concatenation
./log10/load.py:49:15: WPS317 Found incorrect multi-line parameters
./log10/load.py:50:32: WPS318 Found extra indentation
./log10/load.py:51:61: C812 missing trailing comma
./log10/load.py:55:5: WPS111 Found too short name: e < 2
./log10/load.py:56:9: WPS454 Found wrong `raise` exception type: Exception
./log10/load.py:56:25: WPS336 Found explicit string concatenation
./log10/load.py:56:71: WPS336 Found explicit string concatenation
./log10/load.py:56:121: E501 line too long (140 > 120 characters)
./log10/load.py:56:140: W504 line break after binary operator
./log10/load.py:57:25: WPS323 Found `%` string formatting
./log10/load.py:57:25: WPS318 Found extra indentation
./log10/load.py:57:94: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./log10/load.py:61:2: N816 variable 'sessionID' in global scope should not be mixedCase
./log10/load.py:66:1: WPS306 Found class without a base class: log10_session
./log10/load.py:66:8: N801 class name 'log10_session' should use CapWords convention
./log10/load.py:71:13: WPS420 Found wrong keyword: global
./log10/load.py:72:13: WPS442 Found outer scope names shadowing: global_tags
./log10/load.py:75:9: WPS420 Found wrong keyword: global
./log10/load.py:76:9: WPS420 Found wrong keyword: global
./log10/load.py:77:9: WPS442 Found outer scope names shadowing: sessionID
./log10/load.py:78:9: WPS442 Found outer scope names shadowing: last_completion_response
./log10/load.py:85:22: WPS336 Found explicit string concatenation
./log10/load.py:85:79: WPS336 Found explicit string concatenation
./log10/load.py:85:121: E501 line too long (136 > 120 characters)
./log10/load.py:87:45: WPS442 Found outer scope names shadowing: traceback
./log10/load.py:89:13: WPS420 Found wrong keyword: global
./log10/load.py:90:13: WPS442 Found outer scope names shadowing: global_tags
./log10/load.py:91:9: WPS324 Found inconsistent `return` statement
./log10/load.py:103:90: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./log10/load.py:108:19: N803 argument name 'completionID' should be lowercase
./log10/load.py:110:6: N806 variable 'organizationSlug' in function should be lowercase
./log10/load.py:111:22: WPS336 Found explicit string concatenation
./log10/load.py:111:51: WPS336 Found explicit string concatenation
./log10/load.py:116:35: F841 local variable 'session' is assigned to but never used
./log10/load.py:117:9: WPS420 Found wrong keyword: global
./log10/load.py:119:15: WPS317 Found incorrect multi-line parameters
./log10/load.py:120:32: WPS318 Found extra indentation
./log10/load.py:120:121: E501 line too long (123 > 120 characters)
./log10/load.py:121:61: C812 missing trailing comma
./log10/load.py:124:9: WPS442 Found outer scope names shadowing: last_completion_response
./log10/load.py:125:10: N806 variable 'completionID' in function should be lowercase
./log10/load.py:137:32: C812 missing trailing comma
./log10/load.py:140:19: WPS317 Found incorrect multi-line parameters
./log10/load.py:141:36: WPS318 Found extra indentation
./log10/load.py:141:53: WPS336 Found explicit string concatenation
./log10/load.py:143:45: WPS318 Found extra indentation
./log10/load.py:143:79: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./log10/load.py:144:48: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./log10/load.py:146:13: WPS420 Found wrong keyword: pass
./log10/load.py:153:5: WPS110 Found wrong variable name: result
./log10/load.py:154:70: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./log10/load.py:159:5: WPS420 Found wrong keyword: global
./log10/load.py:160:11: WPS317 Found incorrect multi-line parameters
./log10/load.py:161:28: WPS318 Found extra indentation
./log10/load.py:162:57: C812 missing trailing comma
./log10/load.py:165:5: WPS442 Found outer scope names shadowing: last_completion_response
./log10/load.py:166:6: N806 variable 'completionID' in function should be lowercase
./log10/load.py:169:11: WPS317 Found incorrect multi-line parameters
./log10/load.py:170:28: WPS318 Found extra indentation
./log10/load.py:170:45: WPS336 Found explicit string concatenation
./log10/load.py:172:37: WPS318 Found extra indentation
./log10/load.py:172:71: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./log10/load.py:181:51: C812 missing trailing comma
./log10/load.py:186:1: WPS210 Found too many local variables: 10 > 5
./log10/load.py:186:1: WPS231 Found function with too much cognitive complexity: 90 > 12
./log10/load.py:188:5: WPS210 Found too many local variables: 10 > 5
./log10/load.py:188:5: WPS231 Found function with too much cognitive complexity: 65 > 12
./log10/load.py:189:32: WPS336 Found explicit string concatenation
./log10/load.py:193:9: WPS229 Found too long ``try`` body length: 9 > 1
./log10/load.py:194:46: WPS336 Found explicit string concatenation
./log10/load.py:197:111: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./log10/load.py:197:112: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./log10/load.py:199:22: N806 variable 'completionID' in function should be lowercase
./log10/load.py:200:75: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./log10/load.py:204:27: WPS318 Found extra indentation
./log10/load.py:206:47: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./log10/load.py:206:81: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./log10/load.py:206:82: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./log10/load.py:212:70: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./log10/load.py:216:21: WPS328 Found useless node: while
./log10/load.py:217:25: WPS420 Found wrong keyword: pass
./log10/load.py:217:25: WPS220 Found too deep nesting: 24 > 20
./log10/load.py:218:22: N806 variable 'completionID' in function should be lowercase
./log10/load.py:232:45: C812 missing trailing comma
./log10/load.py:239:61: C812 missing trailing comma
./log10/load.py:243:21: F841 local variable 'res' is assigned to but never used
./log10/load.py:243:27: WPS317 Found incorrect multi-line parameters
./log10/load.py:244:44: WPS318 Found extra indentation
./log10/load.py:244:61: WPS336 Found explicit string concatenation
./log10/load.py:246:106: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./log10/load.py:247:56: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./log10/load.py:249:21: WPS505 Found nested `try` block
./log10/load.py:249:21: WPS229 Found too long ``try`` body length: 8 > 1
./log10/load.py:250:25: WPS220 Found too deep nesting: 24 > 20
./log10/load.py:251:25: WPS220 Found too deep nesting: 24 > 20
./log10/load.py:252:41: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./log10/load.py:253:25: WPS220 Found too deep nesting: 24 > 20
./log10/load.py:255:25: WPS220 Found too deep nesting: 24 > 20
./log10/load.py:256:29: WPS220 Found too deep nesting: 28 > 20
./log10/load.py:257:25: WPS220 Found too deep nesting: 24 > 20
./log10/load.py:258:29: WPS220 Found too deep nesting: 28 > 20
./log10/load.py:260:25: WPS220 Found too deep nesting: 24 > 20
./log10/load.py:261:25: WPS220 Found too deep nesting: 24 > 20
./log10/load.py:262:25: WPS220 Found too deep nesting: 24 > 20
./log10/load.py:264:25: WPS220 Found too deep nesting: 24 > 20
./log10/load.py:265:54: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./log10/load.py:267:21: WPS111 Found too short name: e < 2
./log10/load.py:268:25: WPS220 Found too deep nesting: 24 > 20
./log10/load.py:269:93: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./log10/load.py:270:9: WPS440 Found block variables overlap: e
./log10/load.py:270:9: WPS111 Found too short name: e < 2
./log10/load.py:278:24: N803 argument name 'USE_ASYNC' should be lowercase
./log10/load.py:282:1: WPS210 Found too many local variables: 9 > 5
./log10/load.py:282:1: WPS231 Found function with too much cognitive complexity: 50 > 12
./log10/load.py:282:19: WPS120 Found regular name with trailing underscore: DEBUG_
./log10/load.py:282:20: N803 argument name 'DEBUG_' should be lowercase
./log10/load.py:282:33: WPS120 Found regular name with trailing underscore: USE_ASYNC_
./log10/load.py:283:1: D400 First line should end with a period
./log10/load.py:283:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - DEBUG_
./log10/load.py:283:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - USE_ASYNC_
./log10/load.py:283:1: DAR101 Missing parameter(s) in Docstring: - module
./log10/load.py:285:1: RST306 Unknown target name: "debug".
./log10/load.py:285:1: RST306 Unknown target name: "use_async".
./log10/load.py:290:5: WPS420 Found wrong keyword: global
./log10/load.py:294:5: WPS317 Found incorrect multi-line parameters
./log10/load.py:295:25: WPS318 Found extra indentation
./log10/load.py:295:32: WPS323 Found `%` string formatting
./log10/load.py:295:83: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./log10/load.py:300:1: E800 Found commented out code
./log10/load.py:301:1: E800 Found commented out code
./log10/load.py:302:1: E800 Found commented out code
./log10/load.py:307:1: E800 Found commented out code
./log10/load.py:308:1: E800 Found commented out code
./log10/load.py:309:1: E800 Found commented out code
./log10/load.py:310:1: E800 Found commented out code
./log10/load.py:311:1: E800 Found commented out code
./log10/load.py:312:1: E800 Found commented out code
./log10/load.py:314:1: E800 Found commented out code
./log10/load.py:316:23: WPS421 Found wrong function call: vars
./log10/load.py:319:56: WPS510 Found `in` used with a non-set container
./log10/load.py:320:44: WPS421 Found wrong function call: vars
./log10/load.py:322:25: WPS220 Found too deep nesting: 24 > 20
./log10/load.py:323:25: WPS220 Found too deep nesting: 24 > 20
./log10/load.py:323:60: WPS510 Found `in` used with a non-set container
./log10/load.py:324:29: WPS220 Found too deep nesting: 28 > 20
./log10/load.py:325:48: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./log10/load.py:326:29: WPS317 Found incorrect multi-line parameters
./log10/load.py:326:29: WPS220 Found too deep nesting: 28 > 20
./log10/load.py:327:37: WPS318 Found extra indentation
./log10/load.py:327:66: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./log10/load.py:330:17: WPS440 Found block variables overlap: method, method_name
./log10/load.py:330:44: WPS421 Found wrong function call: vars
./log10/load.py:332:25: WPS317 Found incorrect multi-line parameters
./log10/load.py:332:25: WPS220 Found too deep nesting: 24 > 20
./log10/load.py:333:33: WPS318 Found extra indentation
./log10/load.py:333:63: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./log10/load.py:337:1: E800 Found commented out code
./log10/load.py:338:1: E800 Found commented out code
./log10/load.py:340:1: E800 Found commented out code
./log10/load.py:342:1: E800 Found commented out code
./log10/agents/scrape_summarizer.py:1:1: F401 'anthropic.HUMAN_PROMPT' imported but unused
./log10/agents/scrape_summarizer.py:7:121: E501 line too long (163 > 120 characters)
./log10/agents/camel.py:0:1: WPS232 Found module cognitive complexity that is too high: 26.5 > 8
./log10/agents/camel.py:0:1: WPS226 Found string literal over-use: user > 3
./log10/agents/camel.py:12:12: WPS323 Found `%` string formatting
./log10/agents/camel.py:18:20: WPS317 Found incorrect multi-line parameters
./log10/agents/camel.py:19:21: WPS318 Found extra indentation
./log10/agents/camel.py:19:64: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./log10/agents/camel.py:22:1: WPS211 Found too many arguments: 8 > 5
./log10/agents/camel.py:42:5: WPS472 Found unpacking used to get a single element from a collection
./log10/agents/camel.py:46:1: WPS211 Found too many arguments: 8 > 5
./log10/agents/camel.py:46:1: WPS210 Found too many local variables: 20 > 5
./log10/agents/camel.py:46:1: WPS213 Found too many expressions: 14 > 9
./log10/agents/camel.py:46:1: WPS231 Found function with too much cognitive complexity: 53 > 12
./log10/agents/camel.py:56:5: WPS229 Found too long ``try`` body length: 11 > 1
./log10/agents/camel.py:65:121: E501 line too long (160 > 120 characters)
./log10/agents/camel.py:94:121: E501 line too long (139 > 120 characters)
./log10/agents/camel.py:98:121: E501 line too long (156 > 120 characters)
./log10/agents/camel.py:127:13: WPS111 Found too short name: i < 2
./log10/agents/camel.py:129:13: WPS464 Found empty comment
./log10/agents/camel.py:135:67: C812 missing trailing comma
./log10/agents/camel.py:139:13: WPS464 Found empty comment
./log10/agents/camel.py:145:72: C812 missing trailing comma
./log10/agents/camel.py:151:13: WPS464 Found empty comment
./log10/agents/camel.py:155:17: WPS337 Found multiline conditions
./log10/agents/camel.py:162:71: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./log10/agents/camel.py:164:25: WPS220 Found too deep nesting: 24 > 20
./log10/agents/camel.py:170:13: WPS337 Found multiline conditions
./log10/agents/camel.py:175:17: WPS464 Found empty comment
./log10/agents/camel.py:180:25: WPS237 Found a too complex `f` string
./log10/agents/camel.py:180:25: WPS221 Found line with high Jones Complexity: 19 > 14
./log10/agents/camel.py:180:121: E501 line too long (124 > 120 characters)
./log10/agents/camel.py:182:41: WPS510 Found `in` used with a non-set container
./log10/agents/camel.py:183:22: C812 missing trailing comma
./log10/agents/camel.py:188:121: E501 line too long (147 > 120 characters)
./log10/agents/camel.py:196:121: E501 line too long (132 > 120 characters)
./log10/agents/camel.py:197:121: E501 line too long (176 > 120 characters)
./log10/agents/camel.py:199:121: E501 line too long (233 > 120 characters)
./log10/agents/camel.py:201:45: W504 line break after binary operator
./log10/agents/camel.py:208:33: WPS336 Found explicit string concatenation
./log10/agents/camel.py:216:66: WPS319 Found bracket in wrong position
./log10/agents/camel.py:223:5: WPS111 Found too short name: e < 2
make: *** [lint-flake8] Error 1
nqn commented 10 months ago

Hi @edmondop !

Is there a way to apply an auto formatter which adheres to that syntax style, that you know of?

edmondop commented 10 months ago

Hi @edmondop !

Is there a way to apply an auto formatter which adheres to that syntax style, that you know of?

Yes, I have a setup with that see https://github.com/log10-io/log10/pull/54/files#diff-76ed074a9305c04054cdebb9e9aad2d818052b07091de1f20cad0bbac34ffb52R58-R61

I just didn't want to make further changes before confirming people are ok with that, it's a big change