logan-berner / LandsatTS

LandsatTS is an R package to facilitate retrieval, cleaning, cross-calibration, and phenological modeling of Landsat time-series data.
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Make package public? #11

Closed logan-berner closed 3 years ago

logan-berner commented 3 years ago

Jakob- Do you have any concerns about making the repository public at this point? I'm not concerned about a random person finding this package since my profile isn't highly trafficked. I think making the package public now will simplify sharing and testing. Sound good?

jakobjassmann commented 3 years ago

Yes! Happy for this to go public if you are. 🙂

Shall we still keep quite about it though? Or are you ready for this to go out onto our websites etc.? I am super easy about this. Just checking to make sure I don't accidentally shout about it when you don't feel ready for it to go out yet.

jtkerb commented 3 years ago

I'd prefer if there was a bit of a 'behind the scenes' burn in to a big public release on this one, mostly to give a bit more momentum on ongoing work. That said, I'm ultimately quite happy to support whatever you guys decide is best. Just my two cents :-)

IslaMS commented 3 years ago

It is pretty easy to just add people to a GitHub team for beta testing rather than going public. I think there is a possibility that someone would notice/find out about this package and go to work with it right away by cloning the code base. There are some groups that are doing a lot of rapid turn around remote sensing analyses who might be quite interested in this package. So if we want to progress the HiLDEN project and maybe a satellite to in situ analyses ourselves, then it could be beneficial to wait a bit before going public. Though I am happy to go with the consensus. It will stimulate progress when the code is public!

logan-berner commented 3 years ago

Okay, let's keep the package private for now. We can selectively share the package and make more headway on HiLDEN, then release it to the world with some fanfare when ready.

jakobjassmann commented 3 years ago

Sounds good to me! :)