logankoester / grunt-phonegap

A Grunt plugin to provide local build tasks for Phonegap applications
MIT License
173 stars 61 forks source link

Grunt phonegap task fails but wrapped phonegap cli command works #101

Open JefStat opened 9 years ago

JefStat commented 9 years ago

When I run grunt phone gap it fails with ENOENT but I can run the wrapped phonegap local run android -V command without issue

    $ grunt phonegap:run:android
    Running "phonegap:run:android" (phonegap:run) task
    Running: phonegap local run android -V
    Fatal error: spawn ENOENT
gabrielpoca commented 9 years ago

@djastro that was also happening to me but I didn't dig much into it. I think tonight I can take a look.