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Create a price range for shipping costs #17

Open abbychoff opened 5 years ago

abbychoff commented 5 years ago

For example if they have $5000 to spend but when looking at just our pricing sheet they may think they can get a 6ft letter for their event but they then have to know shipping is probably $1,000 minimum each way so that drops down a 4ft tall letter. Maybe just making some notes/reference to shipping costs, maybe create a map that is shaded per region with price range guestamites... for example CST zone would range from $500-$2,000 each way for shipping depending on size and QTY of letters. EST zone would range from $800-$3,000 each way for shipping depending on size and QTY of letters. PST zone would range from $900-$3,000 each way for shipping depending on size and QTY of letters...