logant / Revit_NoPlot

No Plot functionality for Revit.
MIT License
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FEATURE REQUEST: run (hide NPLT) before exporting to CAD #4

Open lionelcamara opened 5 years ago

lionelcamara commented 5 years ago

We're required to submit CAD exports of the Sheets as part of our deliverables, but since the NPLT elements don't get put on NPLT layers (not to mention that many of our NPLT comments point out shortcomings with the design, coordination issues, and other "TODOs" that were never done - basically stuff we don't want the owner to see), I find myself manually deleting Text & Dimensions, and turning off NPLT Lines in View Templates, then Undoing the changes after the export.

It would be nice to add a hook into the Export > CAD Formats > DWG command (possibly with a separate control?).

Or maybe even add a button to "delete all NPLT"... which I'm now thinking that I'll want to do before submitting the model anyway...

logant commented 5 years ago

The NPLT for exports was something I looked at early on in the development of this tool, and I believe what I came to was that it wasn't possible to capture the views being exported like you can the views being printed. That means an export function would have to be custom made, and while not necessarily difficult it would mean you'd export from a custom button and not the native Export command which means rewriting things like the export setup (view/sheet set selection, export options) which I didn't want to get in to.

As for the deletion of NPLT elements, that's probably not too difficult either, but it would probably only work well on elements (text types, etc) with NPLT in the name. If anything is managed through object styles (we use NPLT for things like clearance lines) that would not work very well. You can delete the custom subcategories that have NPLT in the name, but the geometry attached to that subcategory just gets moved to the root category instead and will still be in the model. The only way around that is to edit everything and delete those things before deleting the subcategory which would probably be a little complicated and I would think prone to failure.