logantgt / harmony-span

A Node.JS application that allows you to trigger external webhooks from your Logitech Harmony Hub and compatible remotes.
MIT License
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Config URL IP instead of localhost #18

Open ourcontact opened 3 years ago

ourcontact commented 3 years ago

Instead of localhost, why not list the IP? Is localhost used in code for writing making remote headless access an issue with creating config.json through Web interface? Also is port configurable without recompile?

Current [>] SSDP server running on ! [i] HarmonySpan's Configuration Menu is available at http://localhost:8060/config

Proposed [>] SSDP server running on ! [i] HarmonySpan's Configuration Menu is available at http://:8060/config

Example [>] SSDP server running on! [i] HarmonySpan's Configuration Menu is available at

logantgt commented 3 years ago

Thanks for opening the issue!

I've been meaning to fix this and resolve a few other issues - hopefully I'll be able to get around to this tomorrow.

Thank you so much for the support!

ourcontact commented 3 years ago

Thank you for a great tool!

As you are aware, but it took me a while to discover, the localhost is also hardcoded as full path instead of relative in the config.html so when I tried remote web access to configure, the config.json wasn't updated. I used remote X Firefox ( and vi ) to edit the config.json on my headless server and after figuring out a few more mistakes I made, everything is working great now!

logantgt commented 3 years ago

Sounds fantastic! If you'd feel comfortable, I would greatly appreciate it if you made a PR so I could merge these changes. Thank you again for your support!

ourcontact commented 3 years ago

I'll give it a shot, I need to use Git& GitHub for code and make sure I can work from your source and compile. But have never quite taken the time to figure git all out.

So please be patient and understanding with me ;)

logantgt commented 3 years ago

All good! Let me know if you need any help!

logantgt commented 3 years ago

Feel free to add the changes you mentioned in #17 as well.