logdna / logdna-cli

The LogDNA CLI allows you to signup for a new account and tail your server logs right from the command line.
MIT License
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Add Usage Information to Readme #35

Closed ernestii closed 5 years ago

ernestii commented 5 years ago

Add the following information to readme:


Command Description
logdna register [email] Register a new LogDNA account
logdna ssologin Log in to a LogDNA via single sign-on
logdna login [email] Log in to LogDNA
logdna tail [options] [query] Live tail with optional filtering. Options include -h, -a, -l, -t to filter by hosts, apps, levels or tags respectively. Run logdna tail --help to learn more.
logdna switch If your login has access to more than one account, this command allows you to switch between them
logdna search [options] [query] Basic search with optional filtering. Run logdna search --help for options.
logdna info Show current logged in user info
logdna update Update the CLI to the latest version


# Register
$ logdna register user@example.com
$ logdna register user@example.com b7c0487cfa5fa7327c9a166c6418598d # use this if you were assigned an Ingestion Key

# Login
$ logdna login user@example.com

# Tail
$ logdna tail '("timed out" OR "connection refused") -request'
$ logdna tail -a access.log 500
$ logdna tail -l error,warn

# Search
$ logdna search "logdna cli" -a logdna.log -t tag1,tag2 -n 300
$ logdna search "logdna" --from 1541100040931 --to 1541102940000

# Other
$ logdna info
$ logdna update

# Switch organization
$ logdna switch

> 1: ACME (active)
> 2: Strickland Propane
> Choose account [1-2]: