Closed tony-g closed 4 years ago
Hi, trying out logdna, and with the following:
"logdna-winston": "2.2.2", "winston": "3.2.1"
const options = { key: apiKey, app, env, index_meta: true } const winstLogger = winston.createLogger({ transports: [ new logdnaWinston(options), new winston.transports.Console({ format: winston.format.simple() }) ] })'1', { '1': true, x: { a: 1 } })'2', { '2': true, x: { b: 2 } })
I'd expect the 2 lines that get written to the console:
info: 1 {"1":true,"x":{"a":1}} info: 2 {"2":true,"x":{"b":2}}
In practice, I'm getting 2 identical lines:
{ "1": true, "2": true, "x": { "b": 2 } }
I'm not mutating any of the logged objects and didn't see anything in the docs about auto-merging, so I'm a bit confused. This also seems to work fine with other services.
We're seeing this as well- we log many lines per second, and it's seriously impacting our ability to filter logs effectively.
I've submitted a PR to fix this, but in the meantime reverting to 2.2.0 will resolve the problem.
Hi, trying out logdna, and with the following:
I'd expect the 2 lines that get written to the console:
In practice, I'm getting 2 identical lines:
I'm not mutating any of the logged objects and didn't see anything in the docs about auto-merging, so I'm a bit confused. This also seems to work fine with other services.