logdna / logdna-winston

LogDNA's Node.js logging module with support for Winston
MIT License
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👋🏻 are you open to modern javascript/typescript formatting? #36

Closed peterpme closed 3 years ago

peterpme commented 3 years ago


We recently started using logdna and love the service! That being said, it feels like your code and examples are a bit out-dated:

  const levels = {
    error: 0
  , warn: 1
  , info: 2
  , http: 3
  , verbose: 4
  , loquacious: 5
  , ludicrous: 6

Would you be open to a pull request that sets up prettier, uses camelCase instead of snake_case for variables and brings it up to speed to the rest of the javascript world?

Thank you.

mdeltito commented 3 years ago

Hey @peterpme, thanks for the offer and glad you're enjoying LogDNA! Our code examples adhere to our eslint-enforced style rather than something like Prettier. Although now that you've pointed it out... there are some inconsistencies with the examples 😅 I've opened #37 to address this.

peterpme commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the info @mdeltito!

Some customer feedback (take it/leave it): in the age of prettier and modern javascript, trying to read this code style adds a bit of friction.

If my friend didn't suggest logdna and I stumbled across this on my own, I'd look elsewhere because it gives the impression that its out of date.