Open zhu733756 opened 1 year ago
How to run it with source kubeEvents: 1. Exec ddl on your clickhouse server --- CREATE DATABASE events; CREATE TABLE ( namespace String, name String, selfLink String, uid String, resourceVersion String, creationTimestamp String, managedFields String, kind String, apiVersion String, fieldPath String, reason String, message String, host String, firstTimestamp String, lastTimestamp String, count Float64, type String, eventTime String, reportingComponent String, reportingInstance String ) ENGINE = MergeTree() ORDER BY (namespace, name, creationTimestamp) --- 2. git clone 3. add vscode launch.json (cd loggie && mkdir -p .vscode) --- { // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes. // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes. // For more information, visit: "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { "name": "loggie-clickhouse-sink", "type": "go", "request": "launch", "mode": "auto", "program": "${workspaceFolder}/cmd/loggie/main.go", "args": ["--config.system", "/root/go/src/", "--config.pipeline", "/root/go/src/", "--meta.nodeName", "nodeX", "--log.level","debug"] } ] } --- 4.loggie.yml(default) --- loggie: reload: enabled: true period: 10s monitor: logger: period: 30s enabled: true listeners: filesource: ~ filewatcher: ~ reload: ~ sink: ~ queue: ~ pipeline: ~ sys: ~ discovery: enabled: false kubernetes: containerRuntime: containerd kubeconfig: "/root/.kube/config" typePodFields: namespace: "${_k8s.pod.namespace}" podname: "${}" containername: "${}" nodename: "${}" logconfig: "${_k8s.logconfig}" defaults: sink: type: dev sources: - type: file timestampKey: "@timestamp" bodyKey: "message" fieldsUnderRoot: true addonMeta: true addonMetaSchema: underRoot: true fields: filename: "${_meta.filename}" line: "${_meta.line}" watcher: maxOpenFds: 6000 http: enabled: true --- 5. pipeline.yml --- pipelines: - name: clickhouse sources: - type: kubeEvent name: events kubeconfig: "/root/.kube/config" queue: type: channel batchSize: 2048000 batchBytes: 33554432000 batchAggTimeout: 10s interceptors: - type: transformer name: jsonDecode actions: - if: exist(body) then: - action: jsonDecode(body) - type: transformer name: underRoot actions: - if: exist(metadata) then: - action: underRoot(metadata) - if: exist(involvedObject) then: - action: underRoot(involvedObject) - if: exist(source) then: - action: underRoot(source) - type: transformer name: setField actions: - action: set(managedFields, "") - type: transformer name: setEmpty actions: - if: NOT exist(host) then: - action: set(host, "") - if: NOT exist(fieldPath) then: - action: set(fieldPath, "") - if: NOT exist(apiVersion) then: - action: set(apiVersion, "") - if: NOT exist(count) then: - action: set(count, 0) - action: strconv(count, float) - action: return() else: - action: return() - type: maxbytes maxBytes: 1048576 - type: rateLimit qps: 10000 sink: type: clickhouse addr: ["xx.xx.xx.xx:9000"] user: "defaut" password: "defaut" database: "events" table: "events" debug: true --- 6. Click Vscode Debug button would run it.
/cc @ethfoo
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