logicahealth / InfoButtons

Infobuttons are context-sensitive links embedded in the electronic health record (EHR). They use clinical context information from the EHR, such as patient demographics, medications, diagnoses, user role, and clinical setting to help find answers to clinicians' and patients' questions using online health information resources.
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oib-request-service maven module improvements (filter/copy resources, tomcat7 plugin) #3

Closed alexfranken closed 10 years ago

alexfranken commented 10 years ago

There was some duplication of files in src/main/resources vs src/main/webapp. I removed the dups from webapp (maven will copy the src/main/resources files to WEB-INF/classes). I also added some filtering to the serviceParams.properties so that I could replace the mysql properties with values specific to my environment. Also, I was interested in quickly launching the service without deploying to a separate tomcat instance, so I included the configuration for the maven tomcat plugin. The following command will launch the infobutton-service in an embedded tomcat and will override default jdbc props with my specific values.

mvn clean tomcat7:run-war -Ddatasource1.password=mypass -Ddatasource2.password=mypass -DskipTests

alexfranken commented 10 years ago

Updated Existing pull request with oib-request-service improvements.

alexfranken commented 10 years ago

Filtered umls properties (username, password) to enable passing unit tests. For example, mvn clean test -Ddatasource1.password=X -Ddatasource2.password=Y -Dumls.username=A -Dumls.password=B