logicmonitor / lm-logs-azure

Azure integration for sending logs to Logic Monitor
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Deployment of Azure Event Hub failing during setup of LM Azure Logs #70

Open ramermancdb opened 1 week ago

ramermancdb commented 1 week ago

While running the first deployment on this page: https://www.logicmonitor.com/support/lm-logs/setting-up-azure-logs-ingestion

The template deploymnet fales fairly far in while finishing the creating of the log-hub event hub.

Error: { "status": "Failed", "error": { "code": "MessagingGatewayBadRequest", "message": "SubCode=40000. PartitionCount can only be changed on a Dedicated Event Hub cluster or Premium namespace. TrackingId:f0b70ffd-87ef-48bb-bbd3-db9ea172ef4d_G0, SystemTracker:lm-logs-cdbaby-westus.servicebus.windows.net:log-hub, Timestamp:2024-06-18T00:34:15" } }

I can confirm that the default setting for partitions is 4 and that even manually through the portal, I am unable to change the partitions. It seems you can only set it during creation, at least if done as a standard deployment.

I can see in the template it is trying to set the partition count to 1: lm-logs-azure/arm-template-deployment /deployResourcesInRG.json

Line 228

choudharypooja commented 1 week ago

@ankit-gautam23 can you please check this?

ramermancdb commented 1 week ago

There is an LM support case #537836

ramermancdb commented 1 week ago

Happy to work with someone in a zoom if there are any issues reproducing the issue and/or to explore any possible unique env issues on our side, though I doubt that is a thing.

I'm guessing it is a classic issue with Azure rapid change.