logicmonitor / terraform-provider-logicmonitor

Terraform LogicMonitor provider.
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Collector resource reports installer_url_cmds is an emtpy map #104

Open loshea-bmcd opened 2 weeks ago

loshea-bmcd commented 2 weeks ago

I have created a set of collectors using terraform 1.8.3. I need to use an output from these collectors, installer_url_cmds["cUL cmd"] in a cloud init script, to build the vms that will be running the collector agent associated with these collectors. However, when terrafrom plan runs, the plan fails because of the error in the title. I can look in state and see that installer_url_cmds map is populated as expected. It seems like the provider just isnt' reading state and is assuming this to be an empty map.

Relavent state section: "installer_url_cmds": { "URL": "https://burnsmcdonnellsandbox.logicmonitor.com/santaba/rest/setting/collector/collectors/26/bootstraps/linux64?token=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX&useEA=false&monitorOthers=true&v=3&collectorSize=medium", "Wget cmd": "wget -O LogicmonitorBootstrap64_26.bin 'https://burnsmcdonnellsandbox.logicmonitor.com/santaba/rest/setting/collector/collectors/26/bootstraps/linux64?token=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX&useEA=false&monitorOthers=true&v=3&collectorSize=medium'", "cURL cmd": "curl -o LogicmonitorBootstrap64_26.bin 'https://burnsmcdonnellsandbox.logicmonitor.com/santaba/rest/setting/collector/collectors/26/bootstraps/linux64?token=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX&useEA=false&monitorOthers=true&v=3&collectorSize=medium'" },

Error from terraform plan: Error: Invalid index on main.tf line 130, in module "primary_collector_vm":

custom_data = base64encode(logicmonitor_collector.primary_collector.installer_url_cmds["cURL cmd"])

logicmonitor_collector.primary_collector.installer_url_cmds is empty map of string The given key does not identify an element in this collection value.

lm-madhvi commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @loshea-bmcd ,

Can you please share the TF configuration from the main.tf which you are executing to get the terraform plan?

natilik-mikeguy commented 1 week ago

I am seeing this too. Example code below:

resource "logicmonitor_collector_group" "this" {
  name                  = "${var.client_name} - ${var.client_id}"
  description           = "Collector group for ${var.client_name} - ."
  auto_balance          = true
  auto_balance_strategy = "none"

resource "logicmonitor_collector" "this" {
  for_each           = { for collector in var.collectors : collector.name => collector }
  arch               = each.value.architecture
  collector_group_id = logicmonitor_collector_group.this.id
  collector_size     = each.value.size
  description        = "Collector ${each.value.name} for ${var.client_name}"
  company            = "somecompanyname"
  custom_properties = [
      name  = "name"
      value = each.value.name

output "collector_install_urls" {
  value = { for collector in logicmonitor_collector.this : "${collector.custom_properties[0].name}" => collector.installer_url_cmds }
natilik-mikeguy commented 1 week ago

After some further testing, it appears these values show the first time the collector is created, then on a subsequent run it is removed from the attributes. Additionally, there is immediate drift in config (note - I did not register the collector between runs)...

  # module.logicmonitor.logicmonitor_collector.this["collectorclient2"] will be updated in-place
  ~ resource "logicmonitor_collector" "this" {
      ~ arch                                 = "N/A" -> "linux64"
      - build                                = "0" -> null
      ~ collector_size                       = "n/a" -> "medium"
      + company                              = "somecompany"
      - ea                                   = true -> null
      - enable_fail_back                     = true -> null
      - enable_fail_over_on_collector_device = true -> null
        id                                   = "18"
      ~ monitor_others                       = false -> true
      - need_auto_create_collector_device    = true -> null
        # (53 unchanged attributes hidden)
Changes to Outputs:
  ~ collector_install_urls = {
      ~ name = {
          - URL        = "https://somecompany.logicmonitor.com/santaba/rest/setting/collector/collectors/18/bootstraps/linux64?token=<token>&useEA=false&monitorOthers=true&v=3&collectorSize=medium"
          - "Wget cmd" = "wget -O LogicmonitorBootstrap64_18.bin 'https://somecompany.logicmonitor.com/santaba/rest/setting/collector/collectors/18/bootstraps/linux64?token=<token>&useEA=false&monitorOthers=true&v=3&collectorSize=medium'"
          - "cURL cmd" = "curl -o LogicmonitorBootstrap64_18.bin 'https://somecompany.logicmonitor.com/santaba/rest/setting/collector/collectors/18/bootstraps/linux64?token=<token>&useEA=false&monitorOthers=true&v=3&collectorSize=medium'"