logicmoo / Logicmoo_docker

Docker Master Container that starts the rest of the Logicmoo services (see https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/logicmoo/logicmoo_starter_image )
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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logicmoo.base.fol.fiveof.FIVE_LEFTOF_TYPE_01 JUnit #228

Open TeamSPoon opened 2 years ago

TeamSPoon commented 2 years ago

!/usr/bin/env clif

% ============================================= % File 'mpred_builtin.pfc' % Purpose: Agent Reactivity for SWI-Prolog % Maintainer: Douglas Miles % Contact: $Author: dmiles $@users.sourceforge.net % % Version: 'interface' 1.0.0 % Revision: $Revision: 1.9 $ % Revised At: $Date: 2002/06/27 14:13:20 $ % ============================================= %

:- include(test_header).

:- expects_dialect(clif).

:- kif_compile.

% makes the KB monotonic :- set_kif_option(qualify_modality,simple_nesc).

% There are five houses in a row. nesc(leftof(h1, h2)). leftof(h2, h3). leftof(h3, h4). leftof(h4, h5).

% makes the KB non-monotonic :- set_kif_option(qualify_modality,false). % this should cause h1-h5 to become houses

leftof(H1, H2) => house(H1) & house(H2).

% intractive_test/1 means only run if interactive :- interactive_test(listing(kif_show)).

% mpred_test/1 each become a Junit test that must succeed :- mpred_test(listing(nesc)).

% ensure our rule worked :- mpred_test((house(h1))). :- mpred_test((house(h2))). :- mpred_test((house(h3))). :- mpred_test((house(h4))). :- mpred_test((house(h5))).

% ensure we are being nice :- mpred_test(poss(house(false_positive))). % but not "too" nice :- mpred_test(+ nesc(house(false_positive))).