In [`f19b209`](https://github.com/windstatus/windscribe-vpn-status-uptime-monitor/commit/f19b209d1e44852f78356647ab17cd7929297923
), US West San Jose (Santana) (https://us-west-078.whiskergalaxy.com:6…
@dcharkes is there a way to do variadic arguments that are functions? trying to generate libcurl bindings
CURL_EXTERN CURLcode curl_easy_setopt(CURL *curl, CURLoption option, ...);
In [`6f471e5`](https://github.com/windstatus/windscribe-vpn-status-uptime-monitor/commit/6f471e56c20e2ffd30e6bafc23f98875d3a5a1dd
), US East Orlando (Tofu Driver) (https://us-east-052.whiskergalaxy.co…
In [`0aad810`](https://github.com/windstatus/windscribe-vpn-status-uptime-monitor/commit/0aad810ac214afcc818d05c274d2e6f43eb294a2
), US East Chicago (Wrigley) (https://us-east-128.whiskergalaxy.com:63…
In `docs/pages/index.md` the example given errors out straight away
``` pycon
>>> import polars as pl
>>> import polars_st as st
>>> df = pl.DataFrame({
... "wkt": [
... …
We planned to start our competition today, but the portal is very very slow. Even the home page takes a long time to open. Is it going to be fixed any time soon?
## Ontwerpen
### Morphological Chart
> Onderzoek variaties voor jouw component met behulp van een morphological chart. Bespreek je ideeen met een docent voordat je verder gaat.
#### Standaard M…
# 博客搬家小记(Hexo → Hugo)
偶遇一个主题叫做:nostyleplease,如同触电般,直击在我心趴上。便花了一个下午的时候,将博客从 Hexo Next 迁移到了 Hugo 的这个主题。
P.S. 有趣的是,一时想不出文章的标题,搜索“博客搬家小记