Make the API's request generic, handling all the routes needed, and adds the key params that will be sent always like language and units (metric for Celsius and Fahrenheit) editable from the top of th…
Repository: https://github.com/darryk10/falco-action
Documentation: https://github.com/darryk10/falco-action/blob/main/README.md
Deep visibility into CI/CD pipelines is essential for…
The [unnamed variables and pattern](https://openjdk.org/jeps/456)'s DOM and ASTRewrite implemented through #2623. Following items should be added along with that.
- The Javadoc of both APIs i.e. T…
I would like to inform you that OpenVPN Connect is not working with socks5 proxy xray-core, sing-box, etc via udp proto
OS: Windows 10/11
Android: 12/13/14
Are we aiming informational or standard track document? Please specify in the…
我尝试添加虚拟 WiFi到我的产品分支上(我的产品硬件是rk3588 arm板)。我尝试将goldfish的wifi 模块添加到我的vender.mk 中,如下所示(其中有部分不是WiFi所需要的,还没来的及删除):
# This file is to configure vendor/data partitions of emulator-related products
If I run `psalm --version` in a directory that contains a `composer.json`, but without a respective `vendor/autoloader.php`, Psalm will spit out an error. A workaround seems to be to run `psalm --vers…
In [`c437007`](https://github.com/SebaOfficial/upptime/commit/c43700723b0d265211d97338a0c39e643622673b
), Racca.me (https://racca.me) was **down**:
- HTTP code: 0
- Response time: 0 ms
e.g. [stylelint-webpack-plugin](https://github.com/webpack-contrib/stylelint-webpack-plugin/tree/master/test), [vite-plugin-stylelint](https://github.com/ModyQyW/vite-plugin-stylelint), [esbuild-plugi…