As a consumer of the library
I would like the ability to search a small (>20 items) data set using a linear search
So that I can find items in the most resource efficient manor possible
Acceptance Criteria
The algorithm is setup with an appropriate level of unit test coverage to ensure functionality
Additional performance testing (as appropriate) is added to the framework
Appropriate user documentation is created
User Documentation
This is the simplest of all searching algorithms. It simply steps through items in a set and checks each item to see if it matches the required element. You can either stop after the first match is found, or return a set of all matching items.
Matching should be provided, as before, by a lambda that compares two objects in some way.
The use of this search is if you have a small set of data that you wish to search through. This is the most efficient way from a resource perspective to seach a small set. If you have a larger set of data (20 items or more) then I would recommend selecting a more efficient search algorithm.
Can be applied to an unsorted or a sorted set of data
Acceptance Criteria
User Documentation
This is the simplest of all searching algorithms. It simply steps through items in a set and checks each item to see if it matches the required element. You can either stop after the first match is found, or return a set of all matching items.
Matching should be provided, as before, by a lambda that compares two objects in some way.
The use of this search is if you have a small set of data that you wish to search through. This is the most efficient way from a resource perspective to seach a small set. If you have a larger set of data (20 items or more) then I would recommend selecting a more efficient search algorithm.
Can be applied to an unsorted or a sorted set of data