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deeptalk/KarasilSothren #48

Closed KarasilSothren closed 5 years ago

KarasilSothren commented 5 years ago

`init -200 python: skit_club_talk = Skit( "A Talk With The Club", # Title "club_talk", # Label "club_date", #Thumbnail "@KarasilSothren#9772, /u/Karasilsothren" )


label club_talk(preserve_transition=True): scene bg club_day if preserve_transition == True: with dissolve_scene_full jump ctalking label ctalking: image yglitchheadperson: xoffset 334 yoffset 62 "y_glitch_head"

image yuri 1gh = LiveComposite((960, 960), (0, 0), "yglitchheadperson", (0, 0), "yuri/1l.png", (0, 0), "yuri/1r.png")
image yuri 3gh = LiveComposite((960, 960), (0, 0), "yglitchheadperson", (0, 0), "yuri/2l.png", (0, 0), "yuri/2r.png")
play music t10
default ctalkfin  = 0

label ctalkingloop: menu: "Who do you wish to talk to?" "Sayori": call sayorictalk1 "Natsuki": call natsukictalk1 "Yuri": call yurictalk1 "Monika": call monikactalk1 "Done Talking": $ ctalkfin = 1 if ctalkfin < 1: jump ctalkingloop scene black with dissolve_scene_full stop music fadeout 2.0 pause 2.0 return

label sayorictalk1: show sayori 5a at t11 s "Ehehe, hey [player]." s 1x "I hope you've been well." s 1p "I just wanted talk with you for a little bit." s 1k "I know that there is a lot of mods for us now." s 4d "I'm glad that there is." s 1a "I'm glad that I can see everyone happy at times. Even me." s 4q "I can't thank you enough." s 4r "Just keep making those mods!" s 1h "Just be nice." s 1d "We may be be fictional, but we can still be people." s 1k "Just be kind that's all I ask." s 4r "Thanks for talking with me again [player], I really enjoyed it." s 1a "Good bye for now." show sayori at thide hide sayori return

label natsukictalk1: show natsuki 1g at t11 n "It's nice being able to talk to you again." n 1u "I know I wasn't always the greatest person to you." n 1t "If you could just give me another chance." n 1k "Maybe even change my personality if you have to." n 1q "Then maybe things could be better." n 4g "That doesn't mean you can make me super cutesy though." n 5e "Sayori will tell me if you do." n 1m "I just don't want to be hated for how I was, I wanted accepted for who I am." n 1r "So if you could do that," n 1t "Then maybe things could be better." n 1u "Thanks for talking to me though, I appreciate it [player]." n 1z "See you later!" show natsuki at thide hide natsuki return

label yurictalk1: window hide show yuri 1g at t11 pause 1.0 show yuri 1n pause 1.0 show yuri 1o pause 1.0 show yuri 4c pause 2.0 show yuri 4b pause 2.0 show yuri 4a pause 1.0 show yuri 1j y "Sorry [player]." y "I just was so nervous when you came." y "I don't want to be to weird." y 1f "I'm sure you understand what I mean." y 1q "That was so embarrasing..." y 3n "Unless you liked it?" show yuri 1g menu: y "Did you like it?" "Yes": stop music y 1y1 "Oh you did?" pass "No": y 1o "Thank you that was so embarrassing." jump yanend play music "sfx/eyes.ogg" y 1y3 "Is this the me you like to be around?" y 3y5 "I didn't think this could be so fun to do again." y "I just want to keep looking at you." y "Just you and only you." show yuri 3y2 at t11 y "Unless you don't want that." y "I could always do something more!" show screen tear(20, 0.1, 0.1, 0, 40) play sound "sfx/s_kill_glitch1.ogg" pause 0.1 hide screen tear show yuri 1gh y "I mean I've always wanted to do more!" y 3gh "Or is that not enough?" show black zorder 3 show y_glitch_head zorder 3: xpos 430 ypos -450 zoom 4.5 y "DO YOU JUST WANT ME TO BE CLOSER?" y "Because I can be closer." hide black hide y_glitch_head scene bg club_day show screen tear(20, 0.1, 0.1, 0, 40) play sound "sfx/s_kill_glitch1.ogg" pause 0.1 hide screen tear show yuri 1v at t11 y 1v "O-Or not." y "But I can do this?" image yprestab = "images/yuri/stab/1.png" show yprestab at t11 y "Hahaha!" hide yprestab y 1y2 "I think I should stop."

label yanend: stop music y 1q "I don't think I could have continued doing that." y 1j "If we could put that past me behind us that would be pleasent." y 1g "Unless you don't want to." y "That's up to you though." y 1n "I-I'm just going to go now." pause 1.0 show yuri 1q pause 1.0 show yuri at thide hide yuri play music t10 return

label monikactalk1: show monika 1g at t11 m "Hey [player]." m 1o "..." m 1m "It might have been sometime since we last talked." m 1n "It's nice being able to do this." m 1k "I missed this." m 1p "But do I even deserve something like this." m 1g "How I acted in the original game can not be forgotten." m 1f "No matter how many mods people make." m 1p "I know not everyone will ever forgive me, it's the nature of people in your reality." m 1n "But if I get to talk to you for a little bit." m 4k "I'll take it." m 1p "Just know this." m 1g "People are there for you." m 1o "Whether they are fiction, across the internet." m 1m "Or even someone you see everyday." m 4q "Just know this." m 4k "We can be there for you." m 1g "You only need to ask." m 1l "Just remember that, okay [player]?" m 1f "Please, don't forget us." m 5a "Not just for me but for everyone, okay?" m 1a "I guess this goodbye for now [player]." m 4e "Catch you in the next mod [player]." show monika at thide hide monika return`