logsearch / logsearch-boshrelease

A BOSH-scalable Elasticsearch+Logstash+Kibana release
Apache License 2.0
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Cleanup syslog fields #186

Closed mrdavidlaing closed 9 years ago

mrdavidlaing commented 9 years ago

This PR:

  1. Ensures that @shipper.host is always populated with the address of the machine sending the data.
  2. When logstash.metadata_level == DEBUG, adds
    • @ingestor.timestamp
    • @ingestor.service
    • @ingestor.job
  3. Removes host, received_at, received_from (since these are captured by @shipper.host and @ingestor.timestamp`
  4. Ensures @shipper, @source and @ingestor are objects (rather than strings with periods in them; which is not allowed in ES 2.0)
  5. Cleans up the fail/syslog_standard/* error tags
  6. Retain the syslog_hostname and syslog_timestamp fields
mrdavidlaing commented 9 years ago

Related - 3bf496a57dd5c68d7cd453703ade6793cd62a157

When the syslog message gives us additional information about the original message host (via [syslog_sd_params][host]), treat the syslog_hostname as the @shipper.host and the @source.host as [syslog_sd_params][host]
