logseq / logseq

A privacy-first, open-source platform for knowledge management and collaboration. Download link: http://github.com/logseq/logseq/releases. roadmap: http://trello.com/b/8txSM12G/roadmap
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Whiteboard automatically duplicates and can't be deleted. #11308

Open KanaPlants opened 2 weeks ago

KanaPlants commented 2 weeks ago

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What Happened?

One of my whiteboards was getting a bit too big, so i copied a chunk that i had written down, Made a new whiteboard in my existing whiteboard called "Timeline" and pasted it into that new whiteboard. when i looked at the overview again there were 2 copies of the same Whiteboard, Both called "Timeline", both with the same "created 52 sec ago". I thought it was my mistake and that i made 2 somehow, so i deleted one and that automatically deleted both. to not lose my work i make a new whiteboard, but in the overview this time, instead of inside another board, and pasted my notes in there (I called it "The Timeline" this time), and i tried to delete the old boards ("Timeline") but every time i did, it would only delete 1, and a duplicate one would show up again next time i reloaded it. i've looked in the logseq folder on my computer, in logseq > Whiteboards, but the "Timeline" whiteboards don't show up there. (also when i delete both Timeline boards, the one that still shows up says "Created 54 years ago" specifically every time, until i reload it and the duplicate board is back)

i was just gonna leave the empty boards in there, cuz it didn't bother me too much, but today i opened logseq and it duplicated the new board i made too ("The Timeline").

Maybe this happened because i copy pasted the content from one board to another, or its the cloud sync thing i've read in another post on this, (but as far as i know i don't use cloud sync and i don't use logseq on any other devices other than the app on my mac computer). the beta feature of "Sync" is turned off in my Features settings

(after some expirementation, i think the problem was that i copied and pasted a way too big of a chuck of information (see added pictures, the peview of "the timeline" is how much i copy-pasted in one chunk), i tried copy-pasting smaller bits of the same information into a new whiteboard and that seems to be working fine.)

Reproduce the Bug

  1. go to the Whiteboard overview
  2. Create a new whiteboard
  3. Put some content in the whiteboard (~70 blocks and arrows with text)
  4. Select and copy those blocks
  5. Create a new whiteboard in the existing whiteboard and give it a name
  6. open the new whiteboard and past the blocks in there
  7. go back to the Whiteboard overview

Expected Behavior

No response


image image

Desktop or Mobile Platform Information

App Version: 0.10.9 Git Revision: c67b8b5 Platform: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML like Gecko) Logseq/0.10.9 Chrome/118.0.5993.159 Electron/27.1.3 Safari/537.36 Language: en-GB Plugins: logseq-banners-plugin (v3.4.11), logseq-block-calendar (v0.2.10), logseq-bujo-theme (1.3.5), logseq-bullet-threading (v1.1.4), logseq-catppuccin (v0.6.2)

Additional Context

No response

Are you willing to submit a PR? If you know how to fix the bug.