logsol / Pd-Pulp

Run pure-data inside VST host applications
154 stars 12 forks source link

Plugin unavailable #11

Open tecnologiemusicali opened 8 years ago

tecnologiemusicali commented 8 years ago

Hi, I installed Pd Pulp and Pd Pulp FX in my VST folder on my Mac. None of the DAW installed on my Mac is able to see these VST Plugin, even if I rescan VST folder many times. I have OS 10.10.5 and I installed Pd Pulp 0.2.1 version. Any suggestion? Thanks you, Gabriele

jayrope commented 8 years ago

Same here under 10.7.5 in Cubase 6.0.7 as well as Max 7.2.3 in 32-bit mode. This affects both the initial as well as version 0.21 here.

o-g-sus commented 8 years ago

There are different folders, at least in Ableton Live: A Local and a User folder. So it depends where you put it into and where your DAW is looking for ...

bildschirmfoto 2016-05-26 um 15 11 17

jayrope commented 8 years ago

I tried both Library/Audio/Plugins/VST as well as Users/user/Library/Audio/Plugins/VST. Doesn't work here in either of the two. Not using Live. Anyone can recommend a correct location otherwise?

More so, if i direct Live to those PD Pulp, they show, but yet don't open. Actually they appear to be showing their contents instead.

![Uploading pulp.png…]() that didn't work ;)

Debugging recommendation states "the DAW software might not find your plugin if it's compiled for an unsuitable architecture". I guess we used a precompiled version and for some reason the architecture on our systems doesn't support this. What could be the mistake?

madamdata commented 8 years ago

same problem - Ableton 9.5 and Reaper 5.18 both won't see the plugins.