logstash-plugins / logstash-codec-netflow

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Can't (yet) decode flowset id 256,260,261,263 from source id 0 (Cisco ASA5516 9.8(4)20) #193

Closed marvinwankersteen closed 3 years ago

marvinwankersteen commented 3 years ago


I already opened an issue at elastiflow, but I think it's a problem of the codec itself.

We recently changed our Cisco ASA from 5510 to 5516 with version 9.8(4)20 and have had problems decoding the Netflow since then. Logstash displays the following messages:

Can't (yet) decode flowset id 256 from source id 0
Can't (yet) decode flowset id 260 from source id 0
Can't (yet) decode flowset id 261 from source id 0
Can't (yet) decode flowset id 263 from source id 0

The ASA sends every minute the template:

flow-export template timeout-rate 1

We running the following version of ELK:

robcowart/elastiflow-logstash-oss:3.5.3 #logstash-codec-netflow 4.2.1

Environment for elastiflow:

      LS_JAVA_OPTS: -Xms4g -Xmx4g
      ELASTIFLOW_ES_HOST: loadbalancer:9200

I have checked with tcpdump that the templates are really sent and they are coming every minute.

What information exactly is required from the PCAP? I cannot publish any information here because of data protection.

Maybe you can already do something with the following?

Cisco NetFlow/IPFIX
    Version: 9
    Count: 16
    SysUptime: 3346714.954000000 seconds
    Timestamp: Jul  7, 2020 14:45:41.000000000 CEST
        CurrentSecs: 1594125941
    FlowSequence: 503134
    SourceId: 0
    FlowSet 1 [id=0] (Data Template): 256,257,258,259,260,261,262,263,264,265,266,267,268,269,270,271
        FlowSet Id: Data Template (V9) (0)
        FlowSet Length: 1416
        Template (Id = 256, Count = 21)
            Template Id: 256
            Field Count: 21
            Field (1/21): flowId
                Type: flowId (148)
                Length: 4
            Field (2/21): IP_SRC_ADDR
                Type: IP_SRC_ADDR (8)
                Length: 4
            Field (3/21): L4_SRC_PORT
                Type: L4_SRC_PORT (7)
                Length: 2
            Field (4/21): INPUT_SNMP
                Type: INPUT_SNMP (10)
                Length: 2
            Field (5/21): IP_DST_ADDR
                Type: IP_DST_ADDR (12)
                Length: 4
            Field (6/21): L4_DST_PORT
                Type: L4_DST_PORT (11)
                Length: 2
            Field (7/21): OUTPUT_SNMP
                Type: OUTPUT_SNMP (14)
                Length: 2
            Field (8/21): PROTOCOL
                Type: PROTOCOL (4)
                Length: 1
            Field (9/21): ICMP_IPv4_TYPE
                Type: ICMP_IPv4_TYPE (176)
                Length: 1
            Field (10/21): ICMP_IPv4_CODE
                Type: ICMP_IPv4_CODE (177)
                Length: 1
            Field (11/21): postNATSourceIPv4Address
                Type: postNATSourceIPv4Address (225)
                Length: 4
            Field (12/21): postNATDestinationIPv4Address
                Type: postNATDestinationIPv4Address (226)
                Length: 4
            Field (13/21): postNAPTSourceTransportPort
                Type: postNAPTSourceTransportPort (227)
                Length: 2
            Field (14/21): postNAPTDestinationTransportPort
                Type: postNAPTDestinationTransportPort (228)
                Length: 2
            Field (15/21): firewallEvent
                Type: firewallEvent (233)
                Length: 1
            Field (16/21): FW_EXT_EVENT
                Type: FW_EXT_EVENT (33002)
                Length: 2
            Field (17/21): observationTimeMilliseconds
                Type: observationTimeMilliseconds (323)
                Length: 8
            Field (18/21): flowStartMilliseconds
                Type: flowStartMilliseconds (152)
                Length: 8
            Field (19/21): INGRESS_ACL_ID
                Type: INGRESS_ACL_ID (33000)
                Length: 12
            Field (20/21): EGRESS_ACL_ID
                Type: EGRESS_ACL_ID (33001)
                Length: 12
            Field (21/21): AAA_USERNAME
                Type: AAA_USERNAME (40000)
                Length: 20
        Template (Id = 260, Count = 18)
            Template Id: 260
            Field Count: 18
            Field (1/18): IP_SRC_ADDR
                Type: IP_SRC_ADDR (8)
                Length: 4
            Field (2/18): L4_SRC_PORT
                Type: L4_SRC_PORT (7)
                Length: 2
            Field (3/18): INPUT_SNMP
                Type: INPUT_SNMP (10)
                Length: 2
            Field (4/18): IP_DST_ADDR
                Type: IP_DST_ADDR (12)
                Length: 4
            Field (5/18): L4_DST_PORT
                Type: L4_DST_PORT (11)
                Length: 2
            Field (6/18): OUTPUT_SNMP
                Type: OUTPUT_SNMP (14)
                Length: 2
            Field (7/18): PROTOCOL
                Type: PROTOCOL (4)
                Length: 1
            Field (8/18): ICMP_IPv4_TYPE
                Type: ICMP_IPv4_TYPE (176)
                Length: 1
            Field (9/18): ICMP_IPv4_CODE
                Type: ICMP_IPv4_CODE (177)
                Length: 1
            Field (10/18): postNATSourceIPv4Address
                Type: postNATSourceIPv4Address (225)
                Length: 4
            Field (11/18): postNATDestinationIPv4Address
                Type: postNATDestinationIPv4Address (226)
                Length: 4
            Field (12/18): postNAPTSourceTransportPort
                Type: postNAPTSourceTransportPort (227)
                Length: 2
            Field (13/18): postNAPTDestinationTransportPort
                Type: postNAPTDestinationTransportPort (228)
                Length: 2
            Field (14/18): firewallEvent
                Type: firewallEvent (233)
                Length: 1
            Field (15/18): FW_EXT_EVENT
                Type: FW_EXT_EVENT (33002)
                Length: 2
            Field (16/18): observationTimeMilliseconds
                Type: observationTimeMilliseconds (323)
                Length: 8
            Field (17/18): INGRESS_ACL_ID
                Type: INGRESS_ACL_ID (33000)
                Length: 12
            Field (18/18): EGRESS_ACL_ID
                Type: EGRESS_ACL_ID (33001)
                Length: 12
        Template (Id = 261, Count = 14)
            Template Id: 261
            Field Count: 14
            Field (1/14): IP_SRC_ADDR
                Type: IP_SRC_ADDR (8)
                Length: 4
            Field (2/14): L4_SRC_PORT
                Type: L4_SRC_PORT (7)
                Length: 2
            Field (3/14): INPUT_SNMP
                Type: INPUT_SNMP (10)
                Length: 2
            Field (4/14): IP_DST_ADDR
                Type: IP_DST_ADDR (12)
                Length: 4
            Field (5/14): L4_DST_PORT
                Type: L4_DST_PORT (11)
                Length: 2
            Field (6/14): OUTPUT_SNMP
                Type: OUTPUT_SNMP (14)
                Length: 2
            Field (7/14): PROTOCOL
                Type: PROTOCOL (4)
                Length: 1
            Field (8/14): ICMP_IPv4_TYPE
                Type: ICMP_IPv4_TYPE (176)
                Length: 1
            Field (9/14): ICMP_IPv4_CODE
                Type: ICMP_IPv4_CODE (177)
                Length: 1
            Field (10/14): firewallEvent
                Type: firewallEvent (233)
                Length: 1
            Field (11/14): FW_EXT_EVENT
                Type: FW_EXT_EVENT (33002)
                Length: 2
            Field (12/14): observationTimeMilliseconds
                Type: observationTimeMilliseconds (323)
                Length: 8
            Field (13/14): INGRESS_ACL_ID
                Type: INGRESS_ACL_ID (33000)
                Length: 12
            Field (14/14): EGRESS_ACL_ID
                Type: EGRESS_ACL_ID (33001)
                Length: 12
        Template (Id = 263, Count = 22)
            Template Id: 263
            Field Count: 22
            Field (1/22): flowId
                Type: flowId (148)
                Length: 4
            Field (2/22): IP_SRC_ADDR
                Type: IP_SRC_ADDR (8)
                Length: 4
            Field (3/22): L4_SRC_PORT
                Type: L4_SRC_PORT (7)
                Length: 2
            Field (4/22): INPUT_SNMP
                Type: INPUT_SNMP (10)
                Length: 2
            Field (5/22): IP_DST_ADDR
                Type: IP_DST_ADDR (12)
                Length: 4
            Field (6/22): L4_DST_PORT
                Type: L4_DST_PORT (11)
                Length: 2
            Field (7/22): OUTPUT_SNMP
                Type: OUTPUT_SNMP (14)
                Length: 2
            Field (8/22): PROTOCOL
                Type: PROTOCOL (4)
                Length: 1
            Field (9/22): ICMP_IPv4_TYPE
                Type: ICMP_IPv4_TYPE (176)
                Length: 1
            Field (10/22): ICMP_IPv4_CODE
                Type: ICMP_IPv4_CODE (177)
                Length: 1
            Field (11/22): postNATSourceIPv4Address
                Type: postNATSourceIPv4Address (225)
                Length: 4
            Field (12/22): postNATDestinationIPv4Address
                Type: postNATDestinationIPv4Address (226)
                Length: 4
            Field (13/22): postNAPTSourceTransportPort
                Type: postNAPTSourceTransportPort (227)
                Length: 2
            Field (14/22): postNAPTDestinationTransportPort
                Type: postNAPTDestinationTransportPort (228)
                Length: 2
            Field (15/22): firewallEvent
                Type: firewallEvent (233)
                Length: 1
            Field (16/22): FW_EXT_EVENT
                Type: FW_EXT_EVENT (33002)
                Length: 2
            Field (17/22): observationTimeMilliseconds
                Type: observationTimeMilliseconds (323)
                Length: 8
            Field (18/22): initiatorOctets
                Type: initiatorOctets (231)
                Length: 8
            Field (19/22): responderOctets
                Type: responderOctets (232)
                Length: 8
            Field (20/22): initiatorPackets
                Type: initiatorPackets (298)
                Length: 8
            Field (21/22): responderPackets
                Type: responderPackets (299)
                Length: 8
            Field (22/22): flowStartMilliseconds
                Type: flowStartMilliseconds (152)
                Length: 8
marvinwankersteen commented 3 years ago

It's solved. Look at https://github.com/robcowart/elastiflow/issues/566 for the solution.