Please post all product and debugging questions on our forum. Your questions will reach our wider community members there, and if we confirm that there is a bug, then we can open a new issue here.
For all general issues, please provide the following details for fast resolution:
Operating System:Linux
Config File (if you have sensitive info, please remove it):i have provided other account log group and role_Arn i have provided assume role, region
Sample Data:
Steps to Reproduce:I am not able to pull the logs from the other account using the role_Arn.Please let me know do we have the feature for cross account? if ,yes please suggest me the steps to follow.
Please post all product and debugging questions on our forum. Your questions will reach our wider community members there, and if we confirm that there is a bug, then we can open a new issue here.
For all general issues, please provide the following details for fast resolution: