tracking_column doesn't work when query statement is against mongo. Debugging, i've seen that response in jdbc.rb comes like this:
{:document => { ... mongo data ...}}
In this method 'get_column_value', line:
if !row.has_key?(@tracking_column.to_sym)
row.has_key only evaluates the first level of the hash, so all nested keys are omitted. Because of this, always is showing the message 'tracking_column not found in dataset.
I've edited the code, as a workarround, to also check if it's in the second level of the hash, and if it is, pick the value from there (second if (!row.dig...)):
def get_column_value(row)
if !row.has_key?(@tracking_column.to_sym)
if !row.dig(:document, @tracking_column).nil?
@sql_last_value = row.dig(:document, @tracking_column)
elsif !@tracking_column_warning_sent
@logger.warn("tracking_column not found in dataset.", :tracking_column => @tracking_column)
@tracking_column_warning_sent = true
# If we can't find the tracking column, return the current value in the ivar
# Otherwise send the updated tracking column
Now, it's working fine. I'm not a ruby developer and i'm pretty sure that there are better ways to do this, so if it could be fixed would be awesome.
tracking_column doesn't work when query statement is against mongo. Debugging, i've seen that response in jdbc.rb comes like this:
{:document => { ... mongo data ...}}
In this method 'get_column_value', line:
row.has_key only evaluates the first level of the hash, so all nested keys are omitted. Because of this, always is showing the message 'tracking_column not found in dataset.
I've edited the code, as a workarround, to also check if it's in the second level of the hash, and if it is, pick the value from there (second if (!row.dig...)):
Now, it's working fine. I'm not a ruby developer and i'm pretty sure that there are better ways to do this, so if it could be fixed would be awesome.