logstash-plugins / logstash-output-influxdb

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"Invalid field format" errors when writting data to InfluxDB #62

Open spins006 opened 7 years ago

spins006 commented 7 years ago

filter { }

output { influxdb { codec => json data_points => {} host => "influxdb" db => "logstash" } stdout {codec => json} }

- Steps to Reproduce: When Logstash tries to write Metricbeat data to InfluxDB, there are errors about `invalid field format` displayed in Logstash logs:

"2017-06-06T17:29:41.676000+0000", :message=>"Error writing to InfluxDB", :response=>#<Manticore::Response:0x2dea8269 @message="Bad Request", @callback_result="{\"error\":\"unable to parse 'logstash 1496770179090': invalid field format\nunable to parse 'logstash 1496770179090': invalid field format\nunable to parse 'logstash 1496770179091': invalid field format\nunable to parse 'logstash 1496770179091': invalid field format\nunable to parse 'logstash 1496770179091': invalid field format\nunable to parse 'logstash 1496770179091': invalid field format\nunable to parse 'logstash 1496770179091': ...

{"@timestamp":"2017-06-06T17:29:39.091Z","type":"metricsets","system":{"process":{"ppid":2,"memory":{"size":0,"rss":{"bytes":0,"pct":0.000000},"share":0}, "state":"sleeping","fd":{"open":0,"limit":{"hard":4096,"soft":1024}},"pid":809,"username":"root","cpu":{"total":{"pct":0.000000}, "start_time":"2016-02-28T21:38:32.000Z"},"pgid":0,"name":"jbd2/dm-2-8"}},"metricset":{"module":"system","name":"process","rtt":106444}, "beat":{"name":"host_name","hostname":"host_name","version":"5.3.0"},"@version":"1", "host":"host_name","tags":["beats_input_raw_event"]}{"type":"metricsets","system":{"process":{"name":"ext4-dio-unwrit","pgid":0, "cpu":{"total":{"pct":0.000000},"start_time":"2016-02-28T21:38:32.000Z"},"fd":{"open":0,"limit":{"soft":1024,"hard":4096}},"ppid":2,"state":"sleeping", "memory":{"size":0,"rss":{"bytes":0,"pct":0.000000},"share":0},"username":"root","pid":810}},"metricset":{"module":"system","name":"process","rtt":106444}, "beat":{"version":"5.3.0","name":"host_name","hostname":"host_name"},"@timestamp":"2017-06-06T17:29:39.091Z", "@version":"1","host":"host_name","tags":["beats_input_raw_event"]}{"@timestamp":"2017-06-06T17:29:39.091Z","type":"metricsets", "system":{"process":{"username":"root","memory":{"share":0,"size":0,"rss":{"bytes":0,"pct":0.000000}},"cpu":{"total":{"pct":0.000000}, "start_time":"2016-02-28T21:38:32.000Z"},"pid":849,"ppid":2,"fd":{"open":0,"limit":{"hard":4096,"soft":1024}},"pgid":0,"name":"kauditd","state":"sleeping"}}, "metricset":{"rtt":106444,"module":"system","name":"process"},"beat":{"name":"host_name","hostname":"host_name","version":"5.3.0"}, "@version":"1","host":"host_name","tags":["beats_input_raw_event"]}{"beat":{"version":"5.3.0","name":"host_name", "hostname":"host_name"},"@timestamp":"2017-06-06T17:29:39.091Z","type":"metricsets","system":{"process":{"state":"sleeping","memory": ...

bazron commented 7 years ago

I had the same problem. I use logstash 5.1.2. I downgraded logstash-output-influxdb to version 5.0.0 and it started to work for me. Also checked logstash-output-influxdb version 4.0.0 and it worked.

Transrian commented 7 years ago

Got the same problem, any idea about it ? Influx 1.2.4, Logstash 5.4.1, logstash-output-plugins 5.0.1

Output part :

output {
  if [type] == "xxx" {
    influxdb {
      host => "xx.xx.xx.xx"
      port => 8086
      user => "root"
      password => "root"
      db => "mmm"
      use_event_fields_for_data_points => false

I tried to with this configuration but got the same result

output {
  if [type] == "xxx" {
    influxdb {
      host => "xx.xx.xx.xx"
      port => 8086
      user => "root"
      password => "root"
      db => "mmm"
      codec => "json"
      use_event_fields_for_data_points => false
      data_points =>  {

Log :

[2017-07-10T08:05:32,507][WARN ][logstash.outputs.influxdb] Non recoverable exception while writing to InfluxDB {:exception=>#<InfluxDB::Error: {"error":"unable to parse 'logstash  1499666732498': invalid field format"}
bazron commented 7 years ago

from what I was able to figure out, the problem is that it's trying to insert blank data. in 'logstash 1499666732498' - logstash is a default setting, (i think the measurement) and 1499666732498 is the timestamp that the plugin adds when to the data when it calls the influxdb http api. here's a log from influxdb for an insert that succeded:

[I] 2017-07-09T12:13:44Z Write body received by handler: system.cpu,host=xxx,env=xxx,cores=4 system.pct=0.0434,softirq.pct=0.006,idle.pct=0.8249,steal.pct=0.0025,irq.pct=0.0001,iowait.pct=0.0004,user.pct=0.0012,nice.pct=0.1215 1499602423 service=httpd

so my measurment is system.cpu and the timestamp is 1499602423 . it's passing all the correct data. in your log, it's not passing anything. I don't know why this happens. try the version i put above.

Transrian commented 7 years ago

I tried with the 5.0.0 version plugin ... with no more sucess

The message is the same :

[2017-07-10T13:48:21,525][WARN ][logstash.outputs.influxdb] Non recoverable exception while writing to InfluxDB {:exception=>#<InfluxDB::Error: {"error":"unable to parse 'logstash  1499687301516': invalid field format"}

And here is a sample requests of the database DB :

Jul 10 11:44:51 influxdb influxd[6205]: [httpd] - root [10/Jul/2017:11:44:51 +0000] "POST /write?db=mmm&p=%5BREDACTED%5D&precision=ms&rp=autogen&u=root HTTP/1.1" 400 76 "-" "Ruby" 767e233e-6564-11e7-8011-000000000000 143
Jul 10 11:39:51 influxdb influxd[6205]: [httpd] - root [10/Jul/2017:11:39:51 +0000] "POST /write?db=mmm&p=%5BREDACTED%5D&precision=ms&rp=autogen&u=root HTTP/1.1" 400 76 "-" "Ruby" 7c73260b-6564-11e7-8012-000000000000 201

Got really no idea of what could happen..

Edit :

I still got some data in the database, even if errors are displayed into the logstash logs.


I will investigate a little, to view if something else like strange

Transrian commented 7 years ago

Well, as what I see, problem seems to be empty data_points fields

If I add one parameter, such as 'environnement' in this config :

output {
  if [type] == "xxx" {
    influxdb {
      host => "xx.xx.xx.xx"
      port => 8086
      user => "root"
      password => "root"
      db => "mmm"
      codec => "json"
      use_event_fields_for_data_points => false
      data_points =>  {
        "environnement" => "%{[environnement]}"

It work, data is insered into InfluxDB, and I got no error message.

If someone could verify this point !

khanga6tm commented 6 years ago

I tested I confirm that does not work. I am facing this issue and try to find a another way. Logstash to InfluxDB is awesome but It does not work now.

harissutanrafiq commented 6 years ago

hello i use this configuration its works

output { stdout {codec => rubydebug} influxdb { use_event_fields_for_data_points => true data_points => {} host => "localhost" exclude_fields => ["@timestamp", "@version", "sequence", "message", "type","path"] db => "stock" } }



khanga6tm commented 6 years ago

I hoped it will worked for me and proceed to test immediately. But it does not work, maybe my input is packetbeat and your is metricbeat.

But thanks for your sharing!

Hivlaher commented 6 years ago

Hello, I had the same problem. Here is how I fixed it: On filebeat configuration side:

On logstash part :

input { beats { port => 1234 } }

filter { if "beats_input_codec_plain_applied" in [tags] { mutate { remove_tag => ["beats_input_codec_plain_applied"] remove_field => ["beat"] remove_field => ["prospector"] remove_field => ["source"] remove_field => ["host"] }

} }

output { influxdb { db => "DBNAME" host => "" measurement => "measurementname" codec => "json" use_event_fields_for_data_points => true send_as_tags => ["fieldXXX", "fieldXXX2" ] }


As far as I can understand from the errors in the logs, the logstash influxdb plugin sends prospector field as a boolean where the field is a string. The above configuration is working on my production setup with the below versions of influxdb and logstash: influxdb.x86_64 1.4.2-1
logstash.noarch 1:6.1.2-1

I hope this is helpful,


mosyang commented 5 years ago

In my case (logspout to logstash 6.5.4), event fields is "message" and cause empty data_points fields issue like below. Check the default value of exclude_fields here.

Non recoverable exception while writing to InfluxDB {:exception=>#<InfluxDB::Error: {"error":"unable to parse 'users 1548122267685': invalid field format"}

I finally figured out two workable configuration choices. Both will set "message" as data points field.

data_points => { "message" => "%{[message]}" } exclude_fields => ["@timestamp", "@version"]


use_event_fields_for_data_points => true exclude_fields => ["@timestamp", "@version"]

orsius commented 4 years ago

Hi, The logstash output plugin can be use with coerce_values parameter to convert data point values to the appropriate type before posting. e.g. coerce_values => {'column_name' => 'datatype'}

plugins-outputs-influxdb - coerce_values

:information_source: currently supported datatypes are integer and float

:pushpin: Please have a look under the issue 11143 to see a full conf file example.