lumberjack {
id => "logstash "
hosts => ["hostname"]
port => 12345
codec => "json"
ssl_certificate => "/path/to/cert.pem"
/path/to/cert.pem provides CN by FQDN, doesn't provide the IP the FQDN resolves to
Error output:
[ERROR][logstash.outputs.lumberjack] All hosts unavailable, sleeping {:hosts=>["w.x.y.z], :e=>#<OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError:certificate verify failed>
The plugin instantiates the Lumberjack client using the resolved IP's from the hosts list. Doesn't support a way to use hostnames.
If the certificate isn't configured with those IP's, cert validation fails.
Steps to reproduce:
Sample Config:
/path/to/cert.pem provides CN by FQDN, doesn't provide the IP the FQDN resolves to
Error output:
Issue: The plugin instantiates the Lumberjack client using the resolved IP's from the hosts list. Doesn't support a way to use hostnames. If the certificate isn't configured with those IP's, cert validation fails.
Workaround: Use a cert with IP CN until hostname is supported.
For LS to LS communication alternative approach is to switch to HTTP input and output with
format => json_batch