capricorn86/happy-dom (happy-dom)
### [`v15.7.4`](
[Compare Source](
##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes
- Fixes incorrect handling of non-node items inserted using `replaceWith()`, `before()` and `after()` - By **[@BenjaminAster](** in task [#1533](
### [`v15.7.3`](
[Compare Source](
##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes
- Fixes bug that occurs when checking if a symbol property exists on `HTMLSelectElement` - By **[@Cherry](** in task [#1526](
### [`v15.7.2`](
[Compare Source](
##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes
- Fixes problem where it is not possible to observe again after disconnecting in `MutationObserver` - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1524](
### [`v15.7.1`](
[Compare Source](
##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes
- Fixes selector validation and converts selectors to string (e.g. `querySelector(['.class'])`) - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1507](
### [`v15.7.0`](
[Compare Source](
### [`v15.6.1`](
[Compare Source](
### [`v15.6.0`](
[Compare Source](
### [`v15.5.0`](
[Compare Source](
### [`v15.4.3`](
[Compare Source](
##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes
- Adds support for supporting new lines and tabs as white-space character in CSS selectors - By **[@syi0808](** in task [#1414](
### [`v15.4.2`](
[Compare Source](
##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes
- Typo in CORS rejection error message - By **[@rexxars](** in task [#1485](
### [`v15.4.1`](
[Compare Source](
##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes
- Throw error in `FormData.append()` when value parameter type is incorrect - By **[@btea](** in task [#1484](
### [`v15.4.0`](
[Compare Source](
### [`v15.3.2`](
[Compare Source](
##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes
- Fixes the `HTMLInputElement.indeterminate`, so that it behaves correctly - By **[@malko](** in task [#1439](
### [`v15.3.1`](
[Compare Source](
### [`v15.3.0`](
[Compare Source](
### [`v15.2.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### :art: Features
- Adds support for the static method `AbortSignal.any()` - By **[@ezzatron](** in task [#1468](
### [`v15.1.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### :art: Features
- Refactor internal logic related to injecting the Window context for classes that can be constructed using the "new" operator - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332](
- Improves the way classes can access the Browser context internally - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332](
- Refactor of the logic for `EventTarget.dispatchEvent()` to better handle the event phases "none", "capture", "atTarget" and "bubbling" - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332](
- Adds support for `HTMLInputElement.popoverTargetElement`, `HTMLInputElement.popoverTargetAction`, `HTMLButtonElement.popoverTargetElement` and `HTMLButtonElement.popoverTargetAction` - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332](
- Adds support for `HTMLElement.popover` - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332](
- Adds support for `PerformanceObserver`, `PerformanceEntry` and `PerformanceObserverEntryList` - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332](
##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes
- Makes it possible for a polyfill to replace `NodeList[Symbol.iterator]()` with `Array.prototype.values()` - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332](
- Adds logic for canceling any request to start new async tasks while the `Window` is closing (e.g. using `setTimeout()` or `fetch()`) - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332](
- Fixes issues with errors exiting the browser when using the setting "errorCapture" set to "processLevel" - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332](
- Refactor internal logic, so that thrown errors are instances of unique error classes assigned to the `Window`, which makes it possible for `BrowserExceptionObserver` to know which `Window` the error originated from
- Changes `Event.composedPath()` to not return the `Window` object if the event type is "load", which is the same behaviour as the browser - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332](
- This means that "load" events will not bubble up to the `Window` object
### [`v15.0.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### :bomb: Breaking Changes
- Drops offical support for Node.js 16.x and 17.x - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332](
- A lot of internal logic has been refactored, so if you rely on internal APIs, this release may break your code - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332](
##### :art: Features
- Adds support for `HTMLAreaElement`, `HTMLBodyElement`, `HTMLQuoteElement`, `HTMLBRElement`, `HTMLTableCaptionElement`, `HTMLTableColElement`, `HTMLTableColElement`, `HTMLDataElement`, `HTMLDataListElement`, `HTMLModElement`, `HTMLDetailsElement`, `HTMLDivElement`, `HTMLDListElement`, `HTMLEmbedElement`, `HTMLFieldSetElement`, `HTMLHeadingElement`, `HTMLHeadElement`, `HTMLHRElement`, `HTMLHtmlElement`, `HTMLModElement`, `HTMLLegendElement`, `HTMLLIElement`, `HTMLMapElement`, `HTMLMenuElement`, `HTMLMeterElement`, `HTMLObjectElement`, `HTMLOListElement`, `HTMLOutputElement`, `HTMLParagraphElement`, `HTMLParamElement`, `HTMLPictureElement`, `HTMLPreElement`, `HTMLProgressElement`, `HTMLQuoteElement`, `HTMLSourceElement`, `HTMLSpanElement`, `HTMLTableElement`, `HTMLTableSectionElement`, `HTMLTableSectionElement`, `HTMLTitleElement`, `HTMLTableRowElement`, `HTMLTrackElement`, `HTMLUListElement` - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332](
- Adds basic support for `HTMLCanvasElement` - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332](
- Adds support for History API - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332](
- Adds cache to `CSSStyleDeclaration`, `querySelector()`, `querySelectorAll()`, `getElementById()`, `getElementsByClassName()`, `getElementsByTagName()`, `getElementsByTagNameNS()`, `getElementsByClassName()` - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332](
- Uses proxy for `NodeList`, `HTMLCollection`, `DOMTokenList`, `TextTrackList`, `HTMLFormElement`, `HTMLSelectElement`
- Makes `HTMLCollection` objects returned by `getElementsByClassName()`, `getElementsByTagName()`, `getElementsByTagNameNS()` and `getElementsByClassName()` live - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332](
- Improves support for `HTMLMediaElement` - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332](
- It now supports all methods and properties of the `HTMLMediaElement` interface
- Adds support for `MediaStream`, `MediaStreamTrack`, `RemotePlayback`, `TextTrack`, `TextTrackCue`, `TextTrackCueList`, `TextTrackList`, `VTTCue`, `VTTRegion`, `CanvasCaptureMediaStream`, `ImageBitmap`, `OffscreenCanvas` - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332](
- Adds basic support for `IntersectionObserver` - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332](
- Uses Array for nodes and elements in the DOM-tree to leverage the JiT compiler better - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332](
- Adds support for `HTMLInputElement.list` - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332](
- Improves support for `ShadowRoot` (it now supports `clonable`, `serializable` and `slotAssignment`) - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332](
- Adds support for `Element.getHTML()` - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332](
- Improves performance for some pseudo query selectors - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332](
- Improves support for `HTMLSlotElement` - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332](
- It now supports `assign()`, `assignedNodes()`, `assignedElements()` and the `slotchange` event
##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes
- Attributes and text data wasn't escaped correctly in `XMLSerializer` (used by features such as `innerHTML`) - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1265](
- `waitForNavigation()` would not resolve when navigating to some URLs (e.g. "javascript" or "about:blank") - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332](
- CSS rules for gradients where not parsed correctly - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332](
- Updates to CSSStyleDeclaration would not trigger listeners for the "style" attribute - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332](
- Attributes where added to elements after they were added to the DOM during parsing, causing problems for elements loading resources - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332](
- `Attr.cloneNode()` would not clone internal values - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332](
- `Document.title` included text data inside child elements, which it shouldn't - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332](
- `Event.preventDefault()` shouldn't cancel the default behaviour if cancelable is not sent as an option in `EventTarget.dispatchEvent()` - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332](
- Source attributes containing URLs would not be resolved correctly in some elements - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332](
- Changes name on `TimeRange` to `TimeRanges` - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332](
- `Window.parent` and `` would not be set correctly in some scenarios - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332](
### [`v14.12.3`](
[Compare Source](
##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes
- Element.insertBefore works when the node is already inserted - In task [#1429](
### [`v14.12.2`](
[Compare Source](
##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes
- Fixes problem related to the cookie container using the wrong path when caching cookies - By **[@matcic](** in task [#1455](
### [`v14.12.1`](
[Compare Source](
##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes
- Fixes problem related to React click handler with `preventDefault` not preventing navigation - By **[@amitdahan](** in task [#1464](
### [`v14.12.0`](
[Compare Source](
### [`v14.11.4`](
[Compare Source](
### [`v14.11.3`](
[Compare Source](
### [`v14.11.2`](
[Compare Source](
### [`v14.11.1`](
[Compare Source](
### [`v14.11.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### :art: Features
- Adds support for `HTMLTimeElement` - By **[@r-thomson](** in task [#1431](
### [`v14.10.3`](
[Compare Source](
##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes
- Adds check for if Window and MutationObserver has been destroyed when triggering listeners - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1436](
### [`v14.10.2`](
[Compare Source](
##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes
- `HTMLAnchorElement`, `HTMLButtonElement`, `HTMLInputElement` and `HTMLLabelElement` checked that click events triggering native behavior was of type `PointerEvent`, but should check that they are of type `MouseEvent` - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1397](
### [`v14.10.1`](
[Compare Source](
### [`v14.10.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### :art: Features
- Adds support for `Document.elementFromPoint()` - By **[@TreyVigus](** in task [#1400](
- The method will always return `null` as Happy DOM doesn't support rendering and can't calculate an element's position based on where it is rendered
### [`v14.9.0`](
[Compare Source](
### [`v14.8.3`](
[Compare Source](
##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes
- Fixes issue related to `Element.insertBefore()` not removing comment node from previous ancestor - By **[@mdafanasev](** in task [#1406](
### [`v14.8.2`](
[Compare Source](
### [`v14.8.1`](
[Compare Source](
### [`v14.8.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### :art: Features
- Adds support for the `HTMLIFrameElement.srcdoc` property - By **[@jeffwcx](** in task [#1398](
### [`v14.7.1`](
[Compare Source](
##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes
- Adds support for using - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1392](
### [`v14.7.0`](
[Compare Source](
### [`v14.6.2`](
[Compare Source](
##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes
- Makes it possible to spy on `Storage.prototype` methods - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1377](
- Read more about this in the Wiki under [Use as Test Environment](
### [`v14.6.1`](
[Compare Source](
##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes
- Fixes bug where `Document.createTextNode()` didn't handle conversion of non-string values to string - By **[@odanado](** in task [#1380](
- Adds support for throwing an exception when no argument is submitted to `Document.createTextNode()` - By **[@odanado](** in task [#1380](
### [`v14.6.0`](
[Compare Source](
### [`v14.5.2`](
[Compare Source](
### [`v14.5.1`](
[Compare Source](
##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes
- Fixes problem with Document.defaultView not referring to the global object when using GlobalRegistrator - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1367](
### [`v14.5.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### :art: Features
- Adds support for handling "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" in `Request.formData()` - By [@tt-public]( in [#1379](
### [`v14.4.0`](
[Compare Source](
### [`v14.3.10`](
[Compare Source](
##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes
- Fixes problem related to CSS properties not being used when defined after the CSS value - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1364](
### [`v14.3.9`](
[Compare Source](
##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes
- Fixes problem with spying on properties in Storage - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1368](
### [`v14.3.8`](
[Compare Source](
##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes
- Fixes problem when the error for the invalid selectors `:is` and :`where` (without argument) was not handled correctly - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1352](
### [`v14.3.7`](
[Compare Source](
##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes
- Makes `DOMTokenList` iterable - By [@silverwind]( in task [#1342](
### [`v14.3.6`](
[Compare Source](
##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes
- Adds support for parsing shorthand comments - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1288](
### [`v14.3.5`](
[Compare Source](
### [`v14.3.4`](
[Compare Source](
### [`v14.3.3`](
[Compare Source](
### [`v14.3.2`](
[Compare Source](
##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes
- LocalStorage.setItem non-string value should to be string - By **[@betterqualityassuranceuser](** in task [#1347](
📅 Schedule: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).
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This PR contains the following updates:
Release Notes
capricorn86/happy-dom (happy-dom)
### [`v15.7.4`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Fixes incorrect handling of non-node items inserted using `replaceWith()`, `before()` and `after()` - By **[@BenjaminAster](** in task [#1533]( ### [`v15.7.3`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Fixes bug that occurs when checking if a symbol property exists on `HTMLSelectElement` - By **[@Cherry](** in task [#1526]( ### [`v15.7.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Fixes problem where it is not possible to observe again after disconnecting in `MutationObserver` - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1524]( ### [`v15.7.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Fixes selector validation and converts selectors to string (e.g. `querySelector(['.class'])`) - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1507]( ### [`v15.7.0`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v15.6.1`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v15.6.0`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v15.5.0`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v15.4.3`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Adds support for supporting new lines and tabs as white-space character in CSS selectors - By **[@syi0808](** in task [#1414]( ### [`v15.4.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Typo in CORS rejection error message - By **[@rexxars](** in task [#1485]( ### [`v15.4.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Throw error in `FormData.append()` when value parameter type is incorrect - By **[@btea](** in task [#1484]( ### [`v15.4.0`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v15.3.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Fixes the `HTMLInputElement.indeterminate`, so that it behaves correctly - By **[@malko](** in task [#1439]( ### [`v15.3.1`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v15.3.0`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v15.2.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :art: Features - Adds support for the static method `AbortSignal.any()` - By **[@ezzatron](** in task [#1468]( ### [`v15.1.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :art: Features - Refactor internal logic related to injecting the Window context for classes that can be constructed using the "new" operator - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332]( - Improves the way classes can access the Browser context internally - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332]( - Refactor of the logic for `EventTarget.dispatchEvent()` to better handle the event phases "none", "capture", "atTarget" and "bubbling" - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332]( - Adds support for `HTMLInputElement.popoverTargetElement`, `HTMLInputElement.popoverTargetAction`, `HTMLButtonElement.popoverTargetElement` and `HTMLButtonElement.popoverTargetAction` - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332]( - Adds support for `HTMLElement.popover` - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332]( - Adds support for `PerformanceObserver`, `PerformanceEntry` and `PerformanceObserverEntryList` - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Makes it possible for a polyfill to replace `NodeList[Symbol.iterator]()` with `Array.prototype.values()` - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332]( - Adds logic for canceling any request to start new async tasks while the `Window` is closing (e.g. using `setTimeout()` or `fetch()`) - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332]( - Fixes issues with errors exiting the browser when using the setting "errorCapture" set to "processLevel" - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332]( - Refactor internal logic, so that thrown errors are instances of unique error classes assigned to the `Window`, which makes it possible for `BrowserExceptionObserver` to know which `Window` the error originated from - Changes `Event.composedPath()` to not return the `Window` object if the event type is "load", which is the same behaviour as the browser - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332]( - This means that "load" events will not bubble up to the `Window` object ### [`v15.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :bomb: Breaking Changes - Drops offical support for Node.js 16.x and 17.x - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332]( - A lot of internal logic has been refactored, so if you rely on internal APIs, this release may break your code - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332]( ##### :art: Features - Adds support for `HTMLAreaElement`, `HTMLBodyElement`, `HTMLQuoteElement`, `HTMLBRElement`, `HTMLTableCaptionElement`, `HTMLTableColElement`, `HTMLTableColElement`, `HTMLDataElement`, `HTMLDataListElement`, `HTMLModElement`, `HTMLDetailsElement`, `HTMLDivElement`, `HTMLDListElement`, `HTMLEmbedElement`, `HTMLFieldSetElement`, `HTMLHeadingElement`, `HTMLHeadElement`, `HTMLHRElement`, `HTMLHtmlElement`, `HTMLModElement`, `HTMLLegendElement`, `HTMLLIElement`, `HTMLMapElement`, `HTMLMenuElement`, `HTMLMeterElement`, `HTMLObjectElement`, `HTMLOListElement`, `HTMLOutputElement`, `HTMLParagraphElement`, `HTMLParamElement`, `HTMLPictureElement`, `HTMLPreElement`, `HTMLProgressElement`, `HTMLQuoteElement`, `HTMLSourceElement`, `HTMLSpanElement`, `HTMLTableElement`, `HTMLTableSectionElement`, `HTMLTableSectionElement`, `HTMLTitleElement`, `HTMLTableRowElement`, `HTMLTrackElement`, `HTMLUListElement` - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332]( - Adds basic support for `HTMLCanvasElement` - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332]( - Adds support for History API - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332]( - Adds cache to `CSSStyleDeclaration`, `querySelector()`, `querySelectorAll()`, `getElementById()`, `getElementsByClassName()`, `getElementsByTagName()`, `getElementsByTagNameNS()`, `getElementsByClassName()` - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332]( - Uses proxy for `NodeList`, `HTMLCollection`, `DOMTokenList`, `TextTrackList`, `HTMLFormElement`, `HTMLSelectElement` - Makes `HTMLCollection` objects returned by `getElementsByClassName()`, `getElementsByTagName()`, `getElementsByTagNameNS()` and `getElementsByClassName()` live - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332]( - Improves support for `HTMLMediaElement` - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332]( - It now supports all methods and properties of the `HTMLMediaElement` interface - Adds support for `MediaStream`, `MediaStreamTrack`, `RemotePlayback`, `TextTrack`, `TextTrackCue`, `TextTrackCueList`, `TextTrackList`, `VTTCue`, `VTTRegion`, `CanvasCaptureMediaStream`, `ImageBitmap`, `OffscreenCanvas` - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332]( - Adds basic support for `IntersectionObserver` - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332]( - Uses Array for nodes and elements in the DOM-tree to leverage the JiT compiler better - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332]( - Adds support for `HTMLInputElement.list` - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332]( - Improves support for `ShadowRoot` (it now supports `clonable`, `serializable` and `slotAssignment`) - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332]( - Adds support for `Element.getHTML()` - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332]( - Improves performance for some pseudo query selectors - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332]( - Improves support for `HTMLSlotElement` - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332]( - It now supports `assign()`, `assignedNodes()`, `assignedElements()` and the `slotchange` event ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Attributes and text data wasn't escaped correctly in `XMLSerializer` (used by features such as `innerHTML`) - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1265]( - `waitForNavigation()` would not resolve when navigating to some URLs (e.g. "javascript" or "about:blank") - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332]( - CSS rules for gradients where not parsed correctly - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332]( - Updates to CSSStyleDeclaration would not trigger listeners for the "style" attribute - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332]( - Attributes where added to elements after they were added to the DOM during parsing, causing problems for elements loading resources - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332]( - `Attr.cloneNode()` would not clone internal values - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332]( - `Document.title` included text data inside child elements, which it shouldn't - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332]( - `Event.preventDefault()` shouldn't cancel the default behaviour if cancelable is not sent as an option in `EventTarget.dispatchEvent()` - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332]( - Source attributes containing URLs would not be resolved correctly in some elements - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332]( - Changes name on `TimeRange` to `TimeRanges` - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332]( - `Window.parent` and `` would not be set correctly in some scenarios - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1332]( ### [`v14.12.3`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Element.insertBefore works when the node is already inserted - In task [#1429]( ### [`v14.12.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Fixes problem related to the cookie container using the wrong path when caching cookies - By **[@matcic](** in task [#1455]( ### [`v14.12.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Fixes problem related to React click handler with `preventDefault` not preventing navigation - By **[@amitdahan](** in task [#1464]( ### [`v14.12.0`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v14.11.4`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v14.11.3`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v14.11.2`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v14.11.1`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v14.11.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :art: Features - Adds support for `HTMLTimeElement` - By **[@r-thomson](** in task [#1431]( ### [`v14.10.3`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Adds check for if Window and MutationObserver has been destroyed when triggering listeners - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1436]( ### [`v14.10.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - `HTMLAnchorElement`, `HTMLButtonElement`, `HTMLInputElement` and `HTMLLabelElement` checked that click events triggering native behavior was of type `PointerEvent`, but should check that they are of type `MouseEvent` - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1397]( ### [`v14.10.1`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v14.10.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :art: Features - Adds support for `Document.elementFromPoint()` - By **[@TreyVigus](** in task [#1400]( - The method will always return `null` as Happy DOM doesn't support rendering and can't calculate an element's position based on where it is rendered ### [`v14.9.0`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v14.8.3`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Fixes issue related to `Element.insertBefore()` not removing comment node from previous ancestor - By **[@mdafanasev](** in task [#1406]( ### [`v14.8.2`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v14.8.1`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v14.8.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :art: Features - Adds support for the `HTMLIFrameElement.srcdoc` property - By **[@jeffwcx](** in task [#1398]( ### [`v14.7.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Adds support for using - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1392]( ### [`v14.7.0`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v14.6.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Makes it possible to spy on `Storage.prototype` methods - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1377]( - Read more about this in the Wiki under [Use as Test Environment]( ### [`v14.6.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Fixes bug where `Document.createTextNode()` didn't handle conversion of non-string values to string - By **[@odanado](** in task [#1380]( - Adds support for throwing an exception when no argument is submitted to `Document.createTextNode()` - By **[@odanado](** in task [#1380]( ### [`v14.6.0`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v14.5.2`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v14.5.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Fixes problem with Document.defaultView not referring to the global object when using GlobalRegistrator - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1367]( ### [`v14.5.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :art: Features - Adds support for handling "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" in `Request.formData()` - By [@tt-public]( in [#1379]( ### [`v14.4.0`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v14.3.10`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Fixes problem related to CSS properties not being used when defined after the CSS value - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1364]( ### [`v14.3.9`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Fixes problem with spying on properties in Storage - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1368]( ### [`v14.3.8`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Fixes problem when the error for the invalid selectors `:is` and :`where` (without argument) was not handled correctly - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1352]( ### [`v14.3.7`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Makes `DOMTokenList` iterable - By [@silverwind]( in task [#1342]( ### [`v14.3.6`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Adds support for parsing shorthand comments - By **[@capricorn86](** in task [#1288]( ### [`v14.3.5`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v14.3.4`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v14.3.3`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v14.3.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - LocalStorage.setItem non-string value should to be string - By **[@betterqualityassuranceuser](** in task [#1347](
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