Open ukhack opened 3 hours ago
logto: image: svhd/logto:1.19.0 container_name: lobe-logto ports: - '3001:3001' - '3002:3002' depends_on: postgresql: condition: service_healthy environment: - 'TRUST_PROXY_HEADER=1' - 'DB_URL=postgresql://postgres:uWNZugjBqixf8dxC@postgresql:5432/logto' - 'ENDPOINT=' - 'ADMIN_ENDPOINT=' entrypoint: ['sh', '-c', 'npm run cli db seed -- --swe && npm start']
when i visit dashboard with domain, i got so many Internal server error
I'm not sure why it worked properly when I first installed it a month ago, but now when I open it, it's like this.
My server has restarted, could it be due to binding other network cards?
But why i can login it
when i visit dashboard with domain, i got so many Internal server error