loichyan / nerdfix

🔣 nerdfix helps you to find/fix obsolete Nerd Font icons in your project.
Apache License 2.0
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Suggest replacement for F719 #9

Closed Finii closed 10 months ago

Finii commented 1 year ago

First of all I want to say thank you for this great tool! :1st_place_medal: This really helps Nerd Fonts to help others with the painful transition to the new codepoints. I would add you as contributor to Nerd Font, if you agree.

On this Issue topic: Via Gitter I just had the question where F719 is. This is what nerdfix says:


The direct replacement for F719 (file_document_box) is F021A (text_box). (They renamed the icon.)

I do not know if nerdfix has the possibility to handle pairs that have not-similar names, so maybe this is not possible.

Finii commented 1 year ago

At the moment I have no list of renamed icons. But in principle it should be possible to create such a list; starting with 'seems to be dropped' icons and searching for (almost) identical images in the new svgs. That would require some work, but if the list could be utilized I can set out to create it.

Finii commented 1 year ago

These are the 'seems to be dropped' icons (where the is no 1:1 equivalent name in the new icons):

$ cat ~/git/nerd-fonts/glyphnames.json | \
    jq | \
    grep '^  "' | \
    sed 's/^  "//;s/".*//' | \
    grep '^md' | \
    sed 's/^mdi-/MDI /;s/^md-/MD  /' | \
    sort -k2 | \
    grep -B 1 MDI | \
    uniq -c -s 4 | \
    grep '1 MDI' | \
    sed 's/.* MDI //' | \

Full list hidden here:

``` account_card_details account_location account_settings_variant airplay allo amazon amazon_clouddrive android_debug_bridge android_head apple_mobileme approval artist audiobook azure bandcamp basecamp beats behance bible bing blackberry blogger book_multiple_variant book_secure book_unsecure buffer camcorder_box camcorder_box_off cash_usd cellphone_android cellphone_iphone chart_scatterplot_hexbin circle circle_outline cisco_webex coin coins contact_mail currency_chf dictionary disk disk_alert disqus_outline do_not_disturb do_not_disturb_off douban dribbble dribbble_box edge email_secure etsy eventbrite face facebook_box face_profile file_document_box file_pdf file_xml flash_circle flattr format_list_numbers foursquare fridge_filled fridge_filled_bottom fridge_filled_top github_box github_circle github_face glassdoor google_pages google_photos google_physical_web google_plus_box google_wallet gradient hackernews hangouts hotel houzz houzz_box image_filter instapaper internet_explorer itunes json language_python_text laptop_chromebook laptop_mac laptop_windows lastfm library_books library_music library_plus linkedin_box login_variant loop mail_ru markdown martini maxcdn medium message_settings_variant mixcloud mixer music_note_eighth nest_protect nest_thermostat office onedrive onenote periodic_table_co2 periscope pharmacy phone_locked pinterest_box plane_shield playstation plus_one pocket poll_box quicktime radiobox_blank raspberrypi roomba security_home send_secure settings settings_box sort_alphabetical sort_numeric square_inc square_inc_cash stackexchange tablet_ipad telegram terrain textbox textbox_password tooltip_outline_plus tor towing tumblr tumblr_reblog twitter_box twitter_circle twitter_retweet uber untappd venmo verified visualstudio vk vk_box vk_circle voice weather_partlycloudy wii wiiu windows worker wunderlist xamarin_outline xaml xbox xbox_controller xbox_controller_battery_alert xbox_controller_battery_empty xbox_controller_battery_full xbox_controller_battery_low xbox_controller_battery_medium xbox_controller_battery_unknown xbox_controller_off xda xing xing_box xing_circle yammer yelp youtube_creator_studio youtube_play ```

Oh, I used a 'special' glyphnames.json that does contain also the removed icon names (just copied the code also into the else branch):

diff --git a/bin/scripts/generate-css.sh b/bin/scripts/generate-css.sh
index 014a0ce0f..468ad3572 100755
--- a/bin/scripts/generate-css.sh
+++ b/bin/scripts/generate-css.sh
@@ -102,6 +102,10 @@ for var in "${!i@}"; do
     } >> "$output_json_file"

+    # generate json entry
+    {
+      printf ",\"%s\":{\"char\":\"%s\",\"code\":\"%s\"}" "$glyph_name" "$glyph_char" "$glyph_code"
+    } >> "$output_json_file"
     # generate css min rules for removed glyphs
       printf ".nfold-%s:before{content:\"\\%s\"}" "$glyph_name" "$glyph_code"
loichyan commented 1 year ago

I would add you as contributor to Nerd Font, if you agree.

It would be my pleasure, thank you very much!

I do not know if nerdfix has the possibility to handle pairs that have not-similar names

Currently this can be done with --replace nf-md-file_document_box,nf-mdi-text_box. But this option is meant to replace icons with the same suffix, so I would add a feature to load a predefined list of icon suggestions that can be used in autofix.

That would require some work, but if the list could be utilized I can set out to create it.

This is definitely useful, as it gives nerdfix the ability to handle most obsolete icons automatically.

Finii commented 1 year ago

Solution based on MaterialDesign's own replacements database

  1. Apply patch from https://github.com/loichyan/nerdfix/issues/9#issuecomment-1573322314 to Nerd Font repo
  2. Call bin/scripts/generate-css.sh
  3. Create list of missing icons with [1]
  4. Search for replacements in aliases database with [2]


+ means we found one or more (!) substitution(s). (48 icons) > means we found one substitution manually. (43 icons) - means that there seems to be no replacements. (89 icons)

+ account-location => tooltip-account
+ airplay => cast-variant
+ apple-mobileme => apple-icloud
+ approval => check-decagram check-decagram-outline
+ artist => account-music
+ bible => book-cross
+ book-secure => book-lock
+ book-unsecure => book-lock-open
+ chart-scatterplot-hexbin => chart-scatter-plot-hexbin
+ coins => circle-multiple
+ contact-mail => card-account-mail
+ dictionary => book-alphabet
+ do-not-disturb-off => minus-circle-off
+ email-secure => email-lock
+ face => emoticon
+ file-document-box => text-box
+ flash-circle => lightning-bolt-circle
+ format-list-numbers => format-list-numbered
+ fridge-filled => fridge
+ fridge-filled-bottom => fridge-top
+ fridge-filled-top => fridge-bottom
+ hotel => bed
+ image-filter => image-auto-adjust image-multiple-outline
+ library-music => music-box-multiple
+ library-plus => plus-box-multiple
+ loop => refresh reload restore sync
+ martini => glass-cocktail
+ nest-protect => smoke-detector
+ phone-locked => phone-lock
+ plane-shield => shield-airplane
+ plus-one => numeric-positive-1
+ poll-box => chart-box
+ raspberrypi => raspberry-pi
+ roomba => robot-vacuum
+ security-home => shield-home
+ send-secure => send-lock
+ settings => cog cogs tune tune-variant
+ settings-box => cog-box
+ stackexchange => stack-exchange
+ tooltip-outline-plus => tooltip-plus-outline
+ twitter-retweet => repeat-variant
+ verified => check-decagram check-decagram-outline shield-check
+ visualstudio => microsoft-visual-studio
+ weather-partlycloudy => weather-partly-cloudy
+ worker => account-hard-hat
+ xaml => language-xaml
+ youtube-creator-studio => youtube-studio
+ youtube-play => youtube

> account-card-details => card-account-details
> azure => microsoft-azure
> bing => microsoft-bing
> circle => circle-medium
> circle-outline => checkbox-blank-circle-outline
> do-not-disturb => minus-circle
> do-not-disturb-off => minus-circle-off
> edge => microsoft-edge
> face-profile => face-man-profile
> github-circle => github
> gradient => gradient-vertical
> hangouts => google-hangouts
> internet-explorer => microsoft-internet-explorer
> json => code-json
> linkedin-box => linkedin
> login-variant => exit-to-app
> markdown => language-markdown
> office => microsoft-office
> onedrive => microsoft-onedrive
> onenote => microsoft-onenote
> playstation => sony-playstation
> radiobox-blank => checkbox-blank-circle-outline
> sort-alphabetical => sort-alphabetical-variant
> sort-numeric => sort-numeric-variant
> tablet-ipad => tablet
> terrain => image-filter-hdr
> textbox => form-textbox
> textbox-password => form-textbox-password
> towing => tow-truck
> voice => account-voice
> wii => nintendo-wii
> wiiu => nintendo-wiiu
> windows => microsoft-windows
> xamarin-outline => microsoft-xamarin
> xbox => microsoft-xbox
> xbox-controller => microsoft-xbox-gamepad
> xbox-controller-battery-alert => microsoft-xbox-gamepad-battery-alert
> xbox-controller-battery-empty => microsoft-xbox-controller-battery-empty
> xbox-controller-battery-full => microsoft-xbox-controller-battery-full
> xbox-controller-battery-low => microsoft-xbox-controller-battery-low
> xbox-controller-battery-medium => microsoft-xbox-controller-battery-medium
> xbox-controller-battery-unknown => microsoft-xbox-controller-battery-unknown
> xbox-controller-off => microsoft-xbox-controller-off

- account-settings-variant
- allo
- amazon
- amazon-clouddrive
- android-debug-bridge
- android-head
- audiobook
- bandcamp
- basecamp
- beats
- behance
- blackberry
- blogger
- book-multiple-variant
- buffer
- camcorder-box
- camcorder-box-off
- cash-usd
- cellphone-android
- cellphone-iphone
- cisco-webex
- coin
- currency-chf
- disk
- disk-alert
- disqus-outline
- douban
- dribbble
- dribbble-box
- etsy
- eventbrite
- facebook-box
- file-pdf
- file-xml
- flattr
- foursquare
- github-box
- github-face
- glassdoor
- google-pages
- google-photos
- google-physical-web
- google-plus-box
- google-wallet
- hackernews
- houzz
- houzz-box
- instapaper
- itunes
- language-python-text
- laptop-chromebook
- laptop-mac
- laptop-windows
- lastfm
- library-books
- mail-ru
- maxcdn
- medium
- message-settings-variant
- mixcloud
- mixer
- music-note-eighth
- nest-thermostat
- periodic-table-co2
- periscope
- pharmacy
- pinterest-box
- pocket
- quicktime
- square-inc
- square-inc-cash
- telegram
- tor
- tumblr
- tumblr-reblog
- twitter-box
- twitter-circle
- uber
- untappd
- venmo
- vk
- vk-box
- vk-circle
- wunderlist
- xda
- xing
- xing-box
- xing-circle
- yammer
- yelp


[1] Command line to create missing file

cat git/nerd-fonts/glyphnames.json | \                                                                 
    jq | \
    grep '^  "' | \
    sed 's/^  "//;s/".*//' | \
    grep '^md' | \
    sed 's/^mdi-/MDI /;s/^md-/MD  /' | \
    sort -k2 | \
    grep -B 1 MDI | \
    uniq -c -s 4 | \
    grep '1 MDI' | \
    sed 's/.* MDI //' | \
    tr '_' '-' > missing

[2] Command line to create substitution list

while read icon; do
    rep=$(jq ".[] | select(.aliases[] | select(. == \"${icon}\")) | .name" -r git/MaterialDesign/meta.json)
    if [ -n "${rep}" ]; then
        xargs echo "+ ${icon} =>" <<<${rep}
        echo "- ${icon}"
done <<< $(cat missing) | \
LC_ALL=C sort > replacements