loicmarie / sign-language-alphabet-recognizer

Simple sign language alphabet recognizer using Python, openCV and tensorflow for training Inception model (CNN classifier).
MIT License
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Left arrow and right arrow is not distingushable #6

Open hesiyuan opened 6 years ago

hesiyuan commented 6 years ago


I've generated my own datasets for left and right arrow hand gestures used to point to left and right directions. But the classifier most of the time classifies them both as left arrow. I wonder if this is because the model has rotational invariant. Any ideas would be appreciated.


Sahil9771 commented 5 years ago

Hey, can you help me with the following error which occurs when I try to run the train,py file:

usage: train.py [-h] [--output_graph OUTPUT_GRAPH] [--output_labels OUTPUT_LABELS] [--summaries_dir SUMMARIES_DIR] [--how_many_training_steps HOW_MANY_TRAINING_STEPS] [--learning_rate LEARNING_RATE] [--testing_percentage TESTING_PERCENTAGE] [--validation_percentage VALIDATION_PERCENTAGE] [--eval_step_interval EVAL_STEP_INTERVAL] [--train_batch_size TRAIN_BATCH_SIZE] [--test_batch_size TEST_BATCH_SIZE] [--validation_batch_size VALIDATION_BATCH_SIZE] [--print_misclassified_test_images] [--model_dir MODEL_DIR] [--bottleneck_dir BOTTLENECK_DIR] [--final_tensor_name FINAL_TENSOR_NAME] [--flip_left_right] [--random_crop RANDOM_CROP] [--random_scale RANDOM_SCALE] [--random_brightness RANDOM_BRIGHTNESS] C:/Users/Sahil/Desktop/SLR/dataset/ train.py: error: the following arguments are required: C:/Users/Sahil/Desktop/SLR/dataset/

It would be really helpful, Thanks