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Ontologize search component relationships #65

Open joeflack4 opened 1 month ago

joeflack4 commented 1 month ago


There are components, e.g. "Sodium Urate crystals", that can be broken down into multiple other, related components. However, relationships between these are not formalized in LOINC. The http://loinc.org/property/search property is used to denote the relationship of each of these sub-components, e.g. "Sodium", to the LOINC term Sodium Urate crystals [Energy Difference] in 24 hour Urine 101734-2. But, for example, there is no defined relationship between Sodium LP15099-2 (LOINC:search) and Sodium urate crystals LP18869-5 (LOINC:analyte).

We need to figure out how to define relationships between them.

Example case

LoincNumber LongCommonName PartNumber PartName PartCodeSystem PartTypeName LinkTypeName Property
101734-2 Sodium Urate crystals [Energy Difference] in 24 hour Urine LP18869-5 Sodium urate crystals http://loinc.org COMPONENT DetailedModel http://loinc.org/property/analyte
101734-2 Sodium Urate crystals [Energy Difference] in 24 hour Urine LP208616-5 EngDiff http://loinc.org PROPERTY DetailedModel http://loinc.org/property/PROPERTY
101734-2 Sodium Urate crystals [Energy Difference] in 24 hour Urine LP6924-7 24H http://loinc.org TIME DetailedModel http://loinc.org/property/time-core
101734-2 Sodium Urate crystals [Energy Difference] in 24 hour Urine LP7681-2 Urine http://loinc.org SYSTEM DetailedModel http://loinc.org/property/system-core
101734-2 Sodium Urate crystals [Energy Difference] in 24 hour Urine LP7753-9 Qn http://loinc.org SCALE DetailedModel http://loinc.org/property/SCALE_TYP
101734-2 Sodium Urate crystals [Energy Difference] in 24 hour Urine LP18869-5 Sodium urate crystals http://loinc.org COMPONENT SyntaxEnhancement http://loinc.org/property/analyte-core
101734-2 Sodium Urate crystals [Energy Difference] in 24 hour Urine LP15099-2 Sodium http://loinc.org COMPONENT Search http://loinc.org/property/search
101734-2 Sodium Urate crystals [Energy Difference] in 24 hour Urine LP15935-7 Urate http://loinc.org COMPONENT Search http://loinc.org/property/search
101734-2 Sodium Urate crystals [Energy Difference] in 24 hour Urine LP16849-9 Crystals http://loinc.org COMPONENT Search http://loinc.org/property/search
101734-2 Sodium Urate crystals [Energy Difference] in 24 hour Urine LP32885-3 Urate crystals http://loinc.org COMPONENT Search http://loinc.org/property/search
101734-2 Sodium Urate crystals [Energy Difference] in 24 hour Urine LP35723-3 Sodium urate http://loinc.org COMPONENT Search http://loinc.org/property/search
101734-2 Sodium Urate crystals [Energy Difference] in 24 hour Urine LP29693-6 Laboratory http://loinc.org CLASS Metadata http://loinc.org/property/category
101734-2 Sodium Urate crystals [Energy Difference] in 24 hour Urine LP7786-9 CHEM http://loinc.org CLASS Metadata http://loinc.org/property/CLASS

Additional challenge

Some of these search components have relationships to each other that aren't as simple as "part of" (e.g. we could say that "Sodium" is part-of "Sodium Urate crystals". Take, for example, Sodium urate LP35723-3 and Urate crystals LP32885-3, which seem related in that they have an intersecting qualifier Urate LP15935-7.

matentzn commented 1 month ago

I think you can think of "search" relationships as very general "related to" relations in an ontology, but nothing more.

swagers commented 1 month ago

The definition of the LinkTypes can be found here - https://loinc.org/kb/enriched-linkages-between-loinc-terms-and-loinc-parts/ The search relationships are fragments and synonyms that can be used to help find terms. We use these relationships in Search LOINC to build out the index.