Open CBS-S opened 1 year ago
Actually, maybe each stop on the slider should be up or down by 5% for a bigger range. Or maybe it could be continuous. I'm trying to pitch this as something that would be fairly easy to code, but I'm sort of guessing what that means.
Since basic difficult multipliers are now in if anything else is being considered starting the player without the outside sauna could be interesting to make the game more difficult at the start. I am unsure if it provides more rent by increasing flat value but it also provides you with tons of firewood you can sell and upgrade the house with, a locker with respawning items, a can of diesel and a toilet which is convenient at the start. An experienced player can quickly work around the lack of a sauna with a lockpick but even somebody new at the game might enjoy working towards the inital upgrade. At the moment if there is no sauna you might be pinned under mental health issues and get frustrated but as a difficulty option players would be doing it to themselves.
I think I want a less complex game than the other beta testers do, and scalable difficulty would make a game that's more satisfying to more people. Specifically, I think the following things could be made scalable:
If you had, say, five difficulty settings, the current default could be the middle one, and each one above or below would add or reduce each of the parameters by 2%. That would let new players get their footing and returning ones challenge themselves, without the need for intricate system reworking.