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Feedback - Cooking early game #1039

Open snortico opened 7 months ago

snortico commented 7 months ago

Cooking seems like it is easy to ignore and I think it can be very useful sooner than it is usually explored (from my experience.) Suggestion might be to expand on the Pea Soup folks quest slightly. Make the initial quest for pea soup require the player to 'cook' it, give them the bowl and can and use the kitchen. Perhaps give a kitchen furniture, or a breadcrumb to get a kitchen furniture after making a pea soup so the player can start to focus on making better meals instead of buying if they choose.

Kastuk commented 7 months ago

Theres just no simplest kitchen for apartment except portable electro stove which may start require electricity later. Barrel stove is makeshift heating renovation.

Most simple way to start learn cook is by field kitchen or at hostel stove, I suppose. But making pea soup from cans usually is a waste of food, as taste become bad.

snortico commented 7 months ago

Don't disagree with anything you said, but thinking there should be a sort of push where you should mix in cooking. Feels like early on you should have the option to cook and see it as a positive, but limited. Once you upgrade electricity, apartment kitchen, etc, it becomes easier and more sustainable. Right now it feels a little binary, like you should just buy ready to eat food exclusively until you can fully sustain home meals. Think there is value in finding some 'arc' to it.

Kastuk commented 7 months ago

For now theres a piles of free meat and stuff in freezers everywhere asking to be wasted in cooking practice, as they will be perished anyway. Well, when theres free vegetables and jars nearby, its way for most easy canning quality-free recipe to clean any owned or stolen tags and sell it freely at marketpace. Seems like only way to cook for money.

But I hope for some questline for basic cooking, like soup-making at Peas church or as part-time work at the grill.