loiste-interactive / Obenseuer-Issues

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Feature: Character(s) panel #1145

Open Zuntti opened 9 months ago

Zuntti commented 9 months ago

In this panel you can see

  1. The character's name, age, starting choices, etc
  2. Skill levels
  3. How many days your character has been in Obenseuer
  4. Something else?

Maybe some info on other characters in this panel as well? For example, characters you can rent an apartment to like

  1. What kind of apartment they want
  2. How much they would pay
  3. Status: Living in your apartment, has suitable apartment that can be rented etc.
  4. Maybe where they are? This could also be part of the tenement panel but it needs more planning
Nextej commented 9 months ago

Real time played on that save for the first section.

I also think that player's own notes would be a more desireable than doing stuff for the player, or at least encourage the player to bring their own pen and paper.

Kastuk commented 9 months ago

Last doctor check results and how much days ago.

Nextej commented 9 months ago

State of addictions, achievements reveal anyway when character recovers, if player never had any addiction, don't display that addiction at all, if player first sees the need, show the that player has this addiction in stats page, if for few days in a row the need does not appear, mark the addiction as recovered in stats page.

Also for skills, show the skills only if player gotten specific skill level first, starting with an empty page and expanding the list with each new level of next skills.

CVariable commented 9 months ago

That sounds like a good idea from Nextej. Anything that helps the player be more certain about what they're doing and what they succeeded with will be a good addition, as that will give confidence in their status and make it feel like things happen in a controlled manner, and not having to guess what's really going on

Nextej commented 9 months ago

Also, perhaps having the stats page should provide some explanatory on skill addictions, like go in details how exactly each addiction affects the character, talking with doctor/therapist and trying various stuff should add a note to that description of things that work effectively against the addiction.

Similarly for skills, have listed down what devices/furniture can be used to raise skill level, if played had interacted with the device before. For specific skills like lockpicking, mention that residents will relock the doors overtime or replace locks with ones of higher difficulty. For producing skills like machining or farming, have a note that the skill affects quality and value of the products as well as chances (in case of farming) of the grops to not die prematurely.

Oskutin commented 9 months ago

Some basic addiction level stat could be displayed. Like None/Weak/Medium/Strong Addiction

Nextej commented 9 months ago

Like None/Weak/Medium/Strong Addiction

Maybe perhaps have a note on how often you need to satisfy the need instead: Every few hours/Several time a day/Once a day/Once per few days

DragonZephyr commented 3 months ago

Maybe display how long ago a player has recovered from an addiction and if they have relapsed. The outstanding bounty on you could also be interesting or maybe just if the police is looking. The last rent collected or the expected rent to be collected from everyone could be interesting.

Nextej commented 1 month ago

Perhaps to update the information about addiction levels, player could take blood and urine tests at the doctor's (which I think are a fairly realistic way to approach things) to see the levels of various substances in our system, based on which the doctor can estimate how addicted we are, and in response suggest how the player should approach recovery or what amounts are safe to consume without worsening the addiction.

Also on that note, game should somehow convey and encourage the players to do regular visits at the doctor, to be always up to date with information about their state.

Nextej commented 2 weeks ago

Also when player performs activity related to a specific skill for the first time, they should get a notification similar to leveling up of sorts "New Skill! Level 1", upon which after a respective new skill statistic appears in the character's tab.