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Playtesting Suggestion - changes and additions to animal breeding #2339

Open Nextej opened 2 weeks ago

Nextej commented 2 weeks ago
  1. Cat breeding should be more realistic (at least scale-wise in compare to rats)
    • a pair of cats should spawn 2-5 offsprings
    • it should take at least half a week (since placing the cats into the cage) before they spawn offspring
    • it should take around week/week-and-a-half for young cats to fully grow
    • it should take at least 2 weeks between births
  2. Since animal genders are not defined, for every odd amount of the animal in the cage (rats/cats), there should be 50%/50% chance for additional birth of offspring (going off an logic that the extra cat statistically has a chance to be female to give birth)
  3. caged animals should require food for survival
    • cage UI has a lot of unused space (under 'recipes') to add some sort of food amount indicator, and player can increase amount of food by placing it in the cage's storage and 'planting' it
    • animals should be able to die if not feed, leaving a meat or a dead carcas
    • small animals (rats, chickens) could require only food (as I don't see any water feeder), large animals (cats) could require both food and water
    • small animals (chicks, rats, fish) could perhaps be possible to overfeed, if player adds too much food to the cage, killing the animal prematurely
    • player should be able to grind seeds and grains into a fodder to feed rats and chickens; fish and cat food should be available to buy from O-Market (cats should also probably be able to feed with just meat), also I think it would be a funny to name the cat food a 'PURE cat meat'
    • with added possibility to die, shroomed rats and fish should be able to die from fungal disease after two weeks/month
  4. animals could perhaps produce manure (and fish change water in the aquarium to dirty one), filling up the cage's storage space and giving player a new renewable way to compost
    • perhaps there should be separate item sizes for animal feces (small for chickens and rats, medium for cats, and so on)
greensalt99 commented 2 weeks ago

if you force player to manage too much it will be grindy pain,.. this why farming sims have auto-feeders to prevent overfeed or underfeed. ok, lets say game has option to overfeed, but then you should be able to add auto-feeders. because player has other stuff to do :) feeling of improvement when you get better and more expensive tools to get rid of grinding.

Nice, Manure as extra fertilization for plants :) it could be cleaning cage action, and you get Manure. if you dont clean it, animals wont breed.

Nextej commented 2 weeks ago

if you force player to manage too much it will be grindy pain,.. this why farming sims have auto-feeders to prevent overfeed or underfeed. ok, lets say game has option to overfeed, but then you should be able to add auto-feeders. because player has other stuff to do :)

I'm suggesting feeding mechanic only because right now rats and fish breeding requires no attention or action at all, having a way to kill-off excess of animals would be good, especially for rats that breed like crazy; while overfeed only because to prevent player filling up the food meter in a cage to maximum and then forgetting about the animal farm for a week.

And it's not like placing a food item once in two days into a cage is such engaging and time-consuming task to call it a grind, it's not Stardew Valley where you got to water each crop field separately every day.

greensalt99 commented 2 weeks ago

Agree, but why do you need so many rats ? :D makin rat-hats? O_0 i have bread few and stopped, cause for me walking outside every day was more fun that siting on tables :) so every person will plays differently :) If we asking more deeper breeding, COOL. Lets have it complexly done if someone is into husbandry :)