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Global feedback and suggestions #143

Closed ontrigger closed 6 years ago

ontrigger commented 8 years ago

Alright, here we go. Let's start from the first map.

Reserve1: 1)Intro scene is bad, does not provide any kind of backstory or info about the game. It's a big problem because I had no idea that I could just run through the game without solving any puzzles. Just put it clear to a player that you can do whatever you want in the game by displaying a text on a black screen.

2)Now let's take a look at these 2 areas: 2015-11-07_00013 2015-11-07_00014 They are very dark, right? What they clearly need is some dim lighting to highlight the small details and add to the overall atmosphere. A constant light with a soft falloff and a green-ish tint will do the trick. I will explain why flashlight is not needed here a little bit later. 2015-11-07_00015

3)In this picture you can see a damaged pillar, but unlike any other pillar that is clearly visible this one is obscured by a tree behind me. It is almost impossible to notice even if you turn around to the right after turning on a water flow monitor. Will be better if you remove that tree.

4)Well, if I stated a water flow monitor then why not to talk about it too? I seriously have no idea what these things do and what their purpose is, can anybody explain that to me?

5)Alright, so now we enter the power plant and here we are greeted with the first puzzle in the game. This is a great opportunity to teach your player about the basic mechanics of the game. Tell a player how the camera works and what we he/she should do with it. 2015-11-07_00016 I personally think that this cutter blends with the box way too much thus rendering it literally invisible. I was lucky enough to notice it and pick it up. I think it would be better to make this section have no lighting at all. Not only that it fits perfectly well with the broken fuses, but it encourages our player to use the flashlight. Put the cutter somewhere so it doesn't blend with its surroundings and put a light switch near it to reward a player for finding the cutter(cutter here is a visual cue to help find a light switch, although that will mean that some players will try to use light switches further in the game).

6)The paper on a table in the same power plant should be more readable. You can achieve that by putting it higher and adjusting tonemap scale so that lightmaps don't overbrighten certain letters.

7)I was kind of confused with what I was supposed to do with a console in that plant. Did I have to turn them both off or just one?

Reserve2: 1)I have a lot of critique for this map. 2015-11-07_00018 First of all, the lighting HAS to be changed for this area. It is very moody and dark. Sudden contrasts on bright lights make it look even worse. I couldn't distinguish a static prop with physics one not only because their textures were almost identical, but also because it was too dark to see the difference(blue-ish tone didn't help). I suggest making this room way more brighter with a soft yellow-ish tone. Physics props should be stacked at one place and probably somehow highlighted(maybe make a small storage room with a cagelight?) same thing can be applied to the splicer generator room, lighting is just meh. 2015-11-07_00019

2)We are now in a sawmill, a very dark sawmill. Seriously, how come there are 4 lights along the wall with brigh as fuck sprites yet the sawmill is super dark. 2015-11-07_00021

3)The death trigger for the small motor should be much smaller and should actually fit its size. It also has some incorrect timing because it kills you even if the motor is all the way down the basement.

3)I actually have to say that I liked the electrical water puzzle here, on my first playthrough I tried to put a bunch of boxes there, now I feel like a stupid idiot because the powerbox had a small timer so that I could just turn it on and run away before it electrifies everything. 2015-11-07_00024 2015-11-07_00022

4)These stands should have a map telling you where exactly you are right now. I didn't even know that you could go to the claw point.

Reserve3: This one is perfectly executed except for one serious issue. You cannot close the toilet after throwing a poop where it belongs. Things like that really bug me.

I'm kind of tired of writing this but I'll post feedback for all levels later so don't close this issue, thanks.

ontrigger commented 8 years ago

Forgot to mention some interesting stuff: 1)Some grass textures are way brighter than they should be. Turn on mat_fullbright and fly around reserve maps, it is really noticeable. All foliage should have the same color, right now it looks very unnatural.

2)2015-11-05_00002 Put a skybox instead of an areaportal on the roof, It should gradually increase performance

3) I had no idea what funicular everybody was talking about until I realised that I simply missed it. The path to it looked unfinished, as if there was nothing of interest there.

ontrigger commented 8 years ago


I enjoyed this level on my first playthrough quite a lot, mostly because of fascinating puzzles, only to realise on my second playthrough that there are some serious design flaws:

First and the foremost, there are 2 puzzles in this level, the one that I solved on my first playthrough was a two way bridge. I felt smart about it and completely forgot about the second one, which I thought was some kind of a secret. Turns out it was not. The second puzzle is just a different way to complete a level. I was kinda dissapointed, but that wasn't really the bad part. The bad part was that if the first puzzle rewarded me with a cool backstory of this place(like the table with cards and a look at the huge tunnel), the second one did not reward me with anything at all. I feel bad for those who took the water sensors route

On the theme of secrets, I kept thinking that I had clearly missed something. This was not true, in fact, the devs themselves missed like half the sounds for this level as almost every single door did not have any sound effects.

Finally, here goes an elevator that brings me to the level transition. TBH it feels super lame and scripted, you just touch a trigger and it falls down super fast. There was no sign at all that it would crash(no visual or sound cue). You can get stuck in that elevator just like in my reserve1 video, i think this is possible with every single elevator in the game.

Totally forgot, those lights with full white glowing sprites still look very unnatural. They should be filling the whole place with light, for now they are just sprites that look cool in water reflections.

ontrigger commented 8 years ago

More feedback for reserve maps You certainly need more rock models. Those that you have right now look low res and have these green spots on them making them look repetitive in the distance. I see this rock with a hole in it everywhere 2015-11-08_00003 This cliff right here is made completely out of them. Sculpt some more models, make huge complex ones for different areas that have baked lighting in them (so that you can still have bumpmaps and support bumpmapping at the same time)

2015-11-08_00001 There is also something wrong with trees here. Maybe $distancealpha should help?

ontrigger commented 8 years ago

Tunnel2: This map should be changed from the ground up. Let's see what's wrong.

2015-11-07_00003 The window in the left corner had such a short field of view that It was almost impossible to notice this pipe entrance. 2015-11-07_00004 Now, I'm a very big fan of showing players where they are supposed to go right from the start of a level. It at least gives some kind of a starting point to help build a logical chain of things that a player has to do to finish a level. On my first playthrough I did not give any significance to both the metal door and the window as I thought they were not connected at all. Because of this I had no idea how to finish this level. EDIT: More like I had no idea what to do. 2015-11-07_00006 Then I visited this room. The paper telling me to close the pipes then the pumps confused me a little. That was because I noticed beforehand that the railings there were colored red and blue just like the pipes. The model for these buttons should be changed completely to fit the artstyle of the level and tell the player that these buttons are not related to pipes at all and represent a different part of the level.

Then I visited the control room and saw the scheme on a computer. There was an additional line for each pipe color. I opened the turquosite line though I had no idea what it did and why I had to do it. I started looking out for those additional pipes but never found them. I "closed" the blue pipe, something went wrong and in the end I had no idea if the pipe was closed or opened. I had to return to the control room several times just to check if what I was doing was correct. After running around for a while I decided to map the scheme onto the layout of the level and got completely lost. 2015-11-08_00004 I noticed that these pipes led to nowhere and also that they are inverted. I then closed all pumps (turns out that I actually opened them) went to the control room again, ran around the facility, somehow I fixed my problem with pumps by actually closing them this time, opened the gate and finished the map.

EDIT: I also felt that the staircase to the tunnel shoud have been near an entrance close to the pump room and not in the middle of the facility. That way it is both logical and it helps avoid perplexity when entering the button room (remember that the players intended route is to enter a door with a pink card and get to the button room(which is near a staircase). It was probably done just for the info paper on one of the buttons, though I think it adds more confusion than informs on what to do. I'm not telling you to change where this paper is I think the route to this room should be changed.

It should be like: Pipes->Entrance with a staircase->Pumps->Button room->Computer room

ontrigger commented 8 years ago

I also forgot about the button room and the lost key. On my second playthrough I realised that these buttons were nothing but a way to get a key and get to the next level. Just like with tunnel1, this was just an another way to finish the map. In fact, the second solution is not even a solution since you can already escape this map and all you have to do to get the key and escape is just an addition to the first solution. I thought that I would get something interesting, maybe some kind of a story piece that i couldn't have gotten if I finished this level by entering a pipe. Well, yeah, I got nothing.

Alright, so my suggestions on how to improve this level. 1) movewindow Move this window where I show it in the picture. Then move the pipe entrance right where the wooden door was so that the point of interest is this pipe(and so that players can see it through the window clearly). Then contrast this pipe put a bright red light indicating you can't enter it or something.

2) 2015-11-07_00005 Move this control room here. That way I can easily access it after closing the pipes AND the pumps. movethecontrolroom Now I can clearly see the pipes. 3) Add these 2 computer controlled pipes. No idea where you can place them but if the controll room is moved to the front then you will have to do some refurnishing in the building. It would also be cool if you could make these cpu pipes visible from the control room. The scheme should also be remapped to correctly show how pipes and pumps correlate in the facility. And please change the water pool icon to be more readable. I had no idea what it meant.

Add sound effects for the pipes to indicate water flowing through them, again , I had to check multiple times if water was flowing on the computer. I think pump mechanic should be changed, instead of closing the pumps turn them on or off.

Finally, the key to the tunnels thing is stupid: 1)You have no idea what door leads to what 2)It is pretty much the water pipe entrance solution but with extra steps 3)Player is not rewarded for doing these extra steps

ontrigger commented 8 years ago

I've made some edits to my 2 previous posts, check them out. I've also been thinking on an improved layout for the level, if you think my additions could work tell me right now and I will post my version of the layout

ontrigger commented 8 years ago

Tunnel3: The raft ride is bad:

How to make it fun?

Raft movement should be controlled by triggers/cpu 80% of the time

Players are able to rotate the raft by standing on a corner

Dynamic raft destruction (Helps building tension if some part split off; Players at the end will likely have their rafts look almost completely destroyed This will make them think that they were close to death thus feel very good)

Make slight changes to caves and the tunnel itself

ontrigger commented 8 years ago

So here's a summary:

Oskutin commented 8 years ago

Toiled should be fixed now :D

ontrigger commented 8 years ago

What about everything else?

Oskutin commented 8 years ago

Some have already been fixed by some degree and taking feedbacks into account. Some still need some work. The raft ride is bit problematic, altough some major flaws has been already removed from it.