loiste-interactive / infra-issues

This is the public issue tracker for INFRA.
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Global suggestions #98

Open N-G-Neer opened 8 years ago

N-G-Neer commented 8 years ago

Those aren't bugs, but ways I think the game could be improved. A lot of small stuff.

ghost commented 8 years ago

Hey, thanks for taking the time to type out all this feedback.

In the tunnel1 level, when trying to bring the missing handle to the door after the water rerouting puzzle, the player keeps dropping said handle after climbing a crate. Either put a small hole in the fence for the player to drop the handle to the other side or allow the player to keep holding the handle when climbing stuff.

You can actually throw the handle over to the other side with MOUSE1. I suppose this could use a tutorial message. It is kind of buggy how held items work when climbing though. I was thinking of not being able to climb while holding stuff.

[APPARENTLY THE SUBTITLES TELL YOU WHERE NOT TO SNAP PICTURES. NEVERMIND THAT ONE] After a certain point in the game (around tunnel4 I'd say), I feel most damaged structures don't count as reportable damages anymore. Like damaged catwalks and such. Are those because the facilities are supposed to be abandoned thus not requiring maintenance ?

The "focus rectangle" on the camera screen will also "zoom in" if you can take a picture of something. There is also a sound effect that plays when taking a successful picture. I think that this could be made more evident (and satisfying) by adding a subtle color correction effect when taking a successful picture.

Also, in the furnace level, I had a really hard time figuring out the crane puzzle. I found the note indicating that the crane remote was an electrical hazard (and I died a few time trying to push it anyway) and I did not realize that only SOME of the buttons were dangerous. I don't know. Maybe I'm just incredibly stupid, but I feel this particular puzzle could use a bit more clarification

I agree. I opened issue #122 for this.

Apparently, subtitles mention that you don't need to take pictures of certain places. It would be a good idea to display this message even with subtitles turned off. I spend a while looking around in abandoned places, wondering why I couldn't snap any pictures :P (battery packs count is also useful information to display, regardless of subtitle activation)

We haven't finished writing the dialogue yet, but in the end these are going to be voiced dialog. The beta could use some kind of note about turning on subtitles though. Or I suppose I could just force them on in the beta.

Whenever the player is at a scenic point (that platform facing the dam, the top of the tower at Stalburg Steel) have the music loop for as long as the player is in the vicinity and make it slowly fade out when the player leaves instead of playing it once and then stopping.

This is a really good idea.

In the tunnel3 level, while original, the raft section is a bit hard compared to the rest of the level. The controls are a bit wonky. Plus there are a ton of damaged structures that you can't take pictures of because you're too busy trying not to die ;P Maybe don't make the raft so fragile ? Maybe make the headlight a little brighter and with a bigger radius ? Maybe make the tunnels a little less narrow ? Maybe put a chair the player has to sit on to start and let the player steer with the W/D keys ? Maybe have the raft on autopilot and let the player dodge obstacles that would make him fall off ? (Like low metal beams and electrical cables, falling debris and barrels, maybe have the raft pass under a really narrow passage and have the player climb a ladder and rush to the other side to try and catch up the raft...) I don't know what is the best to improve this section but I feel it needs to be improved.

Yeah, I think that we all feel like the raft section could use some love. I think that the raft controls fine as it is, but there are a few other issues. It's kind of hard to perceive where the edges of the raft are. I suppose we could add glowsticks or something to remedy this?

The raft should also probably be able to sustain at least one hit before falling apart.

In the tunnel1 level, I liked the old alarm and opening sounds better for the first heavy door. They sounded more like heavy machinery.

I actually like the new ones better! I think that the old ones might have been Valve sounds anyway, which we can't use.

In the reserve1 level, the sound when cutting the chain/lock with the bolt cutter is saturated and low-fi. Maybe change it to something else ?

I agree. This sound is terrible.

Sometimes, reading papers is difficult. If you crouch you're too low, if you point your flashlight at it it's too bright, etc...When the player is looking at important documents (letters for example) have a small semi-transparent window appear with the complete transcript of what is written (if Source allows such a thing). Like this : https://youtu.be/qMcXrowEJ6A?t=615 (Or at least allow the camera to get up close, like when interacting with the computer at the pumping station)

I agree. This needs changing. As I mentioned in #74, at one point we had a system where you could use notes and the camera would zoom in. We never fully finished implementing this though, and we had to cut it to get a playtest build out. It's certainly worth revisiting.

In the tunnel1 level, the missing floor panels behind the break-room, next to the A2 pipe are a hazard. The player should be able to take a picture of them. (The missing planks on the wooden bridge near the sawmill counted as a reportable hazard) Maybe remove one crack on the wall to compensate (there are already two in this area)

Yeah, this is a bug. It should be photographable.

Last thing, little question : How are you supposed to access the dynamite filled cavern at the end of the water tunnel ? Is the raft supposed to go through the half-opened gates ? (I found out about it by no-clipping ._.)

I have no idea. I think @Oskutin might be able to answer this one.

More indoor places need to have working light switches. I'm not saying all dark tunnels should be bright as day, but at least the office buildings like in watertreatment. The only one I've found so far is the wood company offices.

While I agree, this is a bit problematic. Source Engine only allows for a certain amount of lightmapped lights that can be dynamically turned on/off. I suppose this could be implementable with projected textures in certain locations though.

N-G-Neer commented 8 years ago

(About throwing the missing handle) : Yeah, I noticed afterwards that you could indeed throw stuff. I was trying to do it the weird way (by letting go while swinging. Didn't go over so well :P)

(About taking pictures of damaged stuff) : I already knew that ^^ I was just wondering at the time why I couldn't take pictures in certain areas. I think that in tunnel4, you can take pictures of the breaking elevator next to the water sensor box and the collapsed exit staircase, but you can't take a picture of the damaged catwalk leading to said elevator's upper level. Also, I think the "corruption" sound for taking pictures of incriminating evidences could be a little louder or something. (I also found about this game mechanic by accident ^^)

(About subtitles) : I think forcing them on for the beta phase would reduce confusion as well.

(About the scenic spots) : Yeah, you guys have awesome music. Don't be afraid to use it ! I hope there will be more of those beautiful spots throughout the game. I didn't know the Source Engine could display an entire town without dying on the spot. Must have taken a lot of mesh optimization I assume.

(About the raft section) : Good luck with that one, whatever the solution you may come up with ^^. I really liked that there was actually foreshadowing ever since reserve3, with the missing deck posters ^^ Also, there's a bit of a treacherous spot right at the end of tunnel3. You can either go left in a dark and narrow tunnel with yet more chances of drowning, or you have this small nook with green mushrooms, a deck chair and what looks like an opening you can crawl through. But once you've hit shore, you're stuck. (I think ?)

(About the alarm sounds) : Oh well, I guess I tend to prefer whatever I hear first ^^

(About reading notes) : I hope you will be able to implement that system. Sounds like the most sensible way to do things.

(About indoor lights) : Well, if it's an engine limitation then, it's understandable. Maybe keep a few of them on in the office buildings ? Nobody cares about the infrastructures, why should they care about saving electricity they're not going to pay for ? xP

Lastly, I like that the player keeps inventory of how many battery packs he has (via subtitles). But I thing the dialog should make a difference between the small batteries for your camera and the big ones for your flashlight. Also, if you press R while holding nothing, the game should tell you how many of each you are carrying (not just when picking them up or changing them)

And lastly lastly, thank you so much for using some of my logos (the MAIN-SIX on the water sensor boxes) I'll keep my eyes peeled for the other ones if you plan to use them :)

Anyway, good luck with everything !

Oskutin commented 8 years ago

Dynamite cave can be accessed by opening the floodgates. Generators needs to be turned on, then open the floodgates from the upper level.

N-G-Neer commented 8 years ago
  • In the reserve1 level, the water sensor box on the other side of the bridge beeps when it's working and is silent when there is a problem. This should be the other way around and for all of them. (Quiet when working, alarm when something needs maintenance)

Some additional feedback on this :

  • Sometimes, reading papers is difficult. If you crouch you're too low, if you point your flashlight at it it's too bright, etc...When the player is looking at important documents (letters for example) have a small semi-transparent window appear with the complete transcript of what is written (if Source allows such a thing). Like this : https://youtu.be/qMcXrowEJ6A?t=615 (Or at least allow the camera to get up close, like when interacting with the computer at the pumping station)

Thank you for implementing the "computer close-up" camera for all important documents. This really makes it easier to read :)

  • In the tunnel1 level, when trying to bring the missing handle to the door after the water rerouting puzzle, the player keeps dropping said handle after climbing a crate. Either put a small hole in the fence for the player to drop the handle to the other side or allow the player to keep holding the handle when climbing stuff.

The player now holds onto whatever he is carrying when climbing stuff ^^.

  • Also, in the furnace level, I had a really hard time figuring out the crane puzzle. I found the note indicating that the crane remote was an electrical hazard (and I died a few time trying to push it anyway) and I did not realize that only SOME of the buttons were dangerous. I don't know. Maybe I'm just incredibly stupid, but I feel this particular puzzle could use a bit more clarification.

Now the individual use highlights make it much clearer that you can choose which button to push.

  • More indoor places need to have working light switches. I'm not saying all dark tunnels should be bright as day, but at least the office buildings like in watertreatment. The only one I've found so far is the wood company offices.

A substantial amount of rooms have been brightened up. Thanks !